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Trump Admin - "Illegal" Bussing Plan?!

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Jebus F'ing Krampus!

article said:
White House officials have tried to pressure U.S. immigration authorities to release detainees onto the streets of “sanctuary cities” to retaliate against President Trump’s political adversaries, according to Department of Homeland Security officials and email messages reviewed by The Washington Post.

Trump administration officials have proposed transporting detained immigrants to sanctuary cities at least twice in the past six months — once in November, as a migrant caravan approached the U.S. southern border, and again in February, amid a standoff with Democrats over funding for Trump’s border wall.


White House officials first broached the plan in a Nov. 16 email, asking officials at several agencies whether members of the caravan could be arrested at the border and then bused “to small- and mid-sized sanctuary cities,” places where local authorities have refused to hand over illegal immigrants for deportation.
Apparently nothing is out of bounds with the upper echelon in the Trump Admin, though this seems to have been too much even for Nielsen. It should be remembered that most people coming up to the border these days are asking for asylum, not trying to sneak across the border. So the whole arresting thing is bad to begin with. Then, to bus the detainees to cities that aren't cooperating with ICE as political revenge?
Hmm... wonder if shipping asylum seekers to these cities would actually help. They might be able to actually get their asylum request looked at in a reasonable amount of time, as opposed to indefinite detention.

And what would the MAGA crowd think of Trump wanting to release ‘rapists’ and ‘terrorists’ onto the streets of America?
Hmm... wonder if shipping asylum seekers to these cities would actually help. They might be able to actually get their asylum request looked at in a reasonable amount of time, as opposed to indefinite detention.

That is why they weren't contemplating sending them to the larger sanctuary cities, just the small and medium sized ones. The idea was to punish them by trying to overwhelm them with immigrants, and large cities would have no problem absorbing them, so it would not have the intended affect of hurting anyone. That is the primary reason that the Trump admin does anything, they want to punish, or otherwise hurt anyone that does not think like them.
Hmm... wonder if shipping asylum seekers to these cities would actually help. They might be able to actually get their asylum request looked at in a reasonable amount of time, as opposed to indefinite detention.

And what would the MAGA crowd think of Trump wanting to release ‘rapists’ and ‘terrorists’ onto the streets of America?

It's still the feds looking at those requests--and I'm sure the staff to do so has been cut beyond the bone.
So instead of asylum seekers having their children ripped from their arms and locked in cages for who knows how long, we're going to bus them to rich American cities where they'll have an easier time of finding jobs, housing, and legal advice.

Yes, I'm sure that will discourage anyone from seeking asylum here in America.


It would seem that the more President Trump blusters about a problem, the worse it gets.
Heard Jonah Goldberg talking out of both sides of his mouth about this on NPR this morning. Saying the media shouldn't cover it (dumb media, you are just being trolled), but had to (well Trump did confirm it was on the table). That both sides are stopping progress on illegal immigration, which is bullshit. George W. Bush had a plan which the GOP refused to discuss... and Obama put forth the Dreamers idea.
This only hurts Trump supporters. By and large, the left doesn't care if their cities receive more immigrants. In fact, since immigrants commit fewer crimes than natural born citizens, one could make the argument that Trump is making these cities safer. Yet, Trump supporters in these same cities don't want any more brown people than they have already. Another brilliantly conceived plan by the Trump administration. Added bonus: There's no plausible legal reason why the government would do this when standing before a judge in court.
I have no objection to new neighbors. But

A. Why does anyone think that immigrants will stay where they are put, rather than just hopping on a bus and going to wherever they were from/going to already?

B. Who is going to pay for all this?
It may be illegal but in this case he makes a point. Get across the border and you generally get a future court date. You then despair into the USA and join the underground economy.

I doubt the ardent Trump antagonists world welcome a few busloads of uneducated, unskilled, non English speaking people in their neighborhoods. Martha's Vineyard?How about Hollywood Ca?

While Trump is a pig there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around in the open immigration supporters.

The asylum system was not intended to handle such large numbers of economic refugees. Most people in the Northern Triangle have to deal with oppressive government and crime and violence. Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador.

There is a crisis, we are overwhelmed at the border. It is like a bathtub being filled faster than it drains.
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