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Trump Advisor Chump of Russian Spies

Nunes is a member of the House of Representatives, and is not affiliated with the FBI.

James Hacker said nothing either.

I can only assume you mean James Clapper. He is the former DNI for the Obama administration, and not a representative of the FBI.

Democrats were not irked with FBI director earlier in January 2017, James Comey after briefing on Russian hacking of election because it did not take place.

The event to which you refer was a closed door briefing to the Senate Intelligence Committe. Any information released to the public regarding the content of the briefing would be either speculation, or a leak.

Top US Intelligence Officials DID NOT Brief Obama, Senate on Russia Hacking on 05 January 2017.

This is either the same exact event as above, or qualifies equally as a closed door briefing to which the public was not privvy. Also "Top US Intelligence Officials" is not the same as "The FBI".

Republicans DID NOT lose patience with FBI on Russia, Trump campaign ties information during briefing 16 March 2017

This was a briefing to the Senate Judiciary Committee, once again behind closed doors.

There have been briefings unless these were all fake news reports.
So given the briefings this year started in January 2017 there have been at least 4 briefings but perhaps I can search to see if there ar any more.

And they were either not done by the FBI, or done behind closed doors for the President, or select members of Congress. We, the public, were not the audience for these briefings, and whether or not they contained anything of value regarding the ongoing investigation could only be a matter of speculation for any of us.

That's my point; your last point. We can't do more than speculate (or not) at this time.

While you eventually got to making that point in another thread (after having repeatedly stating positively that there was no evidence), that is not the point that I was responding to in this thread, which is the following:

The FBI has given briefings and updates but it should really only do so when it has something of value.

I understand it can be hard to remember which unsubstantiated allegation you are defending when you make so many of them, but please try to keep track your own points in the future.
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