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Trump - Alleged Poor Empathy

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Well, we know Trump is a narcissist. Anyone that has dealt with a narcissist understands they are dealing with one based on a few tells. The alleged phone call with a mother that lost a son was one of them. Granted, this is hearsay, but as I said, the statement is a narcissist tell.

Donald Trump said:
...he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt.
Now, a person that is good with words and has human empathy would say the same thing, just completely differently.

The statement above indicates an inability to communicate empathy, not an intentional attempt to harm a widower. I would find it odd for the source of this claim, a Democrat Representative from Florida, to present such a statement which, while really ugly and careless, isn't without any emotion.

Of course, Trump denies it.
Trump Tweet said:
Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!
And Trump has "proof". Yeah, we've heard that bullshit before.

Meanwhile I bet John Kelly heard about Trump calling the families and asked "Someone gave him a script right... No?! You mean he is trying to wing it?! SHIT!!!" *darts off leaving a puff of dust behind*
Well, we know Trump is a narcissist. Anyone that has dealt with a narcissist understands they are dealing with one based on a few tells. The alleged phone call with a mother that lost a son was one of them. Granted, this is hearsay, but as I said, the statement is a narcissist tell.

Now, a person that is good with words and has human empathy would say the same thing, just completely differently.

The statement above indicates an inability to communicate empathy, not an intentional attempt to harm a widower. I would find it odd for the source of this claim, a Democrat Representative from Florida, to present such a statement which, while really ugly and careless, isn't without any emotion.

Of course, Trump denies it.
Trump Tweet said:
Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!
And Trump has "proof". Yeah, we've heard that bullshit before.

Meanwhile I bet John Kelly heard about Trump calling the families and asked "Someone gave him a script right... No?! You mean he is trying to wing it?! SHIT!!!" *darts off leaving a puff of dust behind*

Yea, he's always claiming that he has proof!
Narcissus in Chains

You are so, so kind to FFvC, I ,mean really kind. Yes, it is alleged, but since Don the Con is such a habitual liar and has the empathy of a cockroach, that this story is quite believable. Though I doubt this will have much impact upon the Trumpsters, even as it cements further distaste of him among the middle/independent voters.

The statement above indicates an inability to communicate empathy, not an intentional attempt to harm a widower.
Duh! FFvC is a classic narcissist, so yeah 'whats empathy'. The widower is simply a prop...while he needs to be showered with praise.
You are so, so kind to FFvC, I ,mean really kind. Yes, it is alleged, but since Don the Con is such a habitual liar and has the empathy of a cockroach, that this story is quite believable. Though I doubt this will have much impact upon the Trumpsters, even as it cements further distaste of him among the middle/independent voters.

The statement above indicates an inability to communicate empathy, not an intentional attempt to harm a widower.
Duh! FFvC is a classic narcissist, so yeah 'whats empathy'. The widower is simply a prop...while he needs to be showered with praise.
My point was more that if the Representative wanted to make something up, I doubt it would have included such nuance. The alleged statement is exactly what a narcissist would say.
Well the groper in chief is if nothing else but predictable. He will tell lies and put his foot in his mouth daily. While the grunting old party says nothing.
You are so, so kind to FFvC, I ,mean really kind. Yes, it is alleged, but since Don the Con is such a habitual liar and has the empathy of a cockroach, that this story is quite believable. Though I doubt this will have much impact upon the Trumpsters, even as it cements further distaste of him among the middle/independent voters.

Duh! FFvC is a classic narcissist, so yeah 'whats empathy'. The widower is simply a prop...while he needs to be showered with praise.
My point was more that if the Representative wanted to make something up, I doubt it would have included such nuance. The alleged statement is exactly what a narcissist would say.
Yeah, I doubt she would have made up such nuance as well, but then she possibly could be a good liar. FFvC actually isn't that good of a liar, partly just by the sheer volume of lies weakens the believe-ability, and partly by his lack of recognition of just how flat so many of his outlandish lies land. I would give this story higher odds that it is true, than it is not...
My point was more that if the Representative wanted to make something up, I doubt it would have included such nuance. The alleged statement is exactly what a narcissist would say.
Let's see a little test of this then.

Now, a person that is good with words and has human empathy would say the same thing, just completely differently.
Okay, how do you think a person described here would say the same thing, yet completely differently?
Let's see a little test of this then.

Now, a person that is good with words and has human empathy would say the same thing, just completely differently.
Okay, how do you think a person described here would say the same thing, yet completely differently?

Though I am not the poster who made that statement, I think I can take a stab at it. Here is the alleged quote, just to give us the starting point:
"he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt."

Someone who actually has empathy about a situation will put that empathy up front, so instead of starting with talking about him knowing what he signed up for, you start by saying you understand the hurt. You also don't have to guess about the hurt, if you actually have a smidgen of empathy, you will actually know that they are hurting. It is really that simple, and you don't even have to be good with words to convey it. To say it like Trump likely would using his own poor speaking skills, but adding empathy, it would go something like this:

"I know you must be hurting bigly, and while it is without question, without question (sotto voice), that your son knew what he was signing up for, he did so with amazing bravery, really the best bravery, I mean he must have been brave, who knew how brave he was? So, while you must be hugely proud of your son, I am sorry for the massive pain you must feel."
Now, a person that is good with words and has human empathy would say the same thing, just completely differently.
Okay, how do you think a person described here would say the same thing, yet completely differently?

Are you really that bereft of understanding?

Try this:
"Your son is a hero who voluntarily put himself in harm's way for the greater benefit of his nation. It is sad beyond words that he paid the ultimate price for his courage."

NOT "These are the hardest calls for me" and other the other shit about Trump that Trump readily offers.
"I know you must be hurting bigly..."
And that's when the mother quickly snaps back: "How dare you think you know anywhere near what I feel!" "Hey, did you even have to bury a son, let alone one who was killed in combat serving this country with a president as cold-hearted and arrogant as yourself?"
Okay, how do you think a person described here would say the same thing, yet completely differently?

Are you really that bereft of understanding?
Am I?

Try this:
"Your son is a hero who voluntarily put himself in harm's way for the greater benefit of his nation. It is sad beyond words that he paid the ultimate price for his courage."
Again, the mother crudely interrupts: "Tell me something that I didn't already know before, or was constantly afraid of hearing later from some jackass like yourself!"
Again, the mother crudely interrupts: "Tell me something that I didn't already know before, or was constantly afraid of hearing later from some jackass like yourself!"
If the mother crudely interrupts, it's grief expressing as anger. So then the question becomes, could Trump empathize and skillfully deal with that if it happened? Answer: Given the evidence of what and how he is, almost certainly not.
Are you really that bereft of understanding?
Am I?

Try this:
"Your son is a hero who voluntarily put himself in harm's way for the greater benefit of his nation. It is sad beyond words that he paid the ultimate price for his courage."
Again, the mother crudely interrupts: "Tell me something that I didn't already know before, or was constantly afraid of hearing later from some jackass like yourself!"

Yeah, much better to say "He knew what he was getting into". That way there's no chance she'd interrupt, since she'd be shocked into silence by the jackass' stunning stupidity and lack of empathy.
We sure as hell can't have some uppity nigger bitch interrupting our Great Prezidint!
And there's more. Trump offered a grieving military father $25,000 in a call, but didn’t follow through

President Trump, in a personal phone call to a grieving military father, offered him $25,000 and said he would direct his staff to establish an online fundraiser for the family, but neither happened, the father said.
Trump said this week that he has "called every family of somebody that's died, and it's the hardest call to make." At least 20 Americans have been killed in action since he became commander in chief in January. The Washington Post interviewed the families of 13 and found that his interactions with them varied. About half had received phone calls, they said. The others said they had not heard from the president.
Again, the mother crudely interrupts: "Tell me something that I didn't already know before, or was constantly afraid of hearing later from some jackass like yourself!"
If the mother crudely interrupts, it's grief expressing as anger.
She doesn't do anything of the sort, because she is supposed to be a good little mourner. The real point of my illustration is that there are really no pleasing words, only such platitudes from a kind of Hallmark card. The mother is obviously an adult, but she is forced into a wretched position that has to make her look like a child.
So then the question becomes, could Trump empathize and skillfully deal with that if it happened? Answer: Given the evidence of what and how he is, almost certainly not.
His response, no matter how ill-conceived it may have sounded to others, was at least his words, and not basically a well-rehearsed form letter as most presidents give.
Am I?

Try this:
"Your son is a hero who voluntarily put himself in harm's way for the greater benefit of his nation. It is sad beyond words that he paid the ultimate price for his courage."
Again, the mother crudely interrupts: "Tell me something that I didn't already know before, or was constantly afraid of hearing later from some jackass like yourself!"

Yeah, much better to say "He knew what he was getting into". That way there's no chance she'd interrupt, since she'd be shocked into silence by the jackass' stunning stupidity and lack of empathy.
We sure as hell can't have some uppity nigger bitch interrupting our Great Prezidint!
I certainly have no problem if she wants to complain. Since Trump speaks his mind, of course she should be able to freely speak hers as well.
And there's more. Trump offered a grieving military father $25,000 in a call, but didn’t follow through

President Trump, in a personal phone call to a grieving military father, offered him $25,000 and said he would direct his staff to establish an online fundraiser for the family, but neither happened, the father said.
Trump said this week that he has "called every family of somebody that's died, and it's the hardest call to make." At least 20 Americans have been killed in action since he became commander in chief in January. The Washington Post interviewed the families of 13 and found that his interactions with them varied. About half had received phone calls, they said. The others said they had not heard from the president.

There are reports from many families of fallen soldiers that they've never heard anything from Trump, not even gotten letters.

BTW, I heard it reported today the number is 25.
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