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Trump and Jesus


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Feb 26, 2006
United States-Texas
Basic Beliefs
Not trying to be political, but do you think there are parallels between Donald Trump's followers and the earliest followers of Jesus?

Jesus and Trump both lied

Jesus may have been an insurrectionist like Trump.

Ect ect .

Both have or had followers that cannot digest information that is contrary to how they are conditioned to view their hero. Both men have any criticisms fall flat.

I'm not a sociologist so cannot frame what I'm asking as well as I wish. But I think you have the idea what I'm getting at.
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I actually don't think they were anything alike.

My conception of Jesus was as an autistic mystic.

I'm not so sure Jesus could be said to be a liar; rather I don't think people well understood what they had to say or how they thought about things.

What can be said is that whoever those stories were written of, that person unequivocally hated greed.

At any rate, the way Jesus was written he's about as far from Smallhands as it gets.
Striking parallels, for the true believers.
I. Both predicted they'd suffer persecution, and that they'd suffer it as a scapegoat for the rest of the people.
II. Both claimed horrible apocalyptic events would follow.
III. Still, a glorious end game is hinted at ('I alone can fix it'//'I will take away the sins of the world.')
IV. I assume both declared, "Yo, Semite!"; Jesus, when he was presented to the High Priest.
V. Both were said to consort with whores, and both made a claim of virtue in those contacts. I don't believe Stormy got around to washing Donald's little feet, however.
VI. Mother of Donald: Mary.... Father of Donald (if not the H.S.): Fred Christ Trump...

Evidence that demands a verdict!!
From reporting and bios of Trump he is an intuitive con artist.

A comedian commented like a pro comedian does he says things, watches reaction, and by trial and error figures out what works to get support.

Like dictators throughput history he uses religion.

People like Jesus were common in his day. Alleged miracle workers. There were always cults and followers.

Germans loved Hitler in the beginning, he knew how to push deep cultural buttons.

I don't think us humans are much different than back then.

Look at fanatical sports fans and follows of pop culture icons.

Hendrix was self destructive and Kurt Cobain blew his head off. Both are pop culture heroes.

That Trump has ardent supporters is no surprise.
Nobody has clue the first what Jesus was like, or even whether he was a person, or is a legend built from parts of several persons, or a purely fictional character.

Jesus isn't "like" anything, he is a legendary character who is "like" whatever the person telling the tale wants him to be "like".

Even amongst Christians who are 100% completely convinced that they know exactly what Jesus was "like", there is massive disagreement about literally every single trait.

The strongest agreements are probably about his appearance - and the beliefs about that directly and massively contradict the known appearance of the inhabitants of Judea in his era.

Trumps followers are exactly like followers of Jesus, in that neither is grounded in reality in any way. And that applies to both early followers of Jesus, and today's followers - two groups that would agree in very little.
I'd say the parallel of Trump to "Jesus" is Trump being the anti-Christ. It sounds like hyperbole, but there is a growing group within the Christian faith that view Trump as... I don't know what, but some standard of upper-religious authority greatness.

He is clearly the antithesis of Jesus and the Gospels. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with not believing in god, but I think the book of Revelations warns of followers who ultimately follow the wrong guy. And it just seems to be a perfect parallel here. They have effectively welded Jesus and an atheist together, and they seem utterly blind to it.

That said, the most religious Christians I've known hate Trump. People that work to the goals stated by Jesus, not adherence to the racism and outdated bullshit found in the Tanakh. But a lot of the flag waving Christians love the guy.
Nobody has clue the first what Jesus was like, or even whether he was a person, or is a legend built from parts of several persons, or a purely fictional character.

Jesus isn't "like" anything, he is a legendary character who is "like" whatever the person telling the tale wants him to be "like".

Even amongst Christians who are 100% completely convinced that they know exactly what Jesus was "like", there is massive disagreement about literally every single trait.

The strongest agreements are probably about his appearance - and the beliefs about that directly and massively contradict the known appearance of the inhabitants of Judea in his era.

Trumps followers are exactly like followers of Jesus, in that neither is grounded in reality in any way. And that applies to both early followers of Jesus, and today's followers - two groups that would agree in very little.
The reality is that there are a few different archetypes that might fit, from used car salesman huckster (like Hubbard), to sex cult leader (Re: sex cults), to autistic "mystics".

It's more likely to me that the "autistic mystic" archetype is the best fit given the temple tantrum, the fact they hated greed, and the absence of weird sex stuff... But that might be personal bias talking since I'm autistic, and fit the "mystic" archetype for all I'm a physicalist.
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