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Trump approval has been trending upward

According to Rasmussen he's the most super popular President ever. Suck it, libs!
U.S. Unemployment Rate Falls to Lowest Level Since 1969

WASHINGTON—Unemployment in September hit the lowest level since the Vietnam War, with little indication it is going to shoot back up in the near term.

The jobless rate fell to 3.7%, the lowest since December 1969, the Labor Department said Friday. Employers added 134,000 jobs to payrolls, a record 96th straight month of gains. Wages rose 2.8% from a year earlier, a solid if still unspectacular rise.

“This is the best job market in a generation or more,” said Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist at recruiting site Glassdoor.

Unemployment rates below 4% are extremely rare in 70 years of modern record-keeping.
I predict that the whole Kavanaugh thing will boost the Republicans in the midterm election and decrease the blue wave.
I predict that the whole Kavanaugh thing will boost the Republicans in the midterm election and decrease the blue wave.

If it does, then America deserves what it fucking gets and they need to stop saying that Trump is an aberration who doesn’t represent them as a country.
I predict that the whole Kavanaugh thing will boost the Republicans in the midterm election and decrease the blue wave.

I agree. But the ultimate sign that there is not going to be a blue wave is the economy. Mid term elections are a referendum on the economy. Statistics after statistics show it.

I predict that the whole Kavanaugh thing will boost the Republicans in the midterm election and decrease the blue wave.

If it does, then America deserves what it fucking gets and they need to stop saying that Trump is an aberration who doesn’t represent them as a country.

Yep. He doesn't in all actuality, considering what most Americans want (e.g. healthcare), represent anyone except the top 1-5%. However, what he does represent is the anti-intellectual, willfully ignorant tumor on America's collective brain. If those who didn't bother to vote last time, or those who voted for Stein, etc. don't bother to show up for this election, then they've chosen to forego the removal of that tumor and let the rest of the body die.
U.S. Unemployment Rate Falls to Lowest Level Since 1969

WASHINGTON—Unemployment in September hit the lowest level since the Vietnam War, with little indication it is going to shoot back up in the near term.

The jobless rate fell to 3.7%, the lowest since December 1969, the Labor Department said Friday. Employers added 134,000 jobs to payrolls, a record 96th straight month of gains. Wages rose 2.8% from a year earlier, a solid if still unspectacular rise.

“This is the best job market in a generation or more,” said Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist at recruiting site Glassdoor.

Unemployment rates below 4% are extremely rare in 70 years of modern record-keeping.

But we aren't seeing the wage growth that should come from such a low unemployment rate. Thus there's something wrong with the unemployment rate--and the answer is almost certainly the gig economy. We have a lot of people "employed" at jobs that are better than doing nothing but generally end up being below minimum wage in reality.
I predict that the whole Kavanaugh thing will boost the Republicans in the midterm election and decrease the blue wave.

I think that would have been the case had he not been confirmed (as it appears he will now, a half hour before the vote). As it is, once trumpsuckers get what they've been crying about, a lot of them will return to their natural somatic state. Cheato will have to drum up some other hate stimulus to get them back off their couches (and I'm sure he will, though he may not be able to re-create today's level of mouth-frothing). Meanwhile, I don't see women's anger subsiding significantly in the next few weeks.
A blue wave was never a probability in my mind, but remains a strong possibility... maybe a 45% chance of taking the House and a 5% chance of taking the Senate, but it depends on the level of $upport the rethuglicans get from their good Uncle Vlad, among other things.
Trump approval is near his term highs at 42.2% average.

Also, support for Democrats in congressional races has been dropping somewhat. Not a good sign for the mid-terms.



Yep, I'm worried. And I think that if the democrats do the traditional elect a boring policy wonk (Sanders or Warren); Trump will win again in two years.
U.S. Unemployment Rate Falls to Lowest Level Since 1969

WASHINGTON—Unemployment in September hit the lowest level since the Vietnam War, with little indication it is going to shoot back up in the near term.

The jobless rate fell to 3.7%, the lowest since December 1969, the Labor Department said Friday. Employers added 134,000 jobs to payrolls, a record 96th straight month of gains. Wages rose 2.8% from a year earlier, a solid if still unspectacular rise.

“This is the best job market in a generation or more,” said Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist at recruiting site Glassdoor.

Unemployment rates below 4% are extremely rare in 70 years of modern record-keeping.

But we aren't seeing the wage growth that should come from such a low unemployment rate. Thus there's something wrong with the unemployment rate--and the answer is almost certainly the gig economy. We have a lot of people "employed" at jobs that are better than doing nothing but generally end up being below minimum wage in reality.

I don't have stats to back me up, but I believe that is more that there is a general trend in business to flatten organizations. Companies are eliminating middle management jobs that pay more.
U.S. Unemployment Rate Falls to Lowest Level Since 1969

WASHINGTON—Unemployment in September hit the lowest level since the Vietnam War, with little indication it is going to shoot back up in the near term.

The jobless rate fell to 3.7%, the lowest since December 1969, the Labor Department said Friday. Employers added 134,000 jobs to payrolls, a record 96th straight month of gains. Wages rose 2.8% from a year earlier, a solid if still unspectacular rise.

“This is the best job market in a generation or more,” said Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist at recruiting site Glassdoor.

Unemployment rates below 4% are extremely rare in 70 years of modern record-keeping.

It's true that a healthy economy seems to cover up a lot of Presidential negatives.

But that doesn't explain why Republicans were so critical of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
I predict that the whole Kavanaugh thing will boost the Republicans in the midterm election and decrease the blue wave.

You think Americans might vote for jobs and growth and a smack down of political correctness AGAIN?

I wonder who Ms Clinton would have nominated to the Supreme Court
I predict that the whole Kavanaugh thing will boost the Republicans in the midterm election and decrease the blue wave.

You think Americans might vote for jobs and growth and a smack down of political correctness AGAIN?

I wonder who Ms Clinton would have nominated to the Supreme Court
Man, I remember when Obama was President and 4.9% unemployment was touted as a disaster. Apparently anything below it is the magic number for Republicans.

GDP growth between 2014 and 2016 was 2.6, 2.9, 1.5%.

America is voting for a lie.
I think this midterm will see historically-high levels of turnout. I suspect that it will favor Democrats, but not as much as before the latest confirmation soap-opera. I don't think women will forget, and I'd imagine that both that confirmation and the child-separation issue will fuel their turnout.

To a lesser extent, I think first-time voters will see a bump as well. Though their movement seems to be waning, I think the spate of school shootings will get more 18-year-olds to the polls, and I'd be willing to bet that they lean (D) as well.
I predict that the whole Kavanaugh thing will boost the Republicans in the midterm election and decrease the blue wave.

I agree. But the ultimate sign that there is not going to be a blue wave is the economy. Mid term elections are a referendum on the economy. Statistics after statistics show it.


That's the point of the tax cuts. Good play actually - economists say it creates an economic boost to propel a party through an election cycle before a correction happens.

Economically, the US didn't need to play that card, the global economy is driving the US economy, just like it did for Clinton.

Politically it made sense for the GOP, they needed something to call a victory, as long as it lasts through the midterms.

Obama gets probably more credit than he deserves for the success of the US economy - all he had to fo was not screw it up, and he didnt.

The tax cuts threw a wrench into an already working machine. Good luck with that.
There is no predicting popularity polls with Americans.

They are fickle and incredibly ignorant and have the attention span and memory of a gnat.

His popularity is high now because he got a complete asshole appointed to the Court.

This bully "Justice" (what a joke) is against the freedom to have an abortion, get in your place women, so to the Christians absolutely nothing else matters.
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