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Trump approval has been trending upward

But we aren't seeing the wage growth that should come from such a low unemployment rate. Thus there's something wrong with the unemployment rate--and the answer is almost certainly the gig economy. We have a lot of people "employed" at jobs that are better than doing nothing but generally end up being below minimum wage in reality.

I don't have stats to back me up, but I believe that is more that there is a general trend in business to flatten organizations. Companies are eliminating middle management jobs that pay more.

That's been going on for a long time. I don't think it explains the current pattern.
Funny thing about the economy? People remember 1998 and a booming economy? And the Dems gained only 5 seats in the House and the Republicans maintained control.

We have gotten to a point in our democracy where the Dems need the Republicans to blow through half a trillion in an occupation that leads to the death of maiming of 10,000 US soldiers to take control of Congress. Meanwhile, the Republicans only need to make up a bunch of shit (death panels, socialism) to gain it back. The electorate is fucking up the US.

The GOP made a lot of promises to fix problems that didn't exist in the 90s. So they solved welfare problems that didn't exist. And now we hear the exact same problems are an issue today. They wanted to "fix" social security and Medicare, nothing. They wanted to address illegal immigration, nothing. They were going to stop nation building, Iraq. End deficit spending, not even remotely close.

And they keep getting elected!
Trump approval is near his term highs at 42.2% average.

Also, support for Democrats in congressional races has been dropping somewhat. Not a good sign for the mid-terms.



Yep, I'm worried. And I think that if the democrats do the traditional elect a boring policy wonk (Sanders or Warren); Trump will win again in two years.

LOL You think either of those people would be a traditional Democratic choice? Get real Harry. Get real.
Considering the economic stats, which are not a miraculous event considering how good they were already in 2016 -- but are endlessly exploitable by the GOP -- Trump's numbers are horrible. 42% means that he has his predictable slavish 'Fifth Avenue Republicans' -- the folks you see in his rally who rant and chant and guffaw like jolly brownshirts at his quips and 'voices' -- who are around 33% of us. And he's picked up another 9% of so-called independents. Those independents are pretty squishy, because at the start of August, Donald's numbers were somewhere in the 36-38% range. A President who can brag about the economy should be sailing high above the 50% mark. The numbers are horrible for one of two basic reasons -- I'll include both so that the Trumpanzees get their due. It's either A) the totally unfair treatment Trump always gets from the Fake News or B) that he is a totally horrible, grotesque person; in fact, a coarse-minded, ignorant, dishonest, racist, Putin-sucking baby kidnapper.
Pick B.
Trump approval is near his term highs at 42.2% average.

Also, support for Democrats in congressional races has been dropping somewhat. Not a good sign for the mid-terms.



Yep, I'm worried. And I think that if the democrats do the traditional elect a boring policy wonk (Sanders or Warren); Trump will win again in two years.

LOL You think either of those people would be a traditional Democratic choice? Get real Harry. Get real.

I support the democratic party. I'll be voting democrat next election. End of story. But we elect policy wonks who are often uninspiring and boring. I'm talking about people like John Kerry, Michael Dukuosis, and HRC. Next up will most likely be either Biden, Sanders, or whinny Warren. Obama and Bill Clinton were rare democratic inspirational leaders.
Considering the economic stats, which are not a miraculous event considering how good they were already in 2016 -- but are endlessly exploitable by the GOP -- Trump's numbers are horrible. 42% means that he has his predictable slavish 'Fifth Avenue Republicans' -- the folks you see in his rally who rant and chant and guffaw like jolly brownshirts at his quips and 'voices' -- who are around 33% of us. And he's picked up another 9% of so-called independents. Those independents are pretty squishy, because at the start of August, Donald's numbers were somewhere in the 36-38% range. A President who can brag about the economy should be sailing high above the 50% mark. The numbers are horrible for one of two basic reasons -- I'll include both so that the Trumpanzees get their due. It's either A) the totally unfair treatment Trump always gets from the Fake News or B) that he is a totally horrible, grotesque person; in fact, a coarse-minded, ignorant, dishonest, racist, Putin-sucking baby kidnapper.
Pick B.

I've said for a long time that Trump has a high floor but a low ceiling. I'd be surprised if he ever polls above 50% approval, outside of a foreign attack on America a la9/11.

Wait, forget I said that.
U.S. Unemployment Rate Falls to Lowest Level Since 1969

WASHINGTON—Unemployment in September hit the lowest level since the Vietnam War, with little indication it is going to shoot back up in the near term.

The jobless rate fell to 3.7%, the lowest since December 1969, the Labor Department said Friday. Employers added 134,000 jobs to payrolls, a record 96th straight month of gains. Wages rose 2.8% from a year earlier, a solid if still unspectacular rise.

“This is the best job market in a generation or more,” said Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist at recruiting site Glassdoor.

Unemployment rates below 4% are extremely rare in 70 years of modern record-keeping.

Was this quote supposed to demonstrate what a bunch of dangerously stupid people Trump supporters are? Note the critical fact in the quote showing that these improvements were well underway for the last 6 years of Obama's presidency. And the "unspectacular" rise in wages refers to the fact that the rise under Trump has been slower than it was under Obama's second term, especially in term of median wages which matters more than average wages that get inflated by the extremely rich getting richer.
You quote economic data that shows how all the positives workers were initiated under Obama, yet use this to show the reason why Trump is gaining more support.
U.S. Unemployment Rate Falls to Lowest Level Since 1969

WASHINGTON—Unemployment in September hit the lowest level since the Vietnam War, with little indication it is going to shoot back up in the near term.

The jobless rate fell to 3.7%, the lowest since December 1969, the Labor Department said Friday. Employers added 134,000 jobs to payrolls, a record 96th straight month of gains. Wages rose 2.8% from a year earlier, a solid if still unspectacular rise.

“This is the best job market in a generation or more,” said Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist at recruiting site Glassdoor.

Unemployment rates below 4% are extremely rare in 70 years of modern record-keeping.

Was this quote supposed to demonstrate what a bunch of dangerously stupid people Trump supporters are? Note the critical fact in the quote showing that these improvements were well underway for the last 6 years of Obama's presidency. And the "unspectacular" rise in wages refers to the fact that the rise under Trump has been slower than it was under Obama's second term, especially in term of median wages which matters more than average wages that get inflated by the extremely rich getting richer.
You quote economic data that shows how all the positives workers were initiated under Obama, yet use this to show the reason why Trump is gaining more support.

Well, it probably IS a reason for Trump gaining support among the stupid and ill informed. Ask the average trumpanzee what happened to to the stock market under Obama, and they'll gleefully inform you that it was down.
Was this quote supposed to demonstrate what a bunch of dangerously stupid people Trump supporters are? Note the critical fact in the quote showing that these improvements were well underway for the last 6 years of Obama's presidency. And the "unspectacular" rise in wages refers to the fact that the rise under Trump has been slower than it was under Obama's second term, especially in term of median wages which matters more than average wages that get inflated by the extremely rich getting richer.
You quote economic data that shows how all the positives workers were initiated under Obama, yet use this to show the reason why Trump is gaining more support.

Well, it probably IS a reason for Trump gaining support among the stupid and ill informed. Ask the average trumpanzee what happened to to the stock market under Obama, and they'll gleefully inform you that it was down.

?? I'm sorry but you and Ron are communists. Trump has totally rebounded this economy. He's also lowered the deficit, brought sanity and predictability to the world, tried to fix the horror called Obama care, returned the federal land savaged by the environmentalists to the god-fearing miners, and has saved us from the Muslim invaders. Even a spot on Mt. Rushmore wouldn't be near enough adulation for this great man...
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Was this quote supposed to demonstrate what a bunch of dangerously stupid people Trump supporters are? Note the critical fact in the quote showing that these improvements were well underway for the last 6 years of Obama's presidency. And the "unspectacular" rise in wages refers to the fact that the rise under Trump has been slower than it was under Obama's second term, especially in term of median wages which matters more than average wages that get inflated by the extremely rich getting richer.
You quote economic data that shows how all the positives workers were initiated under Obama, yet use this to show the reason why Trump is gaining more support.

Well, it probably IS a reason for Trump gaining support among the stupid and ill informed. Ask the average trumpanzee what happened to to the stock market under Obama, and they'll gleefully inform you that it was down.

?? I'm sorry but you and Ron are communists. Trump is totally rebounded this economy. He's also lowered the deficit, brought sanity and predictability to the world, tried to fix the horror called Obama care, returned the federal land savaged by the environmentalists to the god-fearing miners, and has saved us from the Muslim invaders. Even a spot on Mt. Rushmore wouldn't be near enough adulation for this great man...

Yabut, a spot on Mt Rushmore is a good start:
Was this quote supposed to demonstrate what a bunch of dangerously stupid people Trump supporters are? Note the critical fact in the quote showing that these improvements were well underway for the last 6 years of Obama's presidency. And the "unspectacular" rise in wages refers to the fact that the rise under Trump has been slower than it was under Obama's second term, especially in term of median wages which matters more than average wages that get inflated by the extremely rich getting richer.
You quote economic data that shows how all the positives workers were initiated under Obama, yet use this to show the reason why Trump is gaining more support.

Well, it probably IS a reason for Trump gaining support among the stupid and ill informed. Ask the average trumpanzee what happened to to the stock market under Obama, and they'll gleefully inform you that it was down.

?? I'm sorry but you and Ron are communists. Trump has totally rebounded this economy. He's also lowered the deficit, brought sanity and predictability to the world, tried to fix the horror called Obama care, returned the federal land savaged by the environmentalists to the god-fearing miners, and has saved us from the Muslim invaders. Even a spot on Mt. Rushmore wouldn't be near enough adulation for this great man...
That is just a barely exaggerated POV of Trump brown shirts.
CNN Poll: Democrats are fired up and maintain strong 2018 lead.


That's the headline. Then you read the article and find out that it is based on CNN's own poll, and that they are saying it is 54% to 41%, and that 63% of women and 45% of men will vote for the Democrats in the midterm. All this outrage at Trump and that's the best America can come up with? Go another 2 years to the 2020 election and Trump has a very real possibility of a 2nd term.
CNN Poll: Democrats are fired up and maintain strong 2018 lead.


That's the headline. Then you read the article and find out that it is based on CNN's own poll, and that they are saying it is 54% to 41%, and that 63% of women and 45% of men will vote for the Democrats in the midterm. All this outrage at Trump and that's the best America can come up with? Go another 2 years to the 2020 election and Trump has a very real possibility of a 2nd term.

Barring election fuckery, Trump isn't getting re-elected in 2020. His electoral victory was by the slimmest of margins and his popularity has only decreased since his inauguration. He'll do well just to finish out one term.

However, the continued support of him by so many is disheartening beyond description. He should have roughly mid single digit support. It's fair to say that 5% of the population is either insane, extremely gullible, or just writing in Dr. Seuss on their ballot as a lame joke (had a friend who did this). The rest? Fuck, I don't know. Such pride in ignorance and such willful spite on this scale is new to the U.S.

The re-election of Dubbya was astounding though. I'm still shocked at it... I wish American stupidity was a stock. I'd buy shares at every opportunity.
Yesterday's stock market was a pronounced rock slide. And a lot of it was attributed to investors' distrust of Orangey's ongoing trade wars. A little more of that and we will, I hope, see his numbers below the 40% mark again.
Yesterday's stock market was a pronounced rock slide. And a lot of it was attributed to investors' distrust of Orangey's ongoing trade wars. A little more of that and we will, I hope, see his numbers below the 40% mark again.

No chance. Cheato will simply claim that the stock market is through the roof and his drooling sycophants will believe him.
Well, but his drooling sycophants are the dependable 33%, roughly. I want to see the numbers circle back to that -- keep them all in a drafty hall in Dumbfuck, West Virginia, where they can cackle at Orangey's impressions of distraught women.
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