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Trump as a master persuader

It fucking baffles me how he's persuasive to anyone.
He tells people what they want to hear. So maybe HE isn't persuasive, it's the listener who persuades himself?

I think that's it right there. He's the used car salesman telling the balding, middle-aged fat guy sitting in the convertible how good he looks in it and how he's going to get so much tail and to pay no attention to that puddle of brake fluid.
Well, you have different goals than Trump. His goal is to win the next five minutes. What happens with that win isn't particularly relevant just so long as he wins.

So, given that most Americans have the mental sophistication of a goldfish, focusing on the next 5 minutes is simply genius. and brave. For a smart person, it seems stupid to "double-talk" in the same conversation... because that smart person sees the bullshit. That smart person is pretty much alone in the room. A magician that can hide a card right in front of your face because he knows how to game your brain is doing some "brave" things... knowing what is visible to the mind and confidently pulling the wool right over your eyes, right in front of you. and it works like every time.

If the Dems let the Reps spend the energy trying to explain how the trick is done, all the while playing more tricks, then the playing field would be leveled and the fight would be a fair one.
It's not persuasion; It's manipulation. The difference being that a persuader gets support by explaining to people why they should support him, while a manipulator gets support by influencing the emotions of people such that they support him.

Trump is a master manipulator - but like the Jedi mind trick, it's only effective on the weak minded. People who are driven more by emotion than by reason. Sadly, that's a LOT of people.

He is also good at framing his opponents positions as equally emotional - he throws out half-baked nonsense, and when they respond to it with justified outrage, he can paint them as emotion driven themselves. In short, he is both a master manipulator, and a master baiter.

Bilby gets it.

I guess the Dems aren't clueless.. they just make extremely bad choices. That is probably the best reason to keep the Reps in office. At least the choices they are making are the effective ones. Maybe half their ideas are bad for half the country.... but none of the Dems ideas are ever going to happen... because of nice.
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