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Trump claims that homelessness began two years ago and he's going to do something about it!

So, those of you who hate seeing homeless people living on the streets, what is your solution? Many of the cities where homelessness is a huge problem are cities that have little if any affordable housing available, and some of the homeowners in these expensive cities want zoning laws that keep out affordable housing. These homeless folks are often veterans, mentally ill folks or people who lost a job, or can't make enough money to afford housing in expensive cities where they've lived for years. Long term mental institutions were closed down in most places, so very unstable mentally ill were often discharged without any planning. What is your solution?

We don't have that many homeless folks where I live but we do have a lot of affordable housing. The last time I visited Atlanta, a city that is becoming less affordable than it was several years ago, I saw two older homeless adults sleeping on small cots under the over hanging of a small store. What should be done for these people? Shelters, when they exist, are often more dangerous than living on the streets according to some stories I've read about some of them. So, please tell us your constructive plans as to how to help reduce homelessness.

one does not need to present an airtight plan to competently recognize the flaws of another plan. No one is using their lack of imagination as an excuse to "do nothing". Sometimes, "doing something..anything" leads to the wrong thing, though.. like is the case with how they attempted to "deal" with homelessness (by declaring any public place at all their home).

I don't think any Republican candidate would miss the opportunity to point out how this is a fantastic example of what happens if too liberal policies are enacted the way the Democrats like to do.. knee-jerk reactive and with as little consideration for multiple points of view and predictable consequences as possible.
Leftists are turning once great cities into homeless wards. San Francisco used to be beautiful until it got taken over by libs and run into the ground.

Citation DESPERATELY needed.


Ah yes, I remember the good old days when Conservatives ran San Francisco like a well-oiled machine.

Yeah, I remember it well. In fact I lived in the venerable conservative enclave they called the Haight Ashbury in 1967-1969.
Dollars to donuts* Half-Wit has never even been there.

* That idiom meant something back in 1967, when donuts sold for 5-10 cents and a dollar was real money.
Leftists are turning once great cities into homeless wards. San Francisco used to be beautiful until it got taken over by libs and run into the ground.

My understanding with regard to the housing problems in San Fran, is that it has a lot to do with the tech sector explosion there, and gentrification of neighborhoods as a result:The Atlantic - San Francisco, the City That Apps Built, or Destroyed

If people drawing 6 figure salaries are having trouble finding housing, what kind of chance do the working poor, or the actual homeless, have?
Fascists have long been turning once great societies into places where our homeless languish on the streets, through the cutting of mental health services across the country, and the refusal to fund homing initiatives.

(Fascist?) Democrats in Sacramento have allowed some cities in California to turn into shit holes.

Ah, tell me again whose policies produced the veterans who comprise a large number of those homeless? Nixon, Bush, Regan.

And who is it that defunded mental health infrastructure? Oh yeah, that was Regan, again.

And who was it that wages the war on drugs to keep brown people unemployed? Nixon...

Sounds like fascist Republican policies to me...

It's not about "allowed to". The west coast has a good climate, and cities have enough overflow and bounty to support homeless people. So that is where homeless people go, from all over. The problem is that all the mechanisms we have had in society have been dismantled by the party of fascism over the last 60 years, and there has been a constant supply of people being ruined for society by our foreign and domestic policies ever since.

It's like you want to complain that the floor of the shower is "allowing" itself to be a total shithole when you yourself are the one that keeps shitting on it while holding your foot over the drain.
So, the mentally ill ruin life for others. What the absolute fuck?

President Trump said he was “looking very seriously” at American cities that he asserted were overrun with mentally ill and “sick” homeless people who ruin life for others who live and work there.

The president suggested that it was a situation that began just two years ago — even though cities have struggled with homelessness for decades. He also said he “may intercede and do something to get that whole thing cleaned up,” though he did not elaborate on what actions he or the government might take.

Mr. Trump made the comments in an interview that was conducted over the weekend for “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Fox News and broadcast on Monday. The discussion began when Mr. Carlson observed that New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles have “a major problem with filth.”

The president agreed and called it “very sad” and claimed that police officers in American cities were “getting sick” from dealing with people who were living in terrible conditions on the street.

He said that “we’ve never had this in our lives before in our country,” and he blamed “the liberal establishment” for the conditions in the cities.

“This is what I am fighting,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Carlson. “I don’t know if they are afraid of votes. I don’t know if they really believe that this should be taking place. But it is a terrible thing that is taking place.”

WTF! I remember seeing homeless people in the bowery in New York City when I was a child in the 1950s. There are homeless people in my small, very conservative city. I've given them money many times, and I'd be willing to bet that even some of our white conservative citizens, especially churches have helped some of these homeless folks.

What is wrong with this man? And, what is he going to do, considering it's his administration that has cut back on helping the poor with affordable housing? Is he going to send the homeless to Gitmo or to a detention camp? WTF!
I saw a dog piss on the sidewalk. This is because dogs are allowed to piss on sidewalks. The filth. I'm gonna clean this up. I never used to see dogs pissing on sidewalks. Fucking liberals!
TBH, I really despise the 'take your flippin dog everywhere' society we live in. They're dogs. They don't need to go the mall or the movies or the grocery store. And honestly, to have a dog in a restaurant?? :disgust:
Fascists have long been turning once great societies into places where our homeless languish on the streets, through the cutting of mental health services across the country, and the refusal to fund homing initiatives.

(Fascist?) Democrats in Sacramento have allowed some cities in California to turn into shit holes.

Ah, tell me again whose policies produced the veterans who comprise a large number of those homeless? Nixon, Bush, Regan.

And who is it that defunded mental health infrastructure? Oh yeah, that was Regan, again.

And who was it that wages the war on drugs to keep brown people unemployed? Nixon...

Sounds like fascist Republican policies to me...

Reagan ? Nixon ? WTF are you on about ? It's the policies coming out of Sacramento over the past ten years is why we have a problem now. California, with a full time legislature really ought to be doing a better job. Only now are they starting to make noises about tackling the problem.
Ah, tell me again whose policies produced the veterans who comprise a large number of those homeless? Nixon, Bush, Regan.

And who is it that defunded mental health infrastructure? Oh yeah, that was Regan, again.

And who was it that wages the war on drugs to keep brown people unemployed? Nixon...

Sounds like fascist Republican policies to me...

Reagan ? Nixon ? WTF are you on about ? It's the policies coming out of Sacramento over the past ten years is why we have a problem now. California, with a full time legislature really ought to be doing a better job. Only now are they starting to make noises about tackling the problem.

No, the problems of homelessness on the west coast go much further back. All the way to Regan and Nixon, to the forever wars, to the defunding of mental health infrastructure, to the financial sector policies that fucked the housing market. They are all fascist Republican failures.

Quit trying to blame a symptom on the disease you would spread.

"Why can't I hold all these limes!"

Edit: Apparently, TSwizzle thinks homeless magically sprout out of the ground like mushrooms after it rains, since he thinks it's bullshit that homeless are caused by actual fucking reasons. They just want the homeless gone, and blames the people who don't want to commit crimes against humanity for not making it happen.

Homeless people used to get treatment for their mental health issues in this country... homeless who are disproportionately veterans of our forever wars, and out of their homes because of the financial crisis instigated by deregulating banks.

No, TSwizzle, homeless people don't just grow up from the ground up out of nothing, they are the result of bad social policies, and the problem can only be corrected humanely through humane Social policies, including the restoration of mental health services, regulation of banks and lenders to make housing affordable/building out affordable housing, and the cessation of forever wars that create broken veterans.
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I saw a dog piss on the sidewalk. This is because dogs are allowed to piss on sidewalks. The filth. I'm gonna clean this up. I never used to see dogs pissing on sidewalks. Fucking liberals!
TBH, I really despise the 'take your flippin dog everywhere' society we live in. They're dogs. They don't need to go the mall or the movies or the grocery store. And honestly, to have a dog in a restaurant?? :disgust:

Don't come to Denver.... there are more dogs than people here... and they are everywhere... EV-VER-RE-WHERE. It was cute the first few months after moving here... in like Home Depot helping to carry something... very cute. But in Whole Foods... in restaurants... even my own back yard whenever workers are hired... they seriously bring their dogs to work and expect you to accommodate them...
Leftists are turning once great cities into homeless wards. San Francisco used to be beautiful until it got taken over by libs and run into the ground.

Most of the homeless problem stems from the Republicans--specifically, Reagan.

The left legitimately objected to the mentally ill who were not a problem being locked up in mental institutions. The courts agreed. The intent was to provide group homes and the like instead--kinder and cheaper. Instead, they were just tossed out on the streets.

San Francisco also has the problem that the tech boom has driven real estate through the roof.
Leftists are turning once great cities into homeless wards. San Francisco used to be beautiful until it got taken over by libs and run into the ground.

Most of the homeless problem stems from the Republicans--specifically, Reagan.

The left legitimately objected to the mentally ill who were not a problem being locked up in mental institutions. The courts agreed. The intent was to provide group homes and the like instead--kinder and cheaper. Instead, they were just tossed out on the streets.

San Francisco also has the problem that the tech boom has driven real estate through the roof.

Not just the tech boom. Tech was the trigger to the housing equivalent of the calthrate gun, with the calthrates in this scenario being the foreign investment interest.

Of course, increasing the taxes on unoccupied properties (as a function of occupancy rate over time) is a great way to fix it, as is outright shunning foreign purchases of land/housing, and instead of bailing out banks, bail out borrowers.

All of these would help resolve the homelessness a bit. But yeah, if we want to see homeless people stop becoming homeless, we need to have mental health and financial infrastructure available to help those who are in that verge.

Instead of criminalizing homelessness like some here apparently would seek to do, we need to address the underlying cause. Otherwise it's just another War On Drugs Terror Immigration Poor People.
Homelessness in CA on the rise;

Over the last two years, the rate of homelessness in Sacramento has risen by 19 per cent.

According to the US Interagency Council on Homelessness, California has the largest homeless population in the country, with 129,972 people living on the streets as of 2018.

The issue has long plagued Los Angeles, which has seen its homeless population rise by a staggering 75 per cent in the last six years.


The problem is getting worse by the day.

The homeless outreach agency that was meant to move hundreds of people from the streets into housing, shelters or treatment for mental illness and substance abuse has failed dramatically to meet the goals of its contract with the city of Los Angeles, according to an audit set to be released Wednesday by Controller Ron Galperin. The audit found that, despite having more than doubled its staff of outreach workers in the last two years, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority missed seven of nine goals during the 2017-18 fiscal year and five of eight last fiscal year.

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