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Trump Comes to US Farmers Rescue From Trump's US Tariffs

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Okay, so here is where things become so crazy, your head will spin.

article said:
"We're making tremendous progress. They're all coming. They don't want to have those tariffs put on them," Trump told the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention. "We're opening up markets. You watch what's going to happen. Just be a little patient."

Yup, tariffs great, trade wars easy to win. Got it!

article said:
The government announced a $12 billion plan Tuesday to assist farmers who have been hurt by President Donald Trump's trade disputes with China and other trading partners.

There is no end to the dumb.
Clever move.

But I wonder how tariffs open markets, as Cheeto claims...

Well, if by "markets" he means "Cheato's pockets", then yeah - pay him enough money and he might lift some of his idiotic tariffs.
Usually he just breaks things and then expects others to fix it. This may be a first.
Usually he just breaks things and then expects others to fix it. This may be a first.

It'll play in the Thumb.

- - - Updated - - -

Clever move.

But I wonder how tariffs open markets, as Cheeto claims...

Well, if by "markets" he means "Cheato's pockets", then yeah - pay him enough money and he might lift some of his idiotic tariffs.

Or, better I dunno, but praise him with great praise on cable news.
Clever move.

But I wonder how tariffs open markets, as Cheeto claims...

And putting aside the likelihood that now every part of Trump's base industry effected will want to be paid off equal treatment.
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Buying votes with federal money - isn't that a crime?

Will they have to report that they worked for the money? Didn't by liquor, or go to casinos, or pay prostitutes, etc.? No it's welfare without any strings attached.
This is just what we expect from the Party of Personal Responsibility.

Those farmers voted Republican. They knew what Trump was talking about doing, and they voted for him anyway. But instead of letting those farmers live with the consequences of their own vote, we're going to waste massive amounts of taxpayer dollars giving them handouts?

Fuck this. We should let the Magic of the Free Market decide what happens to their farms.

Prediction: most of the handouts will go to factory farms owned by large corporations rather than to smaller family farms.
This is just what we expect from the Party of Personal Responsibility.

Those farmers voted Republican. They knew what Trump was talking about doing, and they voted for him anyway. But instead of letting those farmers live with the consequences of their own vote, we're going to waste massive amounts of taxpayer dollars giving them handouts?

Fuck this. We should let the Magic of the Free Market decide what happens to their farms.

Prediction: most of the handouts will go to factory farms owned by large corporations rather than to smaller family farms.

Just one more step along the road to fascism.
I was wondering where FFvC was going to get the $12 billion to pay for his foibles, as that usually requires Congressional Critter action...but from a depression era emergency relief program. So the Dotard fucks something up, then thinks its fine to use emergency lever to balance it out...sigh. But I'm sure Don the Con will be concerned about Repugs making noise with their mouth-parts......

And in a masterstroke of administrative buffoonery that avoids Congress having to pass any troublesome appropriations, the Bale-Out (get it?) will be magically paid for out of a Depression-era program aimed at providing emergency relief to farmers, which is pretty awesome since Trump created the emergency his own bad self. The Commodity Credit Corporation, part of the Department of Agriculture, is a New Deal agency that allows the executive branch to borrow up to $30 billion for farm aid. The USDA explained in a statement that the spending will go to producers of several key commodities: corn, wheat, sorghum, soybeans, cotton, dairy, and hogs.
Republican lawmakers have, of course, been making Appropriately Concerned noises with their mouth-parts about what a terrible thing this bailout is, because what about the deficit and the debt we’re leaving for their children? Senate Ag Committee chair Pat Roberts, of Kansas, said the bailouts were “Problematic to say the least,” and Sen. John Thune, of South Dakota, said the awful awful subsidies constitute “an additional payment that’s going to be made by the taxpayers,” oh dear.
Usually he just breaks things and then expects others to fix it. This may be a first.

Huh? He has not "fixed" anything - all he did was to rob taxpayers for another $80 or so each, so he could damp down the immediate effects of his stupidity upon some of the dupes who voted for him. The PROBLEM remains unaddressed.
Usually he just breaks things and then expects others to fix it. This may be a first.

Huh? He has not "fixed" anything - all he did was to rob taxpayers for another $80 or so each, so he could damp down the immediate effects of his stupidity upon some of the dupes who voted for him. The PROBLEM remains unaddressed.

A couple of San Francisco lawmakers proposed to use city leverage to force employers to stop providing lunch as a perquisite to their employees and that is and outrage for our local 'libertarians' go ape.

The president announced a multi-billion dollar pay-off to a sector of the economy that is getting fucked by his trade war and not a word.
Okay, so here is where things become so crazy, your head will spin.

article said:
"We're making tremendous progress. They're all coming. They don't want to have those tariffs put on them," Trump told the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention. "We're opening up markets. You watch what's going to happen. Just be a little patient."

Yup, tariffs great, trade wars easy to win. Got it!

article said:
The government announced a $12 billion plan Tuesday to assist farmers who have been hurt by President Donald Trump's trade disputes with China and other trading partners.

There is no end to the dumb.

Wealth Redistribution.
Usually he just breaks things and then expects others to fix it. This may be a first.

Huh? He has not "fixed" anything - all he did was to rob taxpayers for another $80 or so each, so he could damp down the immediate effects of his stupidity upon some of the dupes who voted for him. The PROBLEM remains unaddressed.

A couple of San Francisco lawmakers proposed to use city leverage to force employers to stop providing lunch as a perquisite to their employees and that is and outrage for our local 'libertarians' go ape.

The president announced a multi-billion dollar pay-off to a sector of the economy that is getting fucked by his trade war and not a word.

Actually, some GOP Congress clowns are beginning to complain about this. It is going to be interesting to see how this all shakes out.



  • Republican senators condemned the Trump administration's recently announced plans to bail out U.S. farmers hit by crippling tariffs on their goods.
  • “This trade war is cutting the legs out from under farmers and the White House’s ‘plan’ is to spend $12 billion on gold crutches," said Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse.
  • Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker called on the Trump administration to "reverse course and end this incoherent" tariff and said the administration was "offering welfare to farmers to solve a problem they themselves created."


Much eye rolling and angry handwaving, and posturing to come.
This is just what we expect from the Party of Personal Responsibility.

Those farmers voted Republican. They knew what Trump was talking about doing, and they voted for him anyway. But instead of letting those farmers live with the consequences of their own vote, we're going to waste massive amounts of taxpayer dollars giving them handouts?

Fuck this. We should let the Magic of the Free Market decide what happens to their farms.

Prediction: most of the handouts will go to factory farms owned by large corporations rather than to smaller family farms.

Just one more step along the road to fascism.

Funny how all those Republican-voting farmers aren't pulling themselves up by the bootstraps.

I guess that line about bootstraps only applies to desperately poor minorities in the inner cities?
Funny how all those Republican-voting farmers aren't pulling themselves up by the bootstraps.

I guess that line about bootstraps only applies to desperately poor minorities in the inner cities?

I think all these welfare receiving farmers should be drug tested.
This is just what we expect from the Party of Personal Responsibility.

Those farmers voted Republican. They knew what Trump was talking about doing, and they voted for him anyway. But instead of letting those farmers live with the consequences of their own vote, we're going to waste massive amounts of taxpayer dollars giving them handouts?

Fuck this. We should let the Magic of the Free Market decide what happens to their farms.

Prediction: most of the handouts will go to factory farms owned by large corporations rather than to smaller family farms.

Just one more step along the road to fascism.

Funny how all those Republican-voting farmers aren't pulling themselves up by the bootstraps.

I guess that line about bootstraps only applies to desperately poor minorities in the inner cities?
Anti-globalization global traders. Where did they go wrong?
Funny how all those Republican-voting farmers aren't pulling themselves up by the bootstraps.

I guess that line about bootstraps only applies to desperately poor minorities in the inner cities?

I think all these welfare receiving farmers should be drug tested.

We also have to control how many children they are having. They have no business having children when on a government program.
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