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Trump: Democrats an "angry left-wing mob" that is too "dangerous"


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Trump Lambasts Democrats As 'Angry Left-Wing Mob,' 'Party Of Crime' At Kansas Rally | HuffPost
pResident Trump was in Topeka, Kansas, stumping for Kris Kobach, the Republican vote suppressor who is running for governor there.

After gloating over the "tremendous victory" of confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, he continued with warning about how bad the Democrats are:
You don't hand matches to an arsonist and you don't give power to an angry left-wing mob - and that's what they've become. The Democrats have become too extreme and too dangerous to govern. Republicans believe in the rule of law, not the rule of the mob.
He also called the Democrats the "party of crime", and he claimed that Democrats are all supporting a nonexistent bill.
Every single Democrat in the U.S. Senate has signed up for the open borders - and it's a bill. And it's called The Open Borders Bill. What's going on? And it's written by - guess who - Dianne Feinstein
He is either an ignoramus or an outright liar.
The Reptilians believe in the rule of law, alright. The law they rewrote and reinterpreted. That law.

They believe in the Golden Rule: Those who have the gold, rule.
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I suggest we get t shirts with "ANGRY MOB" on them like the deplorables did.
His rhetoric is scary authoritarian

Trump is a dictator that is reigned in by laws.

But he is a dictator at heart and wants to dictate.

He has been a dictator his whole life. Do this! Do that! Make me comfortable. Make me look like I have hair.

Being president is a step down.
His rhetoric is scary authoritarian

Trump is a dictator that is reigned in by laws.

But he is a dictator at heart and wants to dictate.

He has been a dictator his whole life. Do this! Do that! Make me comfortable. Make me look like I have hair.

Being president is a step down.

I agree.

My fear is - how much longer will he be reigned in by laws?
With Kavanaugh confirmed, Gamble will be upheld and Presidential pardons will extend to State crimes. It may be too late, but judging from how the FBI and the Senate just rubber-stamped Kavanaugh I no longer hold any hope whatsoever.

Putin has bought the Senate and he owns the Oval and none of the other Republicans seem to give a shit about any of it. It’s John Carpenter’s They Live, only instead of aliens from another planet, it’s oligarchs from Russia that now own the US.

And now Trump is demanding a list of anti-Trump agitators from Facebook (and will get them) and demanding Democrats all must wear gold stars on their clothes. He’s simply implementing everything Putin has in place. There is no longer a Supreme Court; the Senate is Russian owned; any dissent on social media will not just be silenced, but destroyed (he’ll go after everyone’s bank accounts/jobs/social standing, you name it).

You don’t have to be kidnapped and thrown into a black sedan at night for your life to be ruined anymore. Trump’s “enemies list” no doubt already makes Nixon’s look like a quaint cocktail napkin.

Winning the House won’t matter. Which gives Trump another two years to gut America so severely that it can’t possibly recover, all the while making it look like it’s soaring to new (white) heights. That’s exactly what he does best; slathers gold lipstick all over pigs and slaps his name on them.

Meanwhile, Russia and China have already taken over. The UK is brexiting itself to die yet again and Germany is slowly awakening to its own realization that once again it must make a pact with Russia, but on Russia’s terms this time.

And the only people that would have stopped something like this—the redneck militia nuts—were the very first ones brainwashed into the cult. Liberals aren’t going to arm themselves and start a bloody revolution.

So this is it, basically. America gets gutted like a fish by this fuckhead piece of shit and all the batshit crazy “patriots” that normally would be opening fire on Congress right now if it had been Democrats are all drinking the kool-aid and masturbating as the poison kills them.

All because we dared to let a nigger in the White House. Well, that and we founded the country on genocide and slavery and pretty much just did nothing else but rape everything, so I guess it’s fitting that it all ends with a celebration of rapists by rapists, with Russia taking the spoils.
Every single Democrat in the U.S. Senate has signed up for the open borders - and it's a bill. And it's called The Open Borders Bill. What's going on? And it's written by - guess who - Dianne Feinstein
He is either an ignoramus or an outright liar.
Trump just keeps getting encouraged to raise the bar for bull crap.
Of course he’s a liar but he’s not ignorant, not on this front. The message is, the democrats are what they seen of the republicans on TV and the thinking of the Trump faithful is Trump knows something I don’t know or I must have missed something. Either way, he’s saying what I want to hear.
Bottom line is, Trump and the republicans ate the democrats lunch on this Kavanaugh fiasco. How could they look so bad and come out looking so good? The democrats will continue to rely on truth, evidence, and reality. Republicans will rely on lies, the faithful’s ignorance, and a strong economy to bring in those who can’t see beyond their own wallets.
Will it be enough? My ray of hope is a good Wall St correction and soon. A twenty percent correction in people’s retirement funds is a reality no one can ignore.
Of course he’s a liar but he’s not ignorant, not on this front. The message is, the democrats are what they seen of the republicans on TV and the thinking of the Trump faithful is Trump knows something I don’t know or I must have missed something. Either way, he’s saying what I want to hear.
Bottom line is, Trump and the republicans ate the democrats lunch on this Kavanaugh fiasco. How could they look so bad and come out looking so good? The democrats will continue to rely on truth, evidence, and reality. Republicans will rely on lies, the faithful’s ignorance, and a strong economy to bring in those who can’t see beyond their own wallets.
Will it be enough? My ray of hope is a good Wall St correction and soon. A twenty percent correction in people’s retirement funds is a reality no one can ignore.

Well, the DOW is currently down over 700, so that correction might be on the way. It's past due anyway. This is the first time it's moved below the 200 DMA since 2016.
With Kavanaugh confirmed, Gamble will be upheld and Presidential pardons will extend to State crimes. It may be too late, but judging from how the FBI and the Senate just rubber-stamped Kavanaugh I no longer hold any hope whatsoever.

Putin has bought the Senate and he owns the Oval and none of the other Republicans seem to give a shit about any of it. It’s John Carpenter’s They Live, only instead of aliens from another planet, it’s oligarchs from Russia that now own the US.

And now Trump is demanding a list of anti-Trump agitators from Facebook (and will get them) and demanding Democrats all must wear gold stars on their clothes. He’s simply implementing everything Putin has in place. There is no longer a Supreme Court; the Senate is Russian owned; any dissent on social media will not just be silenced, but destroyed (he’ll go after everyone’s bank accounts/jobs/social standing, you name it).

You don’t have to be kidnapped and thrown into a black sedan at night for your life to be ruined anymore. Trump’s “enemies list” no doubt already makes Nixon’s look like a quaint cocktail napkin.

Winning the House won’t matter. Which gives Trump another two years to gut America so severely that it can’t possibly recover, all the while making it look like it’s soaring to new (white) heights. That’s exactly what he does best; slathers gold lipstick all over pigs and slaps his name on them.

Meanwhile, Russia and China have already taken over. The UK is brexiting itself to die yet again and Germany is slowly awakening to its own realization that once again it must make a pact with Russia, but on Russia’s terms this time.

And the only people that would have stopped something like this—the redneck militia nuts—were the very first ones brainwashed into the cult. Liberals aren’t going to arm themselves and start a bloody revolution.

So this is it, basically. America gets gutted like a fish by this fuckhead piece of shit and all the batshit crazy “patriots” that normally would be opening fire on Congress right now if it had been Democrats are all drinking the kool-aid and masturbating as the poison kills them.

All because we dared to let a nigger in the White House. Well, that and we founded the country on genocide and slavery and pretty much just did nothing else but rape everything, so I guess it’s fitting that it all ends with a celebration of rapists by rapists, with Russia taking the spoils.
Your mind is a scary place.
Trump Lambasts Democrats As 'Angry Left-Wing Mob,' 'Party Of Crime' At Kansas Rally | HuffPost
pResident Trump was in Topeka, Kansas, stumping for Kris Kobach, the Republican vote suppressor who is running for governor there.

After gloating over the "tremendous victory" of confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, he continued with warning about how bad the Democrats are:
You don't hand matches to an arsonist and you don't give power to an angry left-wing mob - and that's what they've become. The Democrats have become too extreme and too dangerous to govern. Republicans believe in the rule of law, not the rule of the mob.
He also called the Democrats the "party of crime", and he claimed that Democrats are all supporting a nonexistent bill.
Every single Democrat in the U.S. Senate has signed up for the open borders - and it's a bill. And it's called The Open Borders Bill. What's going on? And it's written by - guess who - Dianne Feinstein
He is either an ignoramus or an outright liar.

Anybody remember the "Brooks Brothers Riot" arranged by the Republicans?

 Brooks Brothers riot
Trump Lambasts Democrats As 'Angry Left-Wing Mob,' 'Party Of Crime' At Kansas Rally | HuffPost
pResident Trump was in Topeka, Kansas, stumping for Kris Kobach, the Republican vote suppressor who is running for governor there.

After gloating over the "tremendous victory" of confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, he continued with warning about how bad the Democrats are:

He also called the Democrats the "party of crime", and he claimed that Democrats are all supporting a nonexistent bill.

He is either an ignoramus or an outright liar.

Anybody remember the "Brooks Brothers Riot" arranged by the Republicans?

 Brooks Brothers riot

Sounds like you've already forgotten the Bowling Green Massacre.
Trump Lambasts Democrats As 'Angry Left-Wing Mob,' 'Party Of Crime' At Kansas Rally | HuffPost
pResident Trump was in Topeka, Kansas, stumping for Kris Kobach, the Republican vote suppressor who is running for governor there.

After gloating over the "tremendous victory" of confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, he continued with warning about how bad the Democrats are:

He also called the Democrats the "party of crime", and he claimed that Democrats are all supporting a nonexistent bill.

He is either an ignoramus or an outright liar.

Anybody remember the "Brooks Brothers Riot" arranged by the Republicans?

 Brooks Brothers riot

Sounds like you've already forgotten the Bowling Green Massacre.
I'll never forget 41st of Smarch.
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