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Trump Derangement Syndrome down the street from me ...

I agree - sorry for leaving out your demons.
I meant far leftists like you and Koy.
Flatter yourself - MUCH?
There's nothing here to "deal" with.
Again, you can't deal with it without insulting people.

But it is funny to see you so triggered by a simple observation...
After several years, some of the Leftists on here still have difficulty understanding what the word "triggered" means.
A person is not triggered just because they disagree with you. If you want to see somebody who is triggered, watch the OP video again.
We don't know what transpired before the video started.
That is true by definition. And unless a camera is already running and captures an event like this in its entirety, people choose to start the video recording after they see something worthy of being recorded already happen.
That happened with the infamous Rodney King video. The video started rather late and it did not capture other, less violent, means police tried to apprehend King.
However, in this case I do not see any likelihood that anything happened before the video started that would change the nature of this incident.

I suspect that customer was trolling that clerk, and the clerk lost his composure.
I do not suspect this at all. There was no real reason for the customer to even know the clerk's political views. Had he done his job and just rang him up nothing would have happened. It was only through clerk refusing service that this whole thing started in the first place.
I would expect the clerk to lose his job.
He did. And deservedly so.

While that customer kept his cool (as do most trolls), he was in the wrong when he refused to leave when asked.
Why do you think he was a "troll"? Are you saying he didn't really want to buy vape juice and was just going from store to store trolling leftist sales associates?

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Completely lost on Derec is the fact that no one has made even the slightest attempt to justify the employee’s behavior.

I am actually pleasantly surprised by untermensche, but Koy and Elixir are definitely defending xir.
Agreed. His barking "do my bidding!" showed he was being an obnoxious jerk. "Capitalism wins again".
I agree that those were somewhat jerky things to say, but then again, this was only after the clerk refused service,
It looks like a consumer feeling too much entitlement.
Yes, indeed. He felt entitled to buy some vape juice in a vape store without being yelled at by some overgrown Millennial toddler because of his political views.

Business exchanges are exchanges, they're a negotiation for a trade.
In a normal retail situation, there isn't much negotiation. The price is on the price sticker and you can't really haggle.

So "employee" is not a synonym of "serf" and "consumer" is not a synonym of "master".
Who said it was? But an employee is not allowed to throw customers out for no good reason. If this was an owner, it would be a different thing.

He should leave and then follow up on his intent to call corporate and get the guy fired for being unprofessional (not at all the same thing as having to be slavish).

Nobody is expecting his to be "slavish". But he was very unprofessional.

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Random guy acts like a dick; Trumptards are all over it.

Trump is the most corrupt, vile piece of shit to ever sit in the Oval Office. Trumptards point to random anti-Trump guy.

First of all, I am not a "Trumpard" and that employee would have been just as ridiculous had he reacted that way to somebody sporting Obama gear.
What evidence do you have that the clerk was "bullied"?

The demeanor of the customer (and certain things he says), the response of the clerk and the fact that it would not have been possible for the customer to have captured what he did unless there was something that happened before he decided to start recording on his phone. Generally speaking, no one suddenly starts recording something they are evidently in the middle of unless there was something that happened prior that they feel so compels them to reach for their phone to start recording.

Why would the customer bully him?

Why wouldn't he? Don't ask questions you can't answer either.

In fact, had the clerk not made an issue of it, there would have been no reason for the customer even to know what the clerk's views on Trump are. s

Evidently not, as, once again, you are unjustifiably assuming that the customer just happened to pull out his phone and start recording before anything was said between the two of them. There is nothing that would support such an assumption and everything to indicate that the customer pulled out his phone after some sort of interaction had already taken place. Something so compelling, in fact, that made the customer take his phone out and start recording.

Judging from the clerk's later reaction, it is a safe assumption that something similar happened previously and that is why the customer wanted to start recording and provoke it happening again. How it originally started, is of course something neither of us know, but that doesn't prevent us from making intelligent guesses.

And yes, that is in fact what they are. Guesses. Based upon speculation derived from the video and likely aspects of our own prejudices/experiences, just as you are doing.

What evidence do you have that the customer is not innocent here?

"Innocent"? What do you mean? I haven't accused him of a crime, unless you consider bullying a crime.

And the beta cucks all join in the mewling as instructed.

Yes, other than recycled insults, you really have nothing.

It's ok if I insult beta cucks. They're worthless p.o.s.

My cousin--the marine/St. Louis police officer--just posted the exact same clip with the exact same "Hey, look at the Trump Derangement Syndrome in this guy" idiocy. Like a fucking robot.
Two people having a similar reaction to something in the news does not make us "robots".

I was saying he was a robot. I can call him that. He's my cousin.

ETA: You evidently agree with the support of what I am arguing here:

people choose to start the video recording after they see something worthy of being recorded already happen.

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That is true by definition. And unless a camera is already running and captures an event like this in its entirety, people choose to start the video recording after they see something worthy of being recorded already happen.

You can't be this naive. People start a video when it puts them in the best light and their antagonist in the worst possible light. FOX news, project Veritas etc does it all the time. Neckbeard shop assistant was clearly agitated at the start of the clip; you'd have to be a moron (or a moron with an agenda) to not ascertain the initial part of the discourse was edited out.

I suspect if store footage exists, it would paint a different chronology of events, as MAGAfucknut doesn't strike me as someone who can hold his temper for a protracted period of time. Meh, doesn't matter. Ian Furgeson got his five minutes and is now doing the rounds on credible media like InfoWars and The Blaze.
It plays into their victimhood syndrome. Trump is a victim of "fake news" and the mainstream media (who are the real enemy of the people", and Trump supporters are all victims waiting for America (and their lives) to be made great again by their valiant and persevering savior.

This is not a thread about Trump. It's about the unhinged reaction of his more rabid detractors. If the "Resistance" is not careful, this type of shit might help Trump get reelected.

In my view, the underlined is Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Your view is, as usual, wrong. Trump Derangement Syndrome comes from Bush Derangement Syndrome, defined by Charles Krauthammer as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency—nay—the very existence of George W. Bush".
You can't be this naive. People start a video when it puts them in the best light and their antagonist in the worst possible light. FOX news, project Veritas etc does it all the time. Neckbeard shop assistant was clearly agitated at the start of the clip; you'd have to be a moron (or a moron with an agenda) to not ascertain the initial part of the discourse was edited out.
The recording must start at some point. Cell phones do not record continuously, you have to start it deliberately. Of course, if he video did not show the customer in good light and Ginger Snowflake in bad light, he would not have shared it. And yes, there is always a possibility of editing, but possibility is not evidence.

I suspect if store footage exists, it would paint a different chronology of events, as MAGAfucknut doesn't strike me as someone who can hold his temper for a protracted period of time.
I am pretty sure the store has surveillance, but I doubt it would show anything else. There was also another customer in the store, who could contradict the narrative in the video.
But other than you wanting it to be true, why do you think it is (likely) true?
Of course, if he video did not show the customer in good light and Ginger Snowflake in bad light, he would not have shared it.

Ok, so given that, then what is the likelihood--judging from the demeanor of the customer and his now on camera behavior toward the clerk--that he was in fact deliberately bullying the clerk in the hopes that the clerk would repeat what he evidently did previously, off camera?

And now consider what you wrote previously:

A person is not triggered just because they disagree with you. If you want to see somebody who is triggered, watch the OP video again.
The demeanor of the customer (and certain things he says), the response of the clerk and the fact that it would not have been possible for the customer to have captured what he did unless there was something that happened before he decided to start recording on his phone. Generally speaking, no one suddenly starts recording something they are evidently in the middle of unless there was something that happened prior that they feel so compels them to reach for their phone to start recording.
Thank you Captain Obvious. And I think the reason the customer started recording is the clerk refusing to serve him for no good reason.

Why wouldn't he? Don't ask questions you can't answer either.
You have no evidence he bullied him or any reason why he would want to do it.

Evidently not, as, once again, you are unjustifiably assuming that the customer just happened to pull out his phone and start recording before anything was said between the two of them.
Did you even watch the video? By the time the video start, it is obvious that Ginger Snowflake already refused to serve him and told him to leave. Nobody is claiming that the recording started before "anything was said".
And again, there is no reason for customer to even know the clerk's politics, as long as the clerk remained professional.

There is nothing that would support such an assumption and everything to indicate that the customer pulled out his phone after some sort of interaction had already taken place. Something so compelling, in fact, that made the customer take his phone out and start recording.
Like, for example, being refused service at a store because of your political views.

Judging from the clerk's later reaction, it is a safe assumption that something similar happened previously and that is why the customer wanted to start recording and provoke it happening again. How it originally started, is of course something neither of us know, but that doesn't prevent us from making intelligent guesses.

And I already told you what I think is most likely series of events and why.

And yes, that is in fact what they are. Guesses. Based upon speculation derived from the video and likely aspects of our own prejudices/experiences, just as you are doing.
Also reason and evidence. Such that there is no reason for the customer to even know clerk's politics as long as the clerk is professional and does not start an argument.

"Innocent"? What do you mean? I haven't accused him of a crime, unless you consider bullying a crime.
You accused him of being a bully. The word "innocent" can be used in contexts other than criminal matters.

It's ok if I insult beta cucks. They're worthless p.o.s.
So are you, and yet I try to be nice to you.

I was saying he was a robot. I can call him that. He's my cousin.
So you are related to a robot?
Ok, so given that, then what is the likelihood--judging from the demeanor of the customer and his now on camera behavior toward the clerk--that he was in fact deliberately bullying the clerk in the hopes that the clerk would repeat what he evidently did previously, off camera?

I do not see any "bullying". The clerk always had the opportunity to calm the fuck down and sell some vape juice. In fact, the customer asked to buy the juice several times and the clerk was yelling at him every single time.
If he wasn't acting like an overgrown toddler, he'd still have a job.
Ok, so given that, then what is the likelihood--judging from the demeanor of the customer and his now on camera behavior toward the clerk--that he was in fact deliberately bullying the clerk in the hopes that the clerk would repeat what he evidently did previously, off camera?

I do not see any "bullying". The clerk always had the opportunity to calm the fuck down and sell some vape juice.
Then he'd still have his job.

So what did you mean when you wrote this:

A person is not triggered just because they disagree with you. If you want to see somebody who is triggered, watch the OP video again.
You can't be this naive. People start a video when it puts them in the best light and their antagonist in the worst possible light. FOX news, project Veritas etc does it all the time. Neckbeard shop assistant was clearly agitated at the start of the clip; you'd have to be a moron (or a moron with an agenda) to not ascertain the initial part of the discourse was edited out.
The recording must start at some point. Cell phones do not record continuously, you have to start it deliberately. Of course, if he video did not show the customer in good light and Ginger Snowflake in bad light, he would not have shared it. And yes, there is always a possibility of editing, but possibility is not evidence.

I suspect if store footage exists, it would paint a different chronology of events, as MAGAfucknut doesn't strike me as someone who can hold his temper for a protracted period of time.
I am pretty sure the store has surveillance, but I doubt it would show anything else. There was also another customer in the store, who could contradict the narrative in the video.
But other than you wanting it to be true, why do you think it is (likely) true?

As I said previously, I think both parties are in the wrong. I despise the "fault on both sides" argument, I really do. But Furgeson playing the unprovoked innocent victim card broke my bullshit meter. Coupled by Furgeson's second clip asking "Find that guy, make his life hell" shows he's kinda a petulant child as well. Did the shop owner behave inappropriately? Absolutely. Did Ian Furgeson get the reaction he wanted? Definately. It's a beat up, plain and simple and no different when people post isolated incidents about women lying about assault to discredit the entire MeToo movement or the violent black criminal to prove the entire BlackLivesMatter movement is bullshit or....

....sorry, just remembered who I was talking to, nevermind. TDS is real and pervasive in every facet of society!
I do not see any "bullying". The clerk always had the opportunity to calm the fuck down and sell some vape juice. In fact, the customer asked to buy the juice several times and the clerk was yelling at him every single time.
If he wasn't acting like an overgrown toddler, he'd still have a job.

Once the clerk had become uncontrollably hysterical, don't you say to yourself, "oops, this guy is not right in the head" and back down a bit ? To me, the clerk seems a bit retarded or something.
And I think the reason the customer started recording is the clerk refusing to serve him for no good reason.

What are YOU basing that assumption on?

You have no evidence he bullied him

Actually, the video is in fact evidence of bullying--as the customer does in fact bully the clerk on camera--but as we both agree, it is likely that something similar happened before the customer felt compelled to start recording their interaction.

or any reason why he would want to do it.

Well, let's think, if we could, why a Trump supporter might want to provoke a "Ginger Snowflake" into becoming "unhinged" in order to post it online, let's say, for other beta cucks to send it viral with the title "Trump Derangement Syndrome" or the like. :consternation1:

Evidently not, as, once again, you are unjustifiably assuming that the customer just happened to pull out his phone and start recording before anything was said between the two of them.
Did you even watch the video?

I did Captain Obtuse.

By the time the video start, it is obvious that Ginger Snowflake already refused to serve him and told him to leave.

Is that what's obvious? I thought I was Captain Obvious.

Nobody is claiming that the recording started before "anything was said". And again, there is no reason for customer to even know the clerk's politics, as long as the clerk remained professional.

Well, gee, once again, what could we possibly guess that might have happened before the recording started, Captain Obtuse, that might have lead to the customer somehow finding out about the clerk's politics? After all, as you pointed out, people don't generally "get triggered" by just someone they "disagree" with, so maybe, just maybe the customer said something or the clerk may have that started this and then the customer or the clerk escalated it to the point where the customer felt it was necessary to pull out his fucking phone and record it?

Because a simple disagreement would not be video-worthy, now would it.

It's ok if I insult beta cucks. They're worthless p.o.s.
So are you, and yet I try to be nice to you.

So you consider yourself a beta cuck? You can insult others by calling them "Ginger Snowflakes" but I can't insult "beta cucks"?

I was saying he was a robot. I can call him that. He's my cousin.
So you are related to a robot?

When it comes to this "Trump Derangement" shit and anything to do with Trump or Republicans? Absolutely. He is very clearly programmed to regurgitate on cue.
As I said previously, I think both parties are in the wrong. I despise the "fault on both sides" argument, I really do.
I do too. Especially since it treats "fault" as a binary. If there is fault to the customer, it is far less than the clerk.

But Furgeson playing the unprovoked innocent victim card broke my bullshit meter.
I think the incident was started by the triggered clerk without provocation (other than the triggering Trump gear), and in that sense the customer was an "innocent victim". Now did he have a little fun with the snowflake that kept delivering? Yes. But his main objective was to buy some vape juice for the missus.

Coupled by Furgeson's second clip asking "Find that guy, make his life hell" shows he's kinda a petulant child as well.
I was not aware of that. If true, it's assholeish, but no different than the Resistance trying to dox somebody captured on the video they don't like. And that has happened too.

Did the shop owner behave inappropriately? Absolutely.
He is not the shop owner. He was merely an employee. Had he been the owner, he'd be in a much better position, obviously.

Did Ian Furgeson get the reaction he wanted? Definately. It's a beat up, plain and simple
Beat up?

and no different when people post isolated incidents about women lying about assault to discredit the entire MeToo movement
The #metoo movement is disgraceful (not to say deplorable) in that it seeks punishment and ostracism of people based on mere allegation. Also, the movement is prudish in that it has pushed to ban grid girls in F1 and bikinis from Miss America and even nudes from art museums.

or the violent black criminal to prove the entire BlackLivesMatter movement is bullshit or....
The #BLM movement is bullshit. They always protest blacks killed by police even if the shooting was justified, just because the dead guy is black. Even a known gang member who shoots two rival gang members and points his gun at police, like Patrick Kimmons. As #BLMers would say "we love you Pat Pat" and "Fuck the police". Yes, #BLM is bullshit.

....sorry, just remembered who I was talking to, nevermind. TDS is real and pervasive in every facet of society!

It is certainly as real and pervasive as ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) before it.
I think the incident was started by the triggered clerk without provocation (other than the triggering Trump gear)

So, you are assuming the clerk was "triggered" by the customer's clothing? That's it? That was the full extent of his being "triggered." And you were lecturing us about what it means to be triggered? Like the clerk had never before seen anyone wearing pro-Trump "gear" before in Tucker, Fucking, Georgia?

Trump won that state by 6 points and yet you're going with a clerk having never once before seen anyone wearing any Trump "gear" so it was somehow so traumatic that it just "triggered" him, just like that?

Now did he have a little fun with the snowflake that kept delivering? Yes.

Oh, well, so long as it was just a "little fun" that "kept delivering" then yee haw! Keep triggering the triggered bastard, Jimmy Joe! We got's it on videeo! That ain't bullying, that's just having a little fun.

Poor innocent customer just having a little fun. Bad, insane "ginger snowflake." Why, he must be suffereing from some form of them thar SIN-drones!

But his main objective was to buy some vape juice for the missus, so he's just a stand-up kinda guy that's all.

Coupled by Furgeson's second clip asking "Find that guy, make his life hell" shows he's kinda a petulant child as well.
I was not aware of that. If true, it's assholeish, but no different than the Resistance trying to dox somebody captured on the video they don't like. And that has happened too.

So, then, you agree that this asshole customer was trying to dox the clerk and provoke him (i.e., "make his life hell")?
So, you are assuming the clerk was "triggered" by the customer's clothing? That's it?
Yes, why not.
He belongs to the generation that grew up with "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings".

That was the full extent of his being "triggered." And you were lecturing us about what it means to be triggered? Like the clerk had never before seen anyone wearing pro-Trump "gear" before in Tucker, Fucking, Georgia?
It's actually quite a Democratic area, believe it or not. Do you know anything about Tucker, Ga at all?

Trump won that state by 6 points
Trump lost DeKalb County by 64 points and Gwinnett County by 9 points. This store is in DeKalb close to Gwinnett border, but the more suburban parts of Gwinnett are more Democratic than the more rural parts further out. Since I live within a few miles from that store, I can attest that Trump gear is certainly quite a rare sight around here.

and yet you're going with a clerk having never once before seen anyone wearing any Trump "gear" so it was somehow so traumatic that it just "triggered" him, just like that?
It's certainly possible that something was going on with his life that made him extra triggerable. Maybe his girlfriend cheated with a Trump supporter. Who the fuck knows.

Oh, well, so long as it was just a "little fun" that "kept delivering" then yee haw! Keep triggering the triggered bastard, Jimmy Joe! We got's it on videeo!

The triggered bastard had a choice. He could have sold him the damn juice when he saw that the customer was recording and it would be a non-issue.

Poor innocent customer just having a little fun. Bad, insane "ginger snowflake." Why, he must be suffereing from some form of them thar SIN-drones!

So, then, you agree that this assehole customer was trying to dox the clerk?
I have not seen the video in question. My agreement is conditional on you describing it correctly.
Yes, why not. He belongs to the generation that grew up with "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings".

Piercing argument.

It's actually quite a Democratic area, believe it or not.

Bully for it. Georgia, however, is not, so unless this kid was blind, dumb and deaf, he has likely seen somebody wearing a political t-shirt before this monumental event.

Since I live within a few miles from that store, I can attest that Trump gear is certainly quite a rare sight around here.

Yet, you somehow knew who Trump was and that he had "MAGA" hats and "trump gear" for sale and the like and, you know, watched shit on the TeeVee right? Oh, yes, I forgot, you are not a "ginger snowflake" that grew up with "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings" like you are generalizing about this guy that you know nothing about.

and yet you're going with a clerk having never once before seen anyone wearing any Trump "gear" so it was somehow so traumatic that it just "triggered" him, just like that?
It's certainly possible that something was going on with his life that made him extra triggerable.

And more likely that this asshole customer was the one who actually "triggered" him (aka, bullied him into a reaction) just as he did in the video he shot in order to post it for beta cuck dickheads to laugh and point at the "ginger snowflake" in pathetic attempts to make it seem like they aren't just as pathetic.

Hey, I'm sure there are tons of videos of mentally disabled kids online that you could laugh at and point at like Trump likes to do too. They all suffer from actual syndromes though, so it will be even more hysterical for you to laugh and point at!

Oh, well, so long as it was just a "little fun" that "kept delivering" then yee haw! Keep triggering the triggered bastard, Jimmy Joe! We got's it on videeo!

The triggered bastard had a choice.

The bully asshole had a choice.

He could have sold him the damn juice when he saw that the customer was recording and it would be a non-issue.

The bully asshole could have realized the thoroughly Republican "right to refuse service" rule and left without trying to provoke a second response out of the clerk in order to capture it on his phone and he CERTAINLY did not have to post the video. But he was just having a "little fun."
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