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Trump Derangement Syndrome down the street from me ...

The guy bloviating about a letter from Kim Jong Un and crapping on the CIA during a press conference with Putin (of whom he spoke in secret for two hours).... Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I hate right-wing mirror speak.
The guy bloviating about a letter from Kim Jong Un and crapping on the CIA during a press conference with Putin (of whom he spoke in secret for two hours).... Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I hate right-wing mirror speak.

It's basically just appropriation and role reversal. The Trump team has painted his supporters to be the intelligent, civilized elite and all Democrats to be the frothing, radical fringe lunatics. It's a weird psychology that evidently works in some Dunning-Kruger-esque spectrum. I'd tie it to IQ, but I know some people who are otherwise very intelligent yet when it comes to Trump they just must compartmentalize that intelligence. It just shuts down and hate combined with a profound stupidity takes over. That or it's something to do with their denial mechanism?

The majority of republican voters always vote against their own best interests, which has baffled me to no end in previous elections. It's like they have no object permanence. But here's someone who is so blatantly criminal--so bald-faced fucking them in the ass--and yet, they can't get enough of him. It's thank you sir, may I have another?

Numbers are dwindling, of course, and will continue to fall significantly with every progressively darker revelation from the Mueller camp in particular, but I guess it just keeps coming back to racism. That's really the only thing so deeply ingrained that could explain any of this behavior. They hated the fact that a nigger touched the White House so much that it's still blinding them.

That and the old "bigger the lie, the more people will believe it" maxim.
It is good to know this Trump supporter firmly believes a public business should not discriminate.

Not against Trump supporters or gay marriages.
We've had plenty of threads where company employees have not only acted like jackasses but called the police on black people and some times that resulted in terrible things. In such instances, the company employees were supported by the usual suspects of the forum as acting on behalf of property owners, even if the property owners later disagreed. No, this isn't a derail. I am looking for a consistent ideological position by the usual suspects. So far it's not looking good.
We've had plenty of threads where company employees have not only acted like jackasses but called the police on black people and some times that resulted in terrible things. In such instances, the company employees were supported by the usual suspects of the forum as acting on behalf of property owners, even if the property owners later disagreed. No, this isn't a derail. I am looking for a consistent ideological position by the usual suspects. So far it's not looking good.
Trump has acted well outside the norms for a President, which isn't a terribly bad thing just on its face. However, the guy isn't acting as the President, people not approved by the Senate are setting US policy. The President has shut down a portion of the Government over a stupid fucking border wall. The White House is leaking like a funnel. And his foreign policy decisions are stressing our global relations. This is ignoring every stupid self-serving post and the endless lies that makes Tommy Flanagan seem like Jimmy Carter.

And certain people are just gleeful that liberals (and independents) are aghast... just as these same people were aghast when Obama wanted steak sauce on a burger or saluted a soldier with a coffee in his hand. Their glee and hypocrisy is so bad, it probably should be considered a mental illness.
I am looking for a consistent ideological position by the usual suspects. So far it's not looking good.

Good luck, I wish you the best on that quest.

Well, as I said, the common denominator keeps coming back to racism (either manifest or latent). Not sure if that can be considered "ideological" necessarily, but judging from the way racists so desperately try to normalize/deny it/hide in sheets/shame, etc., the cognitive dissonance alone--it could be argued--would constitute a more ideological bent, if you will.

Iow, we all know it is, of course, just straight-up programmed hatred, but the way they so desperately try to force it into other categories shows a level of effort that is ideological in its structure and adherence.

It's the "other" demonization tactic--perfected by Nazi Germany--that forces artificial bonds in betas, thinking if they just go along with the hatred they will become alphas, or, at the very least, won't be demonized in kind by the alphas.

Not sure if that helps.
I am looking for a consistent ideological position by the usual suspects. So far it's not looking good.

Good luck, I wish you the best on that quest.

Well, as I said, the common denominator keeps coming back to racism (either manifest or latent). Not sure if that can be considered "ideological" necessarily, but judging from the way racists so desperately try to normalize/deny it/hide in sheets/shame, etc., the cognitive dissonance alone--it could be argued--would constitute a more ideological bent, if you will.

Iow, we all know it is, of course, just straight-up programmed hatred, but the way they so desperately try to force it into other categories shows a level of effort that is ideological in its structure and adherence.

It's the "other" demonization tactic--perfected by Nazi Germany--that forces artificial bonds in betas, thinking if they just go along with the hatred they will become alphas, or, at the very least, won't be demonized in kind by the alphas.

Not sure if that helps.

It is interesting how the further right people are, the greater their tolerance for cognitive dissonance.
Well, as I said, the common denominator keeps coming back to racism (either manifest or latent). Not sure if that can be considered "ideological" necessarily, but judging from the way racists so desperately try to normalize/deny it/hide in sheets/shame, etc., the cognitive dissonance alone--it could be argued--would constitute a more ideological bent, if you will.

Iow, we all know it is, of course, just straight-up programmed hatred, but the way they so desperately try to force it into other categories shows a level of effort that is ideological in its structure and adherence.

It's the "other" demonization tactic--perfected by Nazi Germany--that forces artificial bonds in betas, thinking if they just go along with the hatred they will become alphas, or, at the very least, won't be demonized in kind by the alphas.

Not sure if that helps.

It is interesting how the further right people are, the greater their tolerance for cognitive dissonance.

Compartmentalization. They simply wall off certain sacred cows (or cows they've been programmed to consider sacred). It's how these same people can stand in their white robes with soot on their hands and insist--without irony or self-awareness--that some of their best friends are niggers and that "all" they are doing is standing up for white people, not putting anyone else down.

As my marine/cop cousin has often said, "I don't see you getting upset with any of the black supremacists."
Well, as I said, the common denominator keeps coming back to racism (either manifest or latent). Not sure if that can be considered "ideological" necessarily, but judging from the way racists so desperately try to normalize/deny it/hide in sheets/shame, etc., the cognitive dissonance alone--it could be argued--would constitute a more ideological bent, if you will.

Iow, we all know it is, of course, just straight-up programmed hatred, but the way they so desperately try to force it into other categories shows a level of effort that is ideological in its structure and adherence.

It's the "other" demonization tactic--perfected by Nazi Germany--that forces artificial bonds in betas, thinking if they just go along with the hatred they will become alphas, or, at the very least, won't be demonized in kind by the alphas.

Not sure if that helps.

It is interesting how the further right people are, the greater their tolerance for cognitive dissonance.

Compartmentalization. They simply wall off certain sacred cows (or cows they've been programmed to consider sacred). It's how these same people can stand in their white robes with soot on their hands and insist--without irony or self-awareness--that some of their best friends are niggers and that "all" they are doing is standing up for white people, not putting anyone else down.

As my marine/cop cousin has often said, "I don't see you getting upset with any of the black supremacists."

I'm sure you're right. But still it's hard for me to imagine the amount of practice from early age, required to become so adept at compartmentalizing. IME, compartmentalizing is like deferring tax payments - it may hurt less right now, but it's a guarantee of future pain, and the guarantee hangs over one's future like a dark cloud. It's almost as painful (more so, in the long run) as confronting the cognitive dissonance head-on and trying to resolve it. The entire Republitard Establishment seems to have taken a crash course intensive in Compartmentlization. I almost (well, almost almost) feel sorry for (some of) them.
I'm sure you're right. But still it's hard for me to imagine the amount of practice from early age, required to become so adept at compartmentalizing.

Survivors of child abuse learn very quickly how to compartmentalize, no matter what form the abuse takes.
"They" call Trump "transactional"... aka "deal maker"...
Is that like being "compartmentalized"? (for those that know what I mean - I lack the ability to express this thought better)
Is his "art of the deal" actually a sickness of sorts?
"They" call Trump "transactional"... aka "deal maker"...
Is that like being "compartmentalized"? (for those that know what I mean - I lack the ability to express this thought better)
Is his "art of the deal" actually a sickness of sorts?

No, that's just being a con man.
It is interesting how the further right people are, the greater their tolerance for cognitive dissonance.
Further to the extremes they are in general. Just look at how you, Koy and other lefties are dealing with this thread.
It's merely 'I'm telling on you.' To your boss' boss, rather than mommy, but the same thing.
You comparing it with "telling mommy", i.e. as something childish, but how would you deal with an employee refusing to sell you something merely because of who you are?

I do find it funny as hell, though. "I am holding YOU responsible for your actions, but i support Trump."
Shrug. Whatever you think about Trump (and a lot of that is justified) it is no reason to refuse service and even less to start a temper tantrum like a toddler.
It is interesting how the further right people are, the greater their tolerance for cognitive dissonance.
Further to the extremes they are in general. Just look at how you, Koy and other lefties are dealing with this thread.

"Dealing"? How are we "dealing" with this thread? And I am by no means an extreme leftist. I am dead left of center.
I think the employee must be a bit soft in the head and once it all kicked off, the customer should have left the store. It is was a bit of bullying as far as I'm concerned. No need for it.
It is interesting how the further right people are, the greater their tolerance for cognitive dissonance.
Further to the extremes they are in general.

I agree - sorry for leaving out your demons.

Just look at how you, Koy and other lefties are dealing with this thread.

Flatter yourself - MUCH?
There's nothing here to "deal" with. But it is funny to see you so triggered by a simple observation...
Ahh, yes. When bullies push someone to a breaking point,
What evidence do you have that the clerk was "bullied"?
Why would the customer bully him? In fact, had the clerk not made an issue of it, there would have been no reason for the customer even to know what the clerk's views on Trump are.

so that they can then film the breaking point and pretend that they were just innocent bystanders to it all.
What evidence do you have that the customer is not innocent here?

And the beta cucks all join in the mewling as instructed.

Yes, other than recycled insults, you really have nothing.

My cousin--the marine/St. Louis police officer--just posted the exact same clip with the exact same "Hey, look at the Trump Derangement Syndrome in this guy" idiocy. Like a fucking robot.
Two people having a similar reaction to something in the news does not make us "robots".
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