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Trump Deserves An Extra Two Years As President


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs

This started with Jerry Falwell, JR., and now FFvC has picked it up too. Despite accomplishing more than any other President in history in only two years in office, those two years were stolen from him and he deserves to get them back.

Other than these two, I haven’t seen a single Republican leader backing his claim. I don’t think we’ve heard from Hannity on this issue.

I’m not sure if they don’t take him seriously or they’re just too afraid to say anything one way or the other. Or did I miss someone’s comment on it?


This started with Jerry Falwell, JR., and now FFvC has picked it up too. Despite accomplishing more than any other President in history in only two years in office, those two years were stolen from him and he deserves to get them back.

Other than these two, I haven’t seen a single Republican leader backing his claim. I don’t think we’ve heard from Hannity on this issue.

I’m not sure if they don’t take him seriously or they’re just too afraid to say anything one way or the other. Or did I miss someone’s comment on it?


He ALREADY GOT 2 "extra" years of presidential immunity from prosecution, thanks to Putin. He has yet to spend one day being an actual President.
Then Obama deserves an extension for every day he was in office after McTurtle announced that their purpose in the senate was to oppose the President.
Oh he can get those two years, right after Bill Clinton gets another 4 years back for Whitewater, plus another for Travelgate, Filegate, christmas cards, and every other phony scandal brought up. Then Obama will get another 8 years for all the time wasted on his birth certificate, death panels, supreme court nomination, general congressional obstruction, and every other 'controversy' brought up. And Hillary gets to be Secretary of State for 4 years because of Bengaaaazzzziiiiii.... ad on another 2 years for emails.
I searched through Fox News and could find no reference to this tweet. Maybe that’s how they handle things, just ignore him when he goes batshit crazy. Then he never said as far as his supporters go.

The Jerry Falwell Jr. angle is getting interesting. Rumours abound that there were compromising photos of Falwell and he used Michael Cohen to get them destroyed. Except Cohen kept one, about which he said "It's terrible.". It was around this same time that Falwell endorsed Bonespurs at a somewhat unusual time in the election campaign. Did Cohen make it known to Falwell about the photograph and agree to keep quiet about it in exchange for the endorsement of Cohen's boss?

It's a long shot, but, if you're into granny porn, you'll probably get into Falwell Jr. porn. (One assumes this was photographed post-2007, and that Falwell Sr. isn't in the mix. Somehow the support hose, the suspensory apparatus, and the lard gut would detract from the spirit of the thing.)
It's a long shot, but, if you're into granny porn, you'll probably get into Falwell Jr. porn. (One assumes this was photographed post-2007, and that Falwell Sr. isn't in the mix. Somehow the support hose, the suspensory apparatus, and the lard gut would detract from the spirit of the thing.)

I suspect there something more involved than just "granny porn". There has long been speculation about a relationship with a Florida(?) poolboy and the Falwells. Their relationship grew very quickly and the poolboy wanted to open a hostel in NYC(iirc). The Falwells provided funding of over a million dollars for this project, quite the sum between people with such a short history of relationship. The hostel itself is now open and operating and is said to be very gay-friendly. Make of this what you will.
Oh he can get those two years, right after Bill Clinton gets another 4 years back for Whitewater, plus another for Travelgate, Filegate, christmas cards, and every other phony scandal brought up. Then Obama will get another 8 years for all the time wasted on his birth certificate, death panels, supreme court nomination, general congressional obstruction, and every other 'controversy' brought up. And Hillary gets to be Secretary of State for 4 years because of Bengaaaazzzziiiiii.... ad on another 2 years for emails.

And then she gets 4 years minimum as POTUS for the election stolen from her.
I say he gets an added two years on his prison sentence for being a douche.
Do we really want him holding rallies in the prison mess hall? He better be restricted to his cell block.

Huh? How is going to get shanked if his motions are restricted?

Umm...how would you notice if his motions are restricted? The guy is as active as Jabba the Hutt.

Unless there's a TV camera. He'll sprint to get his face on camera.
Oh, and an active shooter. He would run into a school, unarmed, to confront an active shooter.

....unless there might be rain...all bets are off if there might be rain.
Umm...how would you notice if his motions are restricted? The guy is as active as Jabba the Hutt.

Unless there's a TV camera. He'll sprint to get his face on camera.
Oh, and an active shooter. He would run into a school, unarmed, to confront an active shooter.

....unless there might be rain...all bets are off if there might be rain.

A rain of bullets?
Umm...how would you notice if his motions are restricted? The guy is as active as Jabba the Hutt.

Unless there's a TV camera. He'll sprint to get his face on camera.
Oh, and an active shooter. He would run into a school, unarmed, to confront an active shooter.

....unless there might be rain...all bets are off if there might be rain.

A rain of bullets?
Nope, Just rain.

Despite the light rain, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a moving ceremony in Compiegne, northeast of Paris, to mark the 100th anniversary of the signing of the World War One armistice.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attended his own ceremony to pay tribute to Canadian troops killed at Vimy Ridge, on the battlefields of northeastern France.

So I guess the real question is does everyone else deserve another two more years of FuckFace VonClownstein?
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