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Trump Executive Order Could Make HBCUs Ineligible for Nearly All Federal Funding

Which of these, (a) through (h), does ZiprHead, Harry, Jimmy, and laughing dog think need preserving?
Trick question! All of them.
TALKING about these things, as concepts, is protected from government interference bg the Firstedt Amendment. Acting on them may or may not lead to legal entanglements, but talking, even promoting thge idea is protected.
Gosh, you would think the MAGAs had not spent the last four years INSISTING that they have every right to babble their own bile and racism as a matter of free god damned speech, huh?

Yes. The racism of Critical Race Theory is protected speech. Absolutely. The EO does not stop people from espousing this racism.
There is nothing inherent in Critical Race Theory that requires hating anyone. But it just that type of ignorant reaction that prompts an EO like this.

Whether one like Critical Race Theory or evolutionary theory or ____ theory, no civilized gov't should be interfering with academic freedom with such intimidation tactics.

Someone else has probably already written this. Critical Race theory is an extant social theory based on living things tending to discriminate based on perceived differences. Not a material theory, not even a biological theory. Social theories tend to be pretty ad hoc, in the moment, generating prejudices (biases) which are precisely the things we develop when we perceive difference.

Remember the lessons of social genetics, also thought to be academic fodder, movements in the late 19th and early 20th centuries from which one should avoid repeating disastrous journeys.
Trick question! All of them.

TALKING about these things, as concepts, is protected from government interference by the First Amendment. Acting on them may or may not lead to legal entanglements, but talking, even promoting the idea is protected.

Gosh, you would think the MAGAs had not spent the last four years INSISTING that they have every right to babble their own bile and racism as a matter of free god damned speech, huh?

Tricky. But experience tells us talking and analyzing these things as 'science' when it's actually scientism do lead to political places civilized people do not want to go.
So, instead of talking about how a Trump policy might hypothetically affect the so-called HBCUs, why not talk about how Biden explicitly plans to give HBCUs and their students preferential treatment.
Biden: Here’s My Plan For Your Student Loans
Forbes said:
Student Loan Forgiveness
In addition to cancelling student loan debt, Biden also has a plan to forgive undergraduate tuition for borrowers.
However, not everyone would qualify for student loan forgiveness.
Income: You must earn less than $125,000 per year.
College: This only applies to two- and four-year public colleges and universities.
Undergraduate only: This student loan forgiveness only applies to student loans from college, not from graduate school.
HBCU’s: If you attend one of the private Historically Black Colleges and University (HBCU) or a Minority-Serving Institutions (MSI), you also may qualify for this student loan forgiveness for undergraduate tuition if you earn less than $125,000.

In other words, if you go to a private HBCU you will be eligible for student loan forgiveness, but if you are going to a private college that is not race-based, you will not.

ZiprHead, what do you think of that blatant racial favoritism?
Trump knows how to rev up his base!
As does Biden. He wants to treat so-called "HBCUs" the same as public universities for the purposes of student loads, in effect putting them in their own special category just because of race.

My own opinion is that HBCUs are an anachronism. They were necessary in the days of segregation, but these days they are the least diverse universities in the US. I thought progressives like diversity? What rank hypocrisy!
This asshole is running on racism and hatred, and his base are eating it up like 1930s Germany or 2000's Eastern Europe. It is shameless!

Yeah, that Hitler. Remember how the worst thing he ever did was withhold some public funding from racially virtually pure universities?
No real university or college that values academic freedom monitors course content but they do accept Federal grants. This language allows the Federal grantor to require universities to monitor the content of their courses and violate the freedom of thought that is vital to a vibrate academia.
Every university has to monitor content to some extent. You have to teach concepts like chemical equilibrium in a Chemistry class and a professor can't decide not to do so because she subscribes to the "critical Chemistry theory". Why should they not be monitored to exclude nonsense like that "meritocracy or traits such as a hard work ethic are racist or sexist"?
There is nothing inherent in Critical Race Theory that requires hating anyone. But it just that type of ignorant reaction that prompts an EO like this.

Whether one like Critical Race Theory or evolutionary theory or ____ theory, no civilized gov't should be interfering with academic freedom with such intimidation tactics.

Critical race theory is a crock. It's the equivalent of so-called "Intelligent design".
No real university or college that values academic freedom monitors course content but they do accept Federal grants. This language allows the Federal grantor to require universities to monitor the content of their courses and violate the freedom of thought that is vital to a vibrate academia.
Every university has to monitor content to some extent. You have to teach concepts like chemical equilibrium in a Chemistry class and a professor can't decide not to do so because she subscribes to the "critical Chemistry theory".
Actually, in most universities of any quality, professor have great leeway on how they conduct they classes, including content. Departments usually monitor the quality of the curriculum and program using their interpretation of the standards and dictates of their discipline.
Why should they not be monitored to exclude nonsense like that "meritocracy or traits such as a hard work ethic are racist or sexist"?
Because monitoring by ideological assholes is a pathway to the destruction of true academic inquiry. And, of course, one person's nonsense may very well be another person's path to a Nobel prize.
There is nothing inherent in Critical Race Theory that requires hating anyone. But it just that type of ignorant reaction that prompts an EO like this.

Whether one like Critical Race Theory or evolutionary theory or ____ theory, no civilized gov't should be interfering with academic freedom with such intimidation tactics.

Critical race theory is a crock. It's the equivalent of so-called "Intelligent design".
Your uneducated opinion is duly noted. There are many aspects of critical race theory. It was developed to help explain how the law had (and may still) maintain white power. Anyone who disavows that law did not entrench and maintain white supremacy in the USA for over 200 years is abysmally ignorant of history,
There is nothing inherent in Critical Race Theory that requires hating anyone. But it just that type of ignorant reaction that prompts an EO like this.

Whether one like Critical Race Theory or evolutionary theory or ____ theory, no civilized gov't should be interfering with academic freedom with such intimidation tactics.

Critical race theory is a crock. It's the equivalent of so-called "Intelligent design".
Your uneducated opinion is duly noted. There are many aspects of critical race theory. It was developed to help explain how the law had (and may still) maintain white power. Anyone who disavows that law did not entrench and maintain white supremacy in the USA for over 200 years is abysmally ignorant of history,

Critical Race Theory puts people into groups and prejudges people based on their membership in said groups. It's Nazism. It denies the individual.
Your uneducated opinion is duly noted. There are many aspects of critical race theory. It was developed to help explain how the law had (and may still) maintain white power. Anyone who disavows that law did not entrench and maintain white supremacy in the USA for over 200 years is abysmally ignorant of history,

Critical Race Theory puts people into groups and prejudges people based on their membership in said groups. It's Nazism. It denies the individual.

No nazism is not simply putting people into groups and prejudging them based on what group they are in. That is racism.

Nazism is racial socialism. It is the theory that it is a dictator ruled government's business to maintain racial purity in the nation's population and then the nation will prosper.

I am not familiar with critical race theory. And you didn't understand what Nazism is. Maybe you could go into more detail on how critical race theory is Nazism now that you better understand Nazism. Is critical race theory promoting racial purity in the population? In the way that white supremacists like Trump are in the US?

It seems to me that Trump's rule by decree to promote the interests of the white race above others is much closer to Nazism than almost anything else could be. This critical race theory must be some serious Nazism.
As always these unending threads on the horrors of racism against the white race are narrowly focused on a few elite private universities that slightly reduce their admission policies to achieve a school population that more closely mirrors the US's population. The universities still largely fail in this effort due to a large number of legacy and athletic admissions who also don't meet the strict admission requirements.

The charge of racism implies two different characteristics that aren't present in these universities' admission policies, that it involves harm to the parties discriminated against, and that it involves the assertion that one race is superior to the race who is suffering the discrimination. No one is denied an education because these universities don't owe anyone an education and the search for diversity doesn't imply racial superiority.

This is why the SCOTUS allowed this type of discrimination to exist. Because these universities have always discriminated in their admission policies. For 200 years they didn't admit any black or brown students. SCOTUS is allowing the universities to correct this in a small way.

As there is now a super-majority of reactionary justices on the Supreme Court ready to crank back fifty years of social progress and that this small exception has been amped up by the right-wing media to keep the racists excited and voting for the fascists, I fully expect that this exception will be eliminated by the new look SCOTUS.

On the positive side, we want have to endure these threads posted every other day.
Your uneducated opinion is duly noted. There are many aspects of critical race theory. It was developed to help explain how the law had (and may still) maintain white power. Anyone who disavows that law did not entrench and maintain white supremacy in the USA for over 200 years is abysmally ignorant of history,

Critical Race Theory puts people into groups and prejudges people based on their membership in said groups. It's Nazism. It denies the individual.
Your ignorance-driven opinion is duly noted. There are many aspects to Critical Race Theory.It was developed to help explain how the law had (and may still) maintain white power. Anyone who disavows that law did not entrench and maintain white supremacy in the USA for over 200 years is abysmally ignorant of history.
So, um, critical race theory . . .

That's not segregation, Einstein. There were different classes and topics for different groups. Black people don't need to be told all the shit that white people need to be told. It's unfortunate that the signs looked like that. They certainly could have made the distinction using better wording. But it is not even close to being the same as the first image, which is based in hatred and bigotry. I mean, seriously, five seconds and two brain cells and you could have figured this out on your own.
Critical Race Theory puts people into groups and prejudges people based on their membership in said groups. It's Nazism. It denies the individual.

This is laughable - CRT actually analyzes how power is apportioned and weilded along racial lines in (for this discussion, US) sociopolitical institutions. The grouping itself, of course, has developed centuries ago.

As always these unending threads on the horrors of racism against the white race are narrowly focused on a few elite private universities that slightly reduce their admission policies to achieve a school population that more closely mirrors the US's population. The universities still largely fail in this effort due to a large number of legacy and athletic admissions who also don't meet the strict admission requirements.

The funniest part is that they often fail to even show this much - see Abagail Fischer, who was not accepted at U of Texas due to her relatively weak grades and lack of extracurricular activities.


Trump knows how to rev up his base!
As does Biden. He wants to treat so-called "HBCUs" the same as public universities for the purposes of student loads, in effect putting them in their own special category just because of race.

My own opinion is that HBCUs are an anachronism. They were necessary in the days of segregation, but these days they are the least diverse universities in the US. I thought progressives like diversity? What rank hypocrisy!

As always, it's fine to close down every HBCU in the country, just as long as we also shut down every PWI in the country. This'd be bad news for virtually every college and University in the south, as well as a strong majority of them nationwide, but ah, well, it's really about "diversity", right?
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