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Trump - Go To War In Somalia

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist

President Donald Trump granted the U.S. military more flexibility in conducting operations in Somalia on Wednesday, declaring the country a "war zone" and easing restrictions that protect civilians.
Parts of Somalia have been declared areas of "active hostilities" under a directive Trump signed Wednesday, the New York Times reported. The directive would mean rules that require interagency approval of air strikes no longer apply in those targeted areas, and targets would no longer have to pose a direct threat to American lives. These rules, put in place under President Barack Obama in 2013, also required that strikes would have a very small chance of killing innocent civilians, the Times said. Without these rules, the military now has greater leeway to strike the Al-Shabaab militant group, which is affiliated with al-Qaeda, and has attacked a Kenyan military base and the Ugandan capital of Kampala.


For all of you who decided you couldn't vote for Clinton because she was a war monger, here you go.

President Donald Trump granted the U.S. military more flexibility in conducting operations in Somalia on Wednesday, declaring the country a "war zone" and easing restrictions that protect civilians.
Parts of Somalia have been declared areas of "active hostilities" under a directive Trump signed Wednesday, the New York Times reported. The directive would mean rules that require interagency approval of air strikes no longer apply in those targeted areas, and targets would no longer have to pose a direct threat to American lives. These rules, put in place under President Barack Obama in 2013, also required that strikes would have a very small chance of killing innocent civilians, the Times said. Without these rules, the military now has greater leeway to strike the Al-Shabaab militant group, which is affiliated with al-Qaeda, and has attacked a Kenyan military base and the Ugandan capital of Kampala.


For all of you who decided you couldn't vote for Clinton because she was a war monger, here you go.

Did anyone one on here say that did not vote for Clinton because she was a warmonger? I don't remember any.

I think it was always known that Trump would go after Islamic militants with little regard for collateral damage as it is unfortunately called. He plainly stated it.
Arkirk was one who refused to consider voting for Clinton for that reason, if I remember correctly.

Yeah but he never said he wanted to vote for Trump. I think he liked Sanders.

I probably came closest but Im not American, so i don't vote there.. I didn't want Australia to be dragged into another war with you guys which I still think would have been way more likely with Clinton in the White House. I liked Sanders the most of the possible candidates.

Though the leaked emails show that the Democrat elites did not want him, so he was never really a possible it turned out

President Donald Trump granted the U.S. military more flexibility in conducting operations in Somalia on Wednesday, declaring the country a "war zone" and easing restrictions that protect civilians.
Parts of Somalia have been declared areas of "active hostilities" under a directive Trump signed Wednesday, the New York Times reported. The directive would mean rules that require interagency approval of air strikes no longer apply in those targeted areas, and targets would no longer have to pose a direct threat to American lives. These rules, put in place under President Barack Obama in 2013, also required that strikes would have a very small chance of killing innocent civilians, the Times said. Without these rules, the military now has greater leeway to strike the Al-Shabaab militant group, which is affiliated with al-Qaeda, and has attacked a Kenyan military base and the Ugandan capital of Kampala.


For all of you who decided you couldn't vote for Clinton because she was a war monger, here you go.

Eh, hate to break it to you, but this has been slowly ramping up for the past decade.


President Donald Trump granted the U.S. military more flexibility in conducting operations in Somalia on Wednesday, declaring the country a "war zone" and easing restrictions that protect civilians.
Parts of Somalia have been declared areas of "active hostilities" under a directive Trump signed Wednesday, the New York Times reported. The directive would mean rules that require interagency approval of air strikes no longer apply in those targeted areas, and targets would no longer have to pose a direct threat to American lives. These rules, put in place under President Barack Obama in 2013, also required that strikes would have a very small chance of killing innocent civilians, the Times said. Without these rules, the military now has greater leeway to strike the Al-Shabaab militant group, which is affiliated with al-Qaeda, and has attacked a Kenyan military base and the Ugandan capital of Kampala.


For all of you who decided you couldn't vote for Clinton because she was a war monger, here you go.

Did anyone one on here say that did not vote for Clinton because she was a warmonger? I don't remember any.
Did anyone vote for HRC because she was a warmonger? I don't remember any. I voted for her because she wasn't acting like a maniac. I voted for her, because I prefer a SC that isn't full of right wing neanderthals. I voted for her because "NO" isn't a national health care "system" solution. I voted for her because she would be far less likely to throttle the Federal red ink. I voted for her because I would have probably paid more taxes under her presidency. I voted for her because she didn't think the military-complex was under stuffed. I voted for her because she lied and double talked like most politico's instead of like a loon. And I voted for HRC in spite of her being a neocon, since in our system, that was my only other choice besides a third party protest vote.

I think it was always known that Trump would go after Islamic militants with little regard for collateral damage as it is unfortunately called. He plainly stated it.
And who do you think was worried about collateral damage as US leader perpetually go after al Qaeda, ISIS, and the 100 other branches? That is what they have been doing... The only difference is that the west went after the tin pot dictator in Libya (against my preference) guarantying chaos there, instead of it merely being the most likely outcome of an old failed tin pot dictator with a restive populace. You think El Cheato gives a shit about 3rd world Muslims in hospitals or at wedding or funerals? El Cheato is giving the military and CIA freer reigns to attack what they want with less Whitehouse oversight. Who the fuck do you think bombed a hospital, the military blindly doing so or do you think Pres. Obama said yippee ki-yay lets bomb a hospital? Just which one do you think a tad more likely?

But with drone strikes up over 400% and bombings in general up, El Cheato has already chalked up over a thousand dead civilians, which pretty much equals the western carnage in Libya in less than 70 days. And El Cheato has already been winking and nodding towards Saudi Arabia that they can bomb as they please in Yemen, undoing Pres. Obama's slow pull back.
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I personally do not have a problem with certain aspects of "America first". This, for example, is not a problem for me. I don't have any interest in protecting non-Americans. I have no empathy for civilians caught up in wartime activity. I have no problem bombing the weapons factory that is right next to the children's hospital... that chosen location is on them, not us.... etc..

President Donald Trump granted the U.S. military more flexibility in conducting operations in Somalia on Wednesday, declaring the country a "war zone" and easing restrictions that protect civilians.
Parts of Somalia have been declared areas of "active hostilities" under a directive Trump signed Wednesday, the New York Times reported. The directive would mean rules that require interagency approval of air strikes no longer apply in those targeted areas, and targets would no longer have to pose a direct threat to American lives. These rules, put in place under President Barack Obama in 2013, also required that strikes would have a very small chance of killing innocent civilians, the Times said. Without these rules, the military now has greater leeway to strike the Al-Shabaab militant group, which is affiliated with al-Qaeda, and has attacked a Kenyan military base and the Ugandan capital of Kampala.


For all of you who decided you couldn't vote for Clinton because she was a war monger, here you go.

Did anyone one on here say that did not vote for Clinton because she was a warmonger? I don't remember any.
You don't remember persistently posting about Clinton the warmonger?
I personally do not have a problem with certain aspects of "America first". This, for example, is not a problem for me. I don't have any interest in protecting non-Americans. I have no empathy for civilians caught up in wartime activity. I have no problem bombing the weapons factory that is right next to the children's hospital... that chosen location is on them, not us.... etc..
People on the ground probably have a different feel.
I have no problem bombing the weapons factory that is right next to the children's hospital... that chosen location is on them, not us....

You think sick children are choosing to put their hospitals next to weapons factories?
I have no problem bombing the weapons factory that is right next to the children's hospital... that chosen location is on them, not us....

You think sick children are choosing to put their hospitals next to weapons factories?
Rather, he thinks that their deaths would be on the heads of the terrorist group. Which would be accurate to a point. However! It must be remembered that when a massive bomb kills your children, you're perspective on blame can easily be shifted back to the people who dropped the bomb.

Pragmatism is accepting that the world doesn't work well with booleans.
You think sick children are choosing to put their hospitals next to weapons factories?
Rather, he thinks that their deaths would be on the heads of the terrorist group. Which would be accurate to a point. However! It must be remembered that when a massive bomb kills your children, you're perspective on blame can easily be shifted back to the people who dropped the bomb.

Pragmatism is accepting that the world doesn't work well with booleans.

No, his claims went a bit further than that " I don't have any interest in protecting non-Americans. I have no empathy for civilians caught up in wartime activity."

So, pretty monstrous indeed.
I have no problem bombing the weapons factory that is right next to the children's hospital... that chosen location is on them, not us....

You think sick children are choosing to put their hospitals next to weapons factories?
No, but the little weasels are clearly CHOOSING to get sick, knowing that medical care will only be afforded near an appropriate military target.
You think sick children are choosing to put their hospitals next to weapons factories?
No, but the little weasels are clearly CHOOSING to get sick, knowing that medical care will only be afforded near an appropriate military target.

Yeah, even if the "weapons factory" is four guys sitting around hand-loading rifle rounds next to a 2000-bed children's hospital, wouldn't it be worth it to dump a few million dollars worth of cluster bombs on them? If nothing else, it drastically reduces any future medical costs associated with those greedy little bastards...
I have no problem bombing the weapons factory that is right next to the children's hospital... that chosen location is on them, not us....

You think sick children are choosing to put their hospitals next to weapons factories?

No. I know that sick-minded adults do this to create propaganda against the enemy. I can think of several specific examples. The Geneva convention explicitly disallows the attacking of hospitals during wartime. Combatants have abused that convention for military strategy by placing high value targets right next to them so they can call foul when they are hit by a strike.
Rather, he thinks that their deaths would be on the heads of the terrorist group. Which would be accurate to a point. However! It must be remembered that when a massive bomb kills your children, you're perspective on blame can easily be shifted back to the people who dropped the bomb.

Pragmatism is accepting that the world doesn't work well with booleans.

No, his claims went a bit further than that " I don't have any interest in protecting non-Americans. I have no empathy for civilians caught up in wartime activity."

So, pretty monstrous indeed.

GRRRRRRAAAAURRRRR! Monster, indeed. Hey, I couldn't give a shit about your (or anyone else's) kids at all... They are a dime a dozen. We have MORE than enough.

Anyway, the point is that if a combatant wants to put their own country's children at risk by installing a military target next to their beds, then that is 100% on them. That the victims feel differently (blame on those that dropped the bombs), is entirely, 100%, the point of doing that.

Who's the monster? The one that puts the children there, or the one that accidently hits them because they shouldn't have been there in the first place?
No, but the little weasels are clearly CHOOSING to get sick, knowing that medical care will only be afforded near an appropriate military target.

Yeah, even if the "weapons factory" is four guys sitting around hand-loading rifle rounds next to a 2000-bed children's hospital, wouldn't it be worth it to dump a few million dollars worth of cluster bombs on them? If nothing else, it drastically reduces any future medical costs associated with those greedy little bastards...

I reload my own rounds for 12 gauge. On my cheap setup that is not designed for mass production, I can crank out about 500 quality rounds in a day, easily.
Times 4 people, that would be about 2,000 1 ounce slugs, each capable of taking down a bear.
The space required to work efficiently on that is about 16 feet of workbench space for all 4 people.
Anyone want to argue that there is no where else for 16 feet of workbench to be setup except next to a 2000 bed hospital? Nowhere else that would be safer for their own people?
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