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Trump Is Finally The Actual Best At Something


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
He's the best at losing money.


By the time his master-of-the-universe memoir “Trump: The Art of the Deal” hit bookstores in 1987, Donald J. Trump was already in deep financial distress, losing tens of millions of dollars on troubled business deals, according to previously unrevealed figures from his federal income tax returns.

Mr. Trump was propelled to the presidency, in part, by a self-spun narrative of business success and of setbacks triumphantly overcome. He has attributed his first run of reversals and bankruptcies to the recession that took hold in 1990. But 10 years of tax information obtained by The New York Times paints a different, and far bleaker, picture of his deal-making abilities and financial condition.
Do we need his taxes to know this?

Taj Mahal casino resort debacle.

Overextended beyond belief.

Pays interest on the loans with illegal loan from Daddy. Illegal loans was Fred Trump buying poker chips from the property to puff up the cash flow so the property could afford to service the debt.

Goes on publicity tour to hype his name.

Creates a publicly traded company for the distressed properties. Dupes fall for the scam and buy stock that exposes them to all that debt.

He walks away.

The house of cards falls and the duped investors and all creditors get shafted.

No reputable firm would lend him money after that.

So you know from that, and should have known from that before the election, that he is a grifter AND that any debt that he is carrying has a lot of strings attached.

People that voted for him either knew/know and didn't/don't care or they are dupes that believe his businessman-y hype.
Do we need his taxes to know this?

It is sort of like the difference between knowing someone has cancer, and doing a scan that gives a clearer picture of how far it has spread. Still don't know the location and size of every tumor, but it is a better idea of how deep the problem is.

One of the interesting things is the one year he reported $51 million in 'investment returns'. Was that his father bailing him out? Money laundering for the Russians, or some other country?
His father made money during the same period. The father's only reported loss was when he invested in Bonespur's company.
As I read elsewhere, "The easy way to make a small fortune in business is to start with a big fortune." or what I say about investment secrets to get rich. "Step One: Already be rich".

I really ponder whether this is all a ruse... a la Brewster Millions. Donald Trump has to lose $20 billion in 20 years or he doesn't inherit the rest of his father's fortune.
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