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Trump just fired the acting Attorney General

Yes, can anyone who supports the order show how it will decrease terrorism?

I think the order was to prevent terrorism.

In Germany a Tunisian Assylum was arrested this morning for planning a bomb attack. He was detained in Frankfurt. However they also found he is wanted for bomb attacks in Tunisia.
Preventative is better than cure as Germany France and Belgium have found out.

However, the hysteria now is to drive in anyone from anywhere.
I think the order was to prevent terrorism.

In Germany a Tunisian Assylum was arrested this morning for planning a bomb attack. He was detained in Frankfurt. However they also found he is wanted for bomb attacks in Tunisia.
Preventative is better than cure as Germany France and Belgium have found out.

However, the hysteria now is to drive in anyone from anywhere.
There are nutcases everywhere. You cannot stop being humane because there are nutcases...
The difference a presidency makes:


I'm not seeing the inconsistency here. How does that support a ban?

I think the comparison is the Obama Administration subjected people from many of the exact same countries Trump listed to heightened scrutiny.

The Obama administration announced on Thursday that it has begun to implement restrictions to the visa waiver program Congress passed as part of the budget deal last month.

The restrictions prevent nationals of 38 countries who have either traveled to Iraq, Syria, Iran or Sudan since March 1, 2011, or those who hold citizenship from those countries, from coming to the United States under the program. The visa waiver program offers expedited electronic processing and short-term visa-free travel to tourists and business travelers.

Instead, dual nationals and travelers who have spent time in the listed countries will be required to go through the full vetting of the regular visa process, which includes an in-person interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate.

Hard to imagine how throwing red meat to the ISIS recruiters is "preventing terrorism".
In Germany a Tunisian Assylum was arrested this morning for planning a bomb attack. He was detained in Frankfurt. However they also found he is wanted for bomb attacks in Tunisia.
Preventative is better than cure as Germany France and Belgium have found out.

However, the hysteria now is to drive in anyone from anywhere.
There are nutcases everywhere. You cannot stop being humane because there are nutcases...

Nothing about stopping 'humane' it's about security, I was in Italy when several arrived refusing to provide any ID, even finger prints and a date of birth. The Italians just let them through to travel to Germany,
Germany, Belgium recently experienced attacks
Nor does it follow that dropping a brick on your foot helps make bathwater warmer. WTF are you babbling about?
I guess you are totally unaware of this:

Trump ban is boon for ISIS recruitment, former jihadists and experts say

Yes we should listen to the islamophobic SOBs who think even the slightest provocation makes muslims turn terrorist.

Uh... CNN? Ex-Jihadists are Islamophobes?
I want what YOU are smoking!
Next thing you'll be decrying both of the above for being "Islamophiles"... I guess you can have it both ways now that your Orange Oligarch has made Alternative Facts the order of the day. :rolleyes:
Well, it is hot air. And there's an important distinction that hasn't been brought up about Mandel in relation the temporary ban of people from a handful of countries. The distinction is that, in Mandel, the Belgian guy wasn't the one challenging the AG's decision to deny entry. As has been repeated numerous times in this and the other thread, non-citizens in foreign lands have no Constitutional rights. So the appellees in Mandel were not arguing that the AG's denial violated the Belgian guy's rights; rather,

How long are you going to continue misdirecting, Trausti? I already said it isn't an issue of the Constitutional rights of those denied entry, but the Constitutionality of the policy itself. That the challenge was brought by a citizen isn't particularly relevant, as a similar challenge could very easily be brought against this idiotic EO by friends, associates, family members, etc, of those denied entry. Stop wasting my time with pointless obfuscation.

The answer was no.

Because they found that the government had sound reasoning to exclude him from entry, not because they agree that decisions of this nature are free from judicial review, which is the fallacy that you and dismal keep trying to propagate.

Anyway, there is nothing about Mandel to suggest - at all - that SCOTUS or another federal court may be persuaded to extend Constitutional rights to non-citizens in foreign lands. That question did not come up in Mandel, as everyone there clearly accepted that non-citizens in foreign lands do not have Constitutional rights. Hence, Trump's executive order in this regard is Constitutionally sound.

Again, I'm tired of your obfuscatory bullshit. It is not an issue of foreign nationals' Constitutional rights. And SCOTUS explicitly rejected your assertion that they have no oversight over decisions to bar foreigners from entry. That's a good thing, because some fucking clown like Donald Trump shouldn't have that sort of power in the first place. Whether they'll intervene is an open question, but your claim that they can't possibly do so is flat out fucking wrong. Deal with it.
I think the comparison is the Obama Administration subjected people from many of the exact same countries Trump listed to heightened scrutiny.

And the comparison is bullshit. Does it really need to be explained to you and the others who excuse this misuse of executive power what the difference is between a vetting process and the batshit insanity that Trump just signed off on?
I think the comparison is the Obama Administration subjected people from many of the exact same countries Trump listed to heightened scrutiny.

And the comparison is bullshit. Does it really need to be explained to you and the others who excuse this misuse of executive power what the difference is between a vetting process and the batshit insanity that Trump just signed off on?
Misuse? That's a technical inaccuracy. It was well within his purview.
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