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Trump just won re-election


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
The buzzfeed story debunking is going to give credence to every cry of fake news. No one will believe CNN and the other mainstream news outlets that ran with their story. His base will now be super energized. The two morons who wrote this article just singlehandedly saved Trump’s presidency. And likely got him re-elected.

Fuck Buzzfeed.

The buzzfeed story debunking is going to give credence to every cry of fake news. No one will believe CNN and the other mainstream news outlets that ran with their story. His base will now be super energized. The two morons who wrote this article just singlehandedly saved Trump’s presidency. And likely got him re-elected.

Fuck Buzzfeed.


Nah, by this time next week no one will remember. It is a temporary blip. CNN and MSNBC have had to retract several stories and journalists have even been fired because they aired 'big' unsourced stories that turned out to be completely baseless.
The buzzfeed story debunking is going to give credence to every cry of fake news. No one will believe CNN and the other mainstream news outlets that ran with their story. His base will now be super energized. The two morons who wrote this article just singlehandedly saved Trump’s presidency. And likely got him re-elected.

Fuck Buzzfeed.

LOL, I can't wait to what Steven Colbert have to say about that.
Based on the documents I've read, it seems it might be possible that Trump didn't tell Cohen directly to lie.

This would be a serious fuckup for Buzzfeed.

As far as re-election, Trump is still too busy trying to instigate a recession for that to be a guarantee.
It's interesting that the Trumpian "it's a witch hunt!" crowd is suddenly singing the praises of the Mueller investigation for shooting down this "bombshell revelation."
It's interesting that the Trumpian "it's a witch hunt!" crowd is suddenly singing the praises of the Mueller investigation for shooting down this "bombshell revelation."
Only if Alanis Morisette wrote a song about it... don't you think?
It is reminiscent of that time there was a news story that Karl Rove had been indicted, but then never was. Maybe because both stories were by the same asshole Leopold.
Nah, by this time next week no one will remember. It is a temporary blip. CNN and MSNBC have had to retract several stories and journalists have even been fired because they aired 'big' unsourced stories that turned out to be completely baseless.

Yeah, it's CNN and MSNBC who constantly lie in this scenario. :rolleyes: Seriously, is there anyone left on the planet on the fence about Trump's integrity and this Buzzfeed article was going to be the deciding factor either way? Everyone has pretty much made their mind up months ago (well, except this guy but he's a special case)
Nah, by this time next week no one will remember. It is a temporary blip. CNN and MSNBC have had to retract several stories and journalists have even been fired because they aired 'big' unsourced stories that turned out to be completely baseless.

Yeah, it's CNN and MSNBC who constantly lie in this scenario. :rolleyes: Seriously, is there anyone left on the planet on the fence about Trump's integrity and this Buzzfeed article was going to be the deciding factor either way? Everyone has pretty much made their mind up months ago (well, except this guy but he's a special case)

It’s not about logically convincing people that Trump is a liar or it’s the media that lies. It’s about energizing the base. Look at CNN.com and Foxnews.com. This is treated like a bombshell on Foxnews and is given a small headline on CNN. The base will find in this fiasco a new hope and reason to believe in their boy, and proof that the media is lying. They’ll show up at the polls to support him.

The buzzfeed story debunking is going to give credence to every cry of fake news. No one will believe CNN and the other mainstream news outlets that ran with their story. His base will now be super energized. The two morons who wrote this article just singlehandedly saved Trump’s presidency. And likely got him re-elected.

Fuck Buzzfeed.


I dunno... Trump's team did not deny the story. They interpreted it as Cohen's testimony, and painted Cohen as a known liar.

I think they know there is at least something at the bottom of buzzfeed's story, which will probably stand up to scrutiny. Their reaction strikes me as authenticating the charges.... Maybe not all the details, but the WH certainly narrowed in on 'don't believe Cohen!'
Nah, there are still plenty of candidates to choose from who'll be better than Trump. It's not that clear at all.
Energizing the 32 or 33% of us that can stomach this gruesome man means that he'll be reelected?

When half the electorate doesn’t vote? Damn straight it does.

You have no idea what the voter turnout will be for this election. Chances are it'll be higher because there are more representative candidates to choose from this time around.
Energizing the 32 or 33% of us that can stomach this gruesome man means that he'll be reelected?

When half the electorate doesn’t vote? Damn straight it does.

You have no idea what the voter turnout will be for this election. Chances are it'll be higher because there are more representative candidates to choose from this time around.
If the mid-terms were a sign, turnout will be high.
You have no idea what the voter turnout will be for this election. Chances are it'll be higher because there are more representative candidates to choose from this time around.
If the mid-terms were a sign, turnout will be high.

If 2016 was a sign, the entire electorate is high. Look what we did.
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