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Trump just won re-election

Trump hasn't increased his base at all, and is in fact incapable of doing so. Therefore, we Rationals own the field if we're sufficiently motivated. I sense that after 2 years of this orange ass-hat (excuse me, I'll use Presidential language and call him a horse faced little shit of a son of a bitch) there is an aching need to see the last of him.
I say we're on board now. Target in sight. Launch.
Remember: there is no 'i' in unity. Not the way Trump thinks it's spelled.
And CNN now says it's not clear what Mueller office actually denies.

CNN is reporting what Buzzfeed said about the reply. CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and the rest ALL have been quite clear about this being entirely a buzzfeed dialog. the news is that buzzfeed is reporting this. not that the "this" is confirmed by their sources, which it wasn't.
And CNN now says it's not clear what Mueller office actually denies.

CNN is reporting what Buzzfeed said about the reply. CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and the rest ALL have been quite clear about this being entirely a buzzfeed dialog. the news is that buzzfeed is reporting this. not that the "this" is confirmed by their sources, which it wasn't.

Buzzfeed said today they reconfirmed with their sources and stand by the story.
Nobody is talking about the Buzzfeed story today. It will be totally forgotten by the end of the week, imo. :p

It will be interesting in a month or few (or maybe even on Feb 7), when the facts of this matter come to light.

"Do you recall when Buzzfeed published that damning claim?"
"No... which one are you talking about?"
"You know, when they said Trump ordered Cohen to lie to Congress?"
"Oh, right... I dimly recall that. What about it?"
"Turns out it was true! (or false!)"
"Hmpf. I wasn't paying attention to that - I'm concerned that Trump is still working for Putin. Remember he said he NEVER worked for Putin? Then he said he hasn't worked for Putin since the election, then said he isn't working for Putin right now? I am waiting to find out the truth about that. What he might or might not have told Cohen to say doesn't really matter..."
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