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Trump lost the popular vote

If California didn't count Trump would have won the popular vote.
Trump lost the popular vote

That would be meaningful if it had anything to do with how the US selects a President.

It's a shame that so many US citizens know so little about their own government.
I think that you misunderstood the nature of this thread. It isn't about the US process on how a president is elected.
That would be meaningful if it had anything to do with how the US selects a President.

It's a shame that so many US citizens know so little about their own government.
I think that you misunderstood the nature of this thread. It isn't about the US process on how a president is elected.
I understand the nature of the thread. It is whining that a candidate lost because the US doesn't have a governmental system that some people think it should. It could equally be argued by people who believe short people should have more voice in governance that it is wrong that the tallest person won.

We could also propose that the loser of any election should have the right to re-write the Constitution so that, if the voting is the same in the next election, then they will win.
I think that you misunderstood the nature of this thread. It isn't about the US process on how a president is elected.
I understand the nature of the thread. It is whining that a candidate lost because the US doesn't have a governmental system that some people think it should. It could equally be argued by people who believe short people should have more voice in governance that it is wrong that the tallest person won.

We could also propose that the loser of any election should have the right to re-write the Constitution so that, if the voting is the same in the next election, then they will win.

I believe that a system that allows a minority party to gain full control of an entire country should be changed. I accept the current outcome, but I would like change. Is that whining?
I understand the nature of the thread. It is whining that a candidate lost because the US doesn't have a governmental system that some people think it should. It could equally be argued by people who believe short people should have more voice in governance that it is wrong that the tallest person won.

We could also propose that the loser of any election should have the right to re-write the Constitution so that, if the voting is the same in the next election, then they will win.

I believe that a system that allows a minority party to gain full control of an entire country should be changed. I accept the current outcome, but I would like change. Is that whining?
Most likely.

Assume that the results were the opposite where Clinton won a landslide of Electoral College votes but Trump won a plurality of the national popular vote, would the Democrats still be complaining that it wasn't fair?
I understand the nature of the thread. It is whining that a candidate lost because the US doesn't have a governmental system that some people think it should. It could equally be argued by people who believe short people should have more voice in governance that it is wrong that the tallest person won.

We could also propose that the loser of any election should have the right to re-write the Constitution so that, if the voting is the same in the next election, then they will win.

I believe that a system that allows a minority party to gain full control of an entire country should be changed. I accept the current outcome, but I would like change. Is that whining?

Well you're in luck. We don't have a system that allows a minority party to gain full control of the country. We've got 435 congressional critters, 100 federal senators, state and federal courts, 50 state governors, 50 state legislatures, innumerable county and city councils, and so on. A minority party would have to gain control of all that. Ain't gonna happen.

This election has really brought out how ignorant people are of civics. Is civics still taught in high school any more?
I believe that a system that allows a minority party to gain full control of an entire country should be changed. I accept the current outcome, but I would like change. Is that whining?

Well you're in luck. We don't have a system that allows a minority party to gain full control of the country. We've got 435 congressional critters, 100 federal senators, state and federal courts, 50 state governors, 50 state legislatures, innumerable county and city councils, and so on. A minority party would have to gain control of all that. Ain't gonna happen.

This election has really brought out how ignorant people are of civics. Is civics still taught in high school any more?

There were fewer republicans that voted Nov 8 than democrats. The d's outvoted you. And yet you control the presidency, the house, the senate, the supreme court, most state legislatures, most state governors. The republicans are the minority party in terms of voters, but you control the entire government. Where am I wrong or ignorant? Where is my misstatement?
Well you're in luck. We don't have a system that allows a minority party to gain full control of the country. We've got 435 congressional critters, 100 federal senators, state and federal courts, 50 state governors, 50 state legislatures, innumerable county and city councils, and so on. A minority party would have to gain control of all that. Ain't gonna happen.

This election has really brought out how ignorant people are of civics. Is civics still taught in high school any more?

There were fewer republicans that voted Nov 8 than democrats. The d's outvoted you. And yet you control the presidency, the house, the senate, the supreme court, most state legislatures, most state governors. The republicans are the minority party in terms of voters, but you control the entire government. Where am I wrong or ignorant? Where is my misstatement?

Why do you assume that people blindly vote by party? You're aware that Trump's win relied significantly on supposed democrats, right? Especially in the rust belt. In PA, Trump beat Clinton by 50K votes, but the Toomey, the Republican, beat McGinty, the Democrat, by nearly 100K votes for senate. Trump wins NC but the incumbent Republican governor losses. How do these results make any sense? Because each election for office is separate and distinct. We don't have a system where a minority party can control everything. We a system where there are thousands of elections, and the winner of each election garners the majority of votes. The presidency is only different because this is the United States. The states created the national government, not the other way around. Why this is not taught anymore in high school or at university is a shame.
Well you're in luck. We don't have a system that allows a minority party to gain full control of the country. We've got 435 congressional critters, 100 federal senators, state and federal courts, 50 state governors, 50 state legislatures, innumerable county and city councils, and so on. A minority party would have to gain control of all that. Ain't gonna happen.

This election has really brought out how ignorant people are of civics. Is civics still taught in high school any more?

There were fewer republicans that voted Nov 8 than democrats. The d's outvoted you. And yet you control the presidency, the house, the senate, the supreme court, most state legislatures, most state governors. The republicans are the minority party in terms of voters, but you control the entire government. Where am I wrong or ignorant? Where is my misstatement?
Both the Democrat and the Republican parties are minority parties.

I would identify myself as Libertarian however your "more d's voted than r's" is meaningless. 42% of registered voters self identify as independents. The remaining 58% are divided between Dems, Repubs, Liberts, Greens, Constitution, Socialist, Communist, etc. And then self identified party affiliation says little about how the people actually voted. There were many of all parties (including Republicans) that voted for Clinton and many of all parties (including Democrats) who voted for Trump.
There were fewer republicans that voted Nov 8 than democrats. The d's outvoted you. And yet you control the presidency, the house, the senate, the supreme court, most state legislatures, most state governors. The republicans are the minority party in terms of voters, but you control the entire government. Where am I wrong or ignorant? Where is my misstatement?

Why do you assume that people blindly vote by party? You're aware that Trump's win relied significantly on supposed democrats, right? Especially in the rust belt. In PA, Trump beat Clinton by 50K votes, but the Toomey, the Republican, beat McGinty, the Democrat, by nearly 100K votes for senate. Trump wins NC but the incumbent Republican governor losses. How do these results make any sense? Because each election for office is separate and distinct. We don't have a system where a minority party can control everything. We a system where there are thousands of elections, and the winner of each election garners the majority of votes. The presidency is only different because this is the United States. The states created the national government, not the other way around. Why this is not taught anymore in high school or at university is a shame.

Thank you for the history lesson. The founding fathers also allowed for slavery. You're point? Are you trying to say that I don't have a right to ask for change? My simple point is this: there are more democrats in the country than republicans. Significantly more democrats voted than republicans. And yet the republicans control all of government.
Why do you assume that people blindly vote by party? You're aware that Trump's win relied significantly on supposed democrats, right? Especially in the rust belt. In PA, Trump beat Clinton by 50K votes, but the Toomey, the Republican, beat McGinty, the Democrat, by nearly 100K votes for senate. Trump wins NC but the incumbent Republican governor losses. How do these results make any sense? Because each election for office is separate and distinct. We don't have a system where a minority party can control everything. We a system where there are thousands of elections, and the winner of each election garners the majority of votes. The presidency is only different because this is the United States. The states created the national government, not the other way around. Why this is not taught anymore in high school or at university is a shame.

Thank you for the history lesson. The founding fathers also allowed for slavery. You're point? Are you trying to say that I don't have a right to ask for change? My simple point is this: there are more democrats in the country than republicans. Significantly more democrats voted than republicans. And yet the republicans control all of government.

Oh noes! Can't support a position so shout slavery! You wrote that we have a system that allows the minority party to control everything. That is demonstrably false. The parties don't own voters. I know, I know. That observation makes partisan hacks cry. Just because someone at a particular time may identify as a Dem, Rep, Green, or Purple party, doesn't mean that person lacks the capacity to think for himself. NC really is a case in point. Trump won there by 175K votes. But the Democrat challenger beat the incumbent Republican governor by 10K votes. The incumbent Democratic state auditor won by 6K votes. Obviously, people in NC did not vote down party lines. Oh the horror!
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