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Trump lost the popular vote

The Democratic Party nominated the wrong candidate for the times.

HRC ignored the rust belt and the rust belt bit her in the ass

The DP and HRC knew that the electoral college was a thing in the world of real things and that it was there that elections were won and lost and they didn't say a word about the fairness of it prior to her losing.

They knew the rules, they played like it was 1999 when it is 2016, and they lost the game.
But why single out Trump?

Because while other candidates are saying "maybe we should take a second look at the process" he's tweeting about an unflattering portrayal on a comedy show?

I mean, Saturday Night Live has skewered Presidents from day one. Chevy's Ford was funny, but not really an imitation. Danny tried to imitate Carter, but they didn't really start to nail it until Dana Carvey did Bush senior. Hammond had Clinton dialed in, and Ferrell was channeling Bush junior. Baldwin is continuing that tradition. His Trump is pretty damned good.

And the President-elect is staying up late on Saturday night to watch a TV show and live tweet his disappointment. He deserves to be singled out. Because he's a fucking idiot.
The Democratic Party nominated the wrong candidate for the times.
HRC ignored the rust belt and the rust belt bit her in the ass

The DP and HRC knew that the electoral college was a thing in the world of real things and that it was there that elections were won and lost and they didn't say a word about the fairness of it prior to her losing.

They knew the rules, they played like it was 1999 when it is 2016, and they lost the game.
Democrats were relying on the Electoral College, it was a major part of their "Blue Wall" strategy. They just took the rust belt and its blue collar working class for granted arrogantly assuming that they belonged to the Democrat party. They were so cock sure that they didn't even bother to campaign in Wisconsin even when the polls there begin showing them dropping fast.
That would be meaningful if it had anything to do with how the US selects a President.

It's a shame that so many US citizens know so little about their own government.
I think that you misunderstood the nature of this thread. It isn't about the US process on how a president is elected.

I know the thread is not strictly about the election process, but at the same time I am more than capable of reading between the lines and following an implication to its conclusion in order to decipher one's true intent. So let's not be coy here and just jump to the heart of the matter: That Trump's election is somehow less valid or legitimate because he lost the popular vote.
I think that you misunderstood the nature of this thread. It isn't about the US process on how a president is elected.
I understand the nature of the thread. It is whining that a candidate lost because the US doesn't have a governmental system that some people think it should. It could equally be argued by people who believe short people should have more voice in governance that it is wrong that the tallest person won.

We could also propose that the loser of any election should have the right to re-write the Constitution so that, if the voting is the same in the next election, then they will win.

Nope. You totally missed it. It's a straightforward troll thread, mocking Derec's "Hillary didn't win the popular vote".
Don't try so hard to read stuff into it, and your blood pressure will thank you. :)
But why single out Trump?

Because nobody ever heard of ME. :D
And because he's the least intelligent, least competent, most unstable character and the greatest embarrassment ever to become president elect of the USA. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. :rolleyes:
As I look at the vote totals, I see that the OP is right and Trump didn't get a majority of the popular vote. But why single out Trump? NONE of the candidates received a majority of the popular vote.
You must not have looked close enough. The word was "won" the popular vote. No mention of majority. Why you'd expect the OP'er to mention Stein of Johnson is beyond me.

Clinton did win the popular vote, by over 2.5 million.
As I look at the vote totals, I see that the OP is right and Trump didn't get a majority of the popular vote. But why single out Trump? NONE of the candidates received a majority of the popular vote.
You must not have looked close enough. The word was "won" the popular vote. No mention of majority. Why you'd expect the OP'er to mention Stein of Johnson is beyond me.

Clinton did win the popular vote, by over 2.5 million.

But if you don't count California she lost it.
As I look at the vote totals, I see that the OP is right and Trump didn't get a majority of the popular vote. But why single out Trump? NONE of the candidates received a majority of the popular vote.
You must not have looked close enough. The word was "won" the popular vote. No mention of majority. Why you'd expect the OP'er to mention Stein of Johnson is beyond me.

Clinton did win the popular vote, by over 2.5 million.

You must not say that Clinton won the popular vote! You might offend the delicate sensibilities of our Trumpsters. :p
As I look at the vote totals, I see that the OP is right and Trump didn't get a majority of the popular vote. But why single out Trump? NONE of the candidates received a majority of the popular vote.
You must not have looked close enough. The word was "won" the popular vote. No mention of majority. Why you'd expect the OP'er to mention Stein of Johnson is beyond me.

Clinton did win the popular vote, by over 2.5 million.

Ya, saying that she didn't win the popular vote is like saying that Moana didn't win the weekend box office since it only took in $28 million in ticket sales while, last year, the new Star Wars took in almost $250 million in a weekend.

Winning means finishing first amongst your competition. It doesn't mean meeting some other standard.
You must not have looked close enough. The word was "won" the popular vote. No mention of majority. Why you'd expect the OP'er to mention Stein of Johnson is beyond me.

Clinton did win the popular vote, by over 2.5 million.

But if you don't count California she lost it.

So, she lost the popular vote in a country that doesn't exist. Ok, got it. That's helpful.
You must not have looked close enough. The word was "won" the popular vote. No mention of majority. Why you'd expect the OP'er to mention Stein of Johnson is beyond me.

Clinton did win the popular vote, by over 2.5 million.

But if you don't count California she lost it.

CA is 12% of the population. Why would we not count the votes of 12% of the population?
But if you don't count California she lost it.

CA is 12% of the population. Why would we not count the votes of 12% of the population?

Seriously. This is an important question. The Trump Administration only has four short years to come up with a decent answer to justify doing it and could really use everyone's help in getting started with the brainstorming.
CA is 12% of the population. Why would we not count the votes of 12% of the population?

I choose to point out the results using this way of counting because it makes me feel good. Satisfies some emotional need I have.

I object! Why doesn't not counting bible belt states make me feel any better?
Oh, right... Hillary, Debbie Schultz...
As I look at the vote totals, I see that the OP is right and Trump didn't get a majority of the popular vote. But why single out Trump? NONE of the candidates received a majority of the popular vote.
You must not have looked close enough. The word was "won" the popular vote. No mention of majority. Why you'd expect the OP'er to mention Stein of Johnson is beyond me.

Clinton did win the popular vote, by over 2.5 million.

She didn't receive a majority of the popular vote either. And that's if you limit it to those who actually voted. So no, she didn't win the popular vote, she only got the highest minority popular vote.
You must not have looked close enough. The word was "won" the popular vote. No mention of majority. Why you'd expect the OP'er to mention Stein of Johnson is beyond me.

Clinton did win the popular vote, by over 2.5 million.

She didn't receive a majority of the popular vote either. And that's if you limit it to those who actually voted. So no, she didn't win the popular vote, she only got the highest minority popular vote.

and if we don't count California she didn't even get that
Oh please! You're being a drama queen now! I believe in change. The way our system was set up, the republicans won everything, despite having received fewer votes than the dems. I've accepted that outcome. However, I would like some form of change. I don't like one party having absolute control.

This is a good lesson on why the federal government needs to be much more limited in power. Give that power back to the states and it will be a lot easier for us to all get along and also move to the state which has the types of policies and party in power one prefers.

It's grown into an overbearing albatross where now someone in Missisippi, with a significantly different culture, set of issues and set of preferences can vote in far too much power via the federal government to affect my life in a negative way and then pass on the cost well into future generations in this state.

Totally agree. I also think that the power to start a war should be returned to the house. We follow an old archaic way to elect a president that was designed more than two hundred years ago. Fine. I accept the outcome. This is the system that we have until we change it. However, the founding fathers didn't anticipate such a powerful presidency.
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