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Trump might get a travel ban.


Apr 5, 2004
Basic Beliefs
Just not the one he wanted.

Travelers from the United States are "unlikely" to be allowed into the European Union, as ambassadors of the 27 members states have agreed "in principle" to criteria as the bloc begins to open up to international travel, several EU diplomats told CNN on Friday.
The agreement is not final, as the ambassadors will need to consult with their respective governments.
Under the current criteria -- which, among other parameters, takes into account the number of coronavirus cases per 100,000 people in the past 14 days -- US travelers would likely be excluded.

So this is what sensible coherent policy looks like. Can't wait to see hoe Trumptards spin this. My guess is an idiotic round of "Freedoms Fries 2.0" with a dash of trade war rhetoric.
Trump won't be content until he makes the US the pariah of the world. It's where he's always felt most comfortable.
Makes sense. After all the time and effort most places have put into containing the virus, letting in a bunch of Americans to go spread it around their countries would be a bad call.

We're keeping the border closed between you and Canada as well.
I expect Trump will preemptively ban travel TO Europe, first. Because reasons. Then claim the EU stance is retaliation, because they don't like us.

You didn't break up with me, i broke up with you!
Can't fire me, i quit!
Well, well, i didn't WANT to play ball with you guys, so there!
Trump won't be content until he makes the US the pariah of the world. It's where he's always felt most comfortable.

I truly believe it's a mistake to impute any such high motives to Trump. An endeavor like making America a global pariah or destroying democracy would be far above his intellectual grade. Having to do those things because he is kompromatted all to shit, is just an annoying distraction of no real consequence to him; as long as he pleases Pootey and it doesn't take any real effort, it's a small sacrifice of his time.
In this President we have a very simple man with a very simple set of motives. His entire universe consists of Haters and Fans, toadies and enemies. Every single thing he does is in the interest of garnering adulation from the Fans and toadies while causing pain, suffering and death to the enemies/Haters. There are no loftier goals than that; no long-term plans - not even any short term plans, as evidenced by his response to Hannity when asked what his priorities would be for a second term.

Here's the full answer to the question "what would your priorities be for a second term?"
Take careful note of the lofty goals and priorities:

PINO said:
Well, one of the things that will be really great, you know the word experience is still good. I always say talent is more important than experience. I’ve always said that. But the word experience is a very important word. It’s an — a very important meaning.
I never did this before. I never slept over in Washington. I was in Washington, I think, 17 times. All of a sudden, I’m president of the United States. You know the story. I’m riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our First Lady and I say, ‘This is great. But I didn’t know very many people in Washington. It wasn’t my thing. I was from Manhattan, from New York. Now I know everybody, and I have great people in the administration.”
You make some mistakes. Like, you know, an idiot like Bolton. All he wanted to do was drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to kill people.

So that's the plan folks.
(And as such it is also the Republican Platform for the upcoming election)
So far, the Dotard has been pretty quite on this subject...but will probably change when it becomes official. The whispers are that US officials have been lobbying to try to be on the good list...I'm sure Clownstick's beautiful relationship with EU leaders will sway things biggly.
The US ban to travel in the EU is a HOAX! None of his supporters can identify the EU on a map, much less have the interest, will, or means to ever travel outside the country. So just call it a hoax.

Trump will never win anyone over that did not already vote for him in 2016. That is done... he must simply keep his previous supporters supporting him. So he has nothing to lose just saying anything that his base likes the sound of and just hope his GOP coharts can prevent enough non-supporters from voting (or having their votes counted).
Makes sense. After all the time and effort most places have put into containing the virus, letting in a bunch of Americans to go spread it around their countries would be a bad call.

We're keeping the border closed between you and Canada as well.

Yep, that's been extended until the end of August. Meanwhile, there is an exemption for Americans driving through Canada to or from Alaska, but they're not supposed to linger along the way. Some driving north are lingering along the way, taking in scenic tourist sights in British Columbia and Alberta. Some are suspected of not even going all the way to Alaska, but doing a little Canadian tour and then heading south of the border. I haven't heard similar complaints on the news about Americans driving south from Alaska.
Makes sense. After all the time and effort most places have put into containing the virus, letting in a bunch of Americans to go spread it around their countries would be a bad call.

We're keeping the border closed between you and Canada as well.

Yep, that's been extended until the end of August. Meanwhile, there is an exemption for Americans driving through Canada to or from Alaska, but they're not supposed to linger along the way. Some driving north are lingering along the way, taking in scenic tourist sights in British Columbia and Alberta. Some are suspected of not even going all the way to Alaska, but doing a little Canadian tour and then heading south of the border. I haven't heard similar complaints on the news about Americans driving south from Alaska.

If you come to Alaska you need proof of a corvid test ,72 hours before. Or do a 14 day quarantine.
So if Americans enter Mexico illegally, are there "sanctuary cities" south of the border too, or is that type of suicidal idiocy something uniquely American?
There is a large number of Americans living in Mexico, many of them illegally.

For Americans Living Illegally In Mexico, Life As An Immigrant Comes Easier | Here & Now
About 1 million Americans live in Mexico, according to the State Department. Many of them do so illegally. But it's much easier to navigate life in Mexico as an immigrant without proper documents than it is in the United States.
noting U.S. Relations With Mexico - United States Department of State

American 'illegals' in Mexico - BBC News
Last year about 1,000 US citizens were questioned over irregularities in their immigration status, according to Mexican authorities. They face a modest fine - up to $50 - if officials find them working without a permit or living in Mexico without proper documents.

Those who lose their visas or are asked to leave the country and then discovered to be overstaying are fined up to $400.

But the National Migration Institute in Mexico has no idea just how many Americans are living or working illegally in Mexico.

There are no advocacy groups defending American aliens in Mexico. Mexican politicians haven't raised it as a major issue - a far cry from the controversy around illegal migration on the other side of the border.
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