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Trump Pardons criminals

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
So Trump pardoned a whole bunch of people today. When I say people, I mean convicted felons. But it is okay, because these were white collar criminals. Have to build a wall to protect America from non-criminal illegal immigrants. Need to storm into cities to arrest non-criminal illegal immigrants whose only crime is being in the US without proper authority...

...but commit some white collar crimes and get convicted for doing so...

The Trump Admin says you need relief from the ultimate authority of the nation, the President.
That's how right-wing faux populism works. Tax cuts for billionaires but throw working poor a bone in the process. They will thank you. Pardon tons of white collar criminals who stole all middle class people's money in Ponzi schemes...then pardon a couple of high visibility poor people or POC and many people will be fooled. At the same time, keep the establishment powers in place...make it even harder by toughening laws and structure on poor people and reaping profits off them. Rinse, repeat...
So Trump pardoned a whole bunch of people today. When I say people, I mean convicted felons.
As does every single president, so what's your point?

But it is okay, because these were white collar criminals.
Sure beats commuting the sentence of a a bomb-planting terrorist, like Obama did.

Have to build a wall to protect America from non-criminal illegal immigrants.
Oh, your point is to rant in favor of illegal aliens. :rolleyes: Illegally coming to US is also a crime (Democrats have not decriminalized it yet, even though some of the candidates promised to do so), and illegal entry after a deportation (which happens often) is a felony.

Need to storm into cities to arrest non-criminal illegal immigrants whose only crime is being in the US without proper authority...
Completely different issue, but that is not true. Sanctuary city policies protect illegals with non-immigration criminal records as well.
Take this case.
NYC-DC tensions over sanctuary policy escalate after ICE agent shoots man in the face
An illegal Mexican who was previously deported and has an 2011 assault conviction was sought by ICE. This resulted in the illegal's girlfriend's son being shot because he attacked ICE officers trying to prevent the arrest.
But those in the country illegally committing crimes are ok with you leftists because?
The Trump Admin says you need relief from the ultimate authority of the nation, the President.
How is that different than every other president? At least Trump also commuted the sentence of a Democrat. That shows a certain bipartisan spirit. :)
That's how right-wing faux populism works.
And left-wing populism works by pretending that D presidents do not pardon/commute sentences of white collar criminals. Besides, better Rod the Blagojevich goes free than Oscar Lopez the bomb-planting terrorist.
When conservatives realize they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will abandon democracy.
And when "progressives" realize they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon faux-progressivism. They will replace the people with a new one from the Third World more susceptible to their ideology.
That's how right-wing faux populism works.
And left-wing populism works by pretending that D presidents do not pardon/commute sentences of white collar criminals. Besides, better Rod the Blagojevich goes free than Oscar Lopez the bomb-planting terrorist.

Even right-wingers know Obama was a centrist, not a leftist. It's pure pretense by them. So, nice try!
That's how right-wing faux populism works.
And left-wing populism works by pretending that D presidents do not pardon/commute sentences of white collar criminals. Besides, better Rod the Blagojevich goes free than Oscar Lopez the bomb-planting terrorist.

Even right-wingers know Obama was a centrist, not a leftist. It's pure pretense by them. So, nice try!

Any black person running for President in 2008 would have had to be a centrist in order to win. If Sanders wins the D nomination we'll see if that applies to a white person. Of course it would sell better if he was a reg'ler Krischin instead of a Jew. But probably not as rough as being black or even half black.
That's how right-wing faux populism works.
And left-wing populism works by pretending that D presidents do not pardon/commute sentences of white collar criminals. Besides, better Rod the Blagojevich goes free than Oscar Lopez the bomb-planting terrorist.

Even right-wingers know Obama was a centrist, not a leftist. It's pure pretense by them. So, nice try!

Obama had definite left-wing leanings in certain areas - his affection for 70s left-wing terrorists being one of those areas. But that is beside the point. The "left-wing populism" in my post wasn't about him, but about people clutching pearls over Trump's pardons pretending that D presidents like Obama and Clinton did not pardon similar kinds of people.
The "left-wing populism" in my post wasn't about him, but about people clutching pearls over Trump's pardons pretending that D presidents like Obama and Clinton did not pardon similar kinds of people.

Which of Clinton or Obama's pardons was for the crime of trying to sell a Senate seat via a conspiracy to solicit bribes?
I mean sure - wire fraud, tax fraud violating court orders for business practices etc. - but selling a Senate seat? I don't remember that.
I'm pretty sure the first rule of selling Senate seats is "don't get caught". Rob broke the rule. He should pay.
Which of Clinton or Obama's pardons was for the crime of trying to sell a Senate seat via a conspiracy to solicit bribes?
I mean sure - wire fraud, tax fraud violating court orders for business practices etc. - but selling a Senate seat? I don't remember that.

I don't either. I did not say crimes were identical, just that pardons/commutations for 'white collar criminals' (phrase used in the OP) are very common.
But you are burying the lede here: Blago is a Democrat.
Which of Clinton or Obama's pardons was for the crime of trying to sell a Senate seat via a conspiracy to solicit bribes?
I mean sure - wire fraud, tax fraud violating court orders for business practices etc. - but selling a Senate seat? I don't remember that.

I don't either. I did not say crimes were identical, just that pardons/commutations for 'white collar criminals' (phrase used in the OP) are very common.

I put selling a Senate seat in a different category from bilking a pension fund. You'd lump them together it seems. Just as repubs lump re-paying Iran money that was already theirs as part of a treaty, with using taxpayers' money to extort a foreign leader into manufacturing fake political dirt ... pretty much the same thing, right? But I still can't see ANY previous President commuting a sentence for a conviction for selling a Senate seat.
I think the recent round of pardons is for two reasons: 1) Prepare the ground for pardoning Roger Stone. This way the trumpists can say, "look, he pardoned other people too! It wasn't just his own cronies!" 2) Send a message to other people that he's got their back, if they broke the law, are breaking the law, or will break the law for Trump.
I think you should as a nation consider doing away with presidential pardons. It's corrupt by its very nature. The president shouldn't be allowed to just pardon anyone he/she wants for no given reason. He/she should at the very most be able to force a judicial review of a person's case or application for parole.
When conservatives realize they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will abandon democracy.
And when "progressives" realize they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon faux-progressivism. They will replace the people with a new one from the Third World more susceptible to their ideology.

WTF does this even mean?

Which of Clinton or Obama's pardons was for the crime of trying to sell a Senate seat via a conspiracy to solicit bribes?
I think a better question, how many pardons of Obama's were issued when a close friend was facing a hard decision?
If Stone gets 9 years, and doesn't want to do 9 years, he might roll over on Trump. So Trump is waving the pardon flag fast and furious.
Any of Obama's pardons seem likely to be a message to a confidante or friend in similar scandal?
And when "progressives" realize they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon faux-progressivism. They will replace the people with a new one from the Third World more susceptible to their ideology.

WTF does this even mean?
It means Dems protect illegal immigrants so they'll
1) out-reproduce white Americans
2) Vote Democrat
Let's compare:

List of Obama's Pardons

List of Clinton's Pardons

Not up to date with the latest spate (and some were stays, not pardons)

trump's pardons

And for fun, the Bushes:

Pardons granted by GW Bush

George H.W. Bush

So I don't know if there's a way to tell how many were friends, but they are largely white collar type crimes. It seems there's a pattern to the oligarchy.

It does seem as if the shitstain in the WH is going for some high profile "in your face" type pardons though. It would be consistent with the whole idea of 'owning the libs' mentality of the WH mob boss.
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