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Trump picks anti-Jewish bigot pastor to lead prayer at new Jerusalem embassy

Jesus, Pastor Jeffress? He's the poster child for everything that's wrong with evangelicals today. Bigoted, and proud. Power hungry. For fuck's sake he's a Fox news contributor.
He is following the proud tradition of Martin Luther


These people want structure and to belong to a group that has the right answer. They are wrong and deluded, but this is a drive that must be understood. Same reason that some are becoming muslim, it has a specific structure that is not as weakened and watered down by the rest of the cultural zeitgeist. If everything is everything, everything is nothing. Distinctions make meaning for these people.

Christians should argue that non believers are going to hell. It is true about the texts. It is fantasy, but it is what the texts say.

Do you want Christians that compromise with the cultural zeitgeist so that they limp along for quite a while, or do you want them to stick to their guns and have the flock leave? I prefer the latter.

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Jesus, Pastor Jeffress? He's the poster child for everything that's wrong with evangelicals today. Bigoted, and proud. Power hungry. For fuck's sake he's a Fox news contributor.

Yeah, it is crazy times. John Hagee is also in the Trumpworld performance in Israel.

I think there is a positive irony in this insanity. FFvC is taking the Repugs to their natural extremes. They are going to have a hell of a time trying to walk back this brand of insanity.

All odds point to the Dums at least taking the House this fall, and the senate is even possible. And the odds of having a recession prior to the 2020 election are probably pretty damn high. It should be fun talking about $1.4 trillion deficits. Don's con will be old and tired by the time the 2020 elections come around. Never mind that a recession would tank FFvC consistently dismal poll number to new records. The Dums could probably even nominate HRC and win this time (just kidding on the idea). By the time the 2024 presidential election cycle comes around the Rupugs will have been nearly checkmated at the presidential level do to basic demographic trends (dying old white people; and the faster growing Hispanic population in states like Nevada and Texas).

So as we head into 2024, the Repugs are going to have a mess on their hands trying to find a way to play nice regarding gay marriage; dialing back the racist dog whistles; and containing the half of evangelicals that are bat-shit crazy. With sane, but still quite conservative/neocon Repugs like McCain, Kasich, Flake, Corker et.al. retiring, I can't imagine the likes of Pompeo and Pence working to find a new middle road that can keep the factions working together.
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Jesus, Pastor Jeffress? He's the poster child for everything that's wrong with evangelicals today. Bigoted, and proud. Power hungry. For fuck's sake he's a Fox news contributor.

Yeah, it is crazy times. John Hagee is also in the Trumpworld performance in Israel.

I think there is a positive irony in this insanity. FFvC is taking the Repugs to their natural extremes. They are going to have a hell of a time trying to walk back this brand of insanity.

All odds point to the Dums at least taking the House this fall, and the senate is even possible. And the odds of having a recession prior to the 2020 election are probably pretty damn high. It should be fun talking about $1.4 trillion deficits. Don's con will be old and tired by the time the 2020 elections come around. Never mind that a recession would tank FFvC consistently dismal poll number to new records. The Dums could probably even nominate HRC and win this time (just kidding on the idea). By the time the 2024 presidential election cycle comes around the Rupugs will have been nearly checkmated at the presidential level do to basic demographic trends (dying old white people; and the faster growing Hispanic population in states like Nevada and Texas).

So as we head into 2024, the Repugs are going to have a mess on their hands trying to find a way to play nice regarding gay marriage; dialing back the racist dog whistles; and containing the half of evangelicals that are bat-shit crazy. With sane, but still quite conservative/neocon Repugs like McCain, Kasich, Flake, Corker et.al. I can't imagine the likes of Pompeo and Pence working to find a new middle road that can keep the factions working together.
Everything you say is true. But Trump was still elected and no scandal sticks to him. The Republicans held onto the Senate via his coat tails. What should be verses what will be... right now, we are right now is far from normal.
I added back in my missing word 'retiring'....
Jesus, Pastor Jeffress? He's the poster child for everything that's wrong with evangelicals today. Bigoted, and proud. Power hungry. For fuck's sake he's a Fox news contributor.

Yeah, it is crazy times. John Hagee is also in the Trumpworld performance in Israel.

I think there is a positive irony in this insanity. FFvC is taking the Repugs to their natural extremes. They are going to have a hell of a time trying to walk back this brand of insanity.

All odds point to the Dums at least taking the House this fall, and the senate is even possible. And the odds of having a recession prior to the 2020 election are probably pretty damn high. It should be fun talking about $1.4 trillion deficits. Don's con will be old and tired by the time the 2020 elections come around. Never mind that a recession would tank FFvC consistently dismal poll number to new records. The Dums could probably even nominate HRC and win this time (just kidding on the idea). By the time the 2024 presidential election cycle comes around the Rupugs will have been nearly checkmated at the presidential level do to basic demographic trends (dying old white people; and the faster growing Hispanic population in states like Nevada and Texas).

So as we head into 2024, the Repugs are going to have a mess on their hands trying to find a way to play nice regarding gay marriage; dialing back the racist dog whistles; and containing the half of evangelicals that are bat-shit crazy. With sane, but still quite conservative/neocon Repugs like McCain, Kasich, Flake, Corker et.al. retiring, I can't imagine the likes of Pompeo and Pence working to find a new middle road that can keep the factions working together.
Everything you say is true. But Trump was still elected and no scandal sticks to him. The Republicans held onto the Senate via his coat tails. What should be verses what will be... right now, we are right now is far from normal.
Sure Don the Con was elected. However, the scandals are sticking to him, just not enough for his own party to impeach him. FFvC has had consistently low record polling numbers. Though he has climbed above the 40 percent marker in the last 2 weeks, he hadn't been their since a year ago.


And the coal jobs won't be getting better; health care costs are going to continue to spin further out of control; their clown emperor won't be able to fix their drug prices; and blue collar Merika won't be feeling any better in 2 years.
I added back in my missing word 'retiring'....
Everything you say is true. But Trump was still elected and no scandal sticks to him. The Republicans held onto the Senate via his coat tails. What should be verses what will be... right now, we are right now is far from normal.
Sure Don the Con was elected. However, the scandals are sticking to him, just not enough for his own party to impeach him. FFvC has had consistently low record polling numbers. Though he has climbed above the 40 percent marker in the last 2 weeks, he hadn't been their since a year ago.
Remember, an unpopular George W Bush was reelected. And W had the whole Iraq thing going on... and it wasn't looking great any more.


And the coal jobs won't be getting better; health care costs are going to continue to spin further out of control; their clown emperor won't be able to fix their drug prices; and blue collar Merika won't be feeling any better in 2 years.
You need to remember, these people voted for Trump for vague MAGA reasons. If his goals haven't been reached, it is the system that is resisting him, not him. These people are completely lost when it comes to numbers, facts, information.
Remember, an unpopular George W Bush was reelected. And W had the whole Iraq thing going on... and it wasn't looking great any more.


And the coal jobs won't be getting better; health care costs are going to continue to spin further out of control; their clown emperor won't be able to fix their drug prices; and blue collar Merika won't be feeling any better in 2 years.
You need to remember, these people voted for Trump for vague MAGA reasons. If his goals haven't been reached, it is the system that is resisting him, not him. These people are completely lost when it comes to numbers, facts, information.

Sure, they are indoctrinated and will vote Republican no matter what, but I think he really is meeting their expectations.

You see, I don't think they are being honest about why they voted for him. I don't think they give a flying fuck that he is messing up the economy, making America the laughingstock of the world, and diminishing our ability to influence other nations in the future. As long as he keeps hurting those dirty brown people as much as possible, they will keep voting for him.

If his support among conservatives and libertarians (who are completely different, I swear!), then all he has to do is lob a few missiles at non-white civilians. It doesn't even matter what country they're in. As long as he behaves in a way that is sufficiently racist, most conservatives and libertarians (who are totally different, they just happen to say the same things and make the same arguments and vote the same way as conservatives) will continue to eagerly support him.

They will burn America to the ground as long as someone makes them feel superior for being born with white skin.
This is all part of Trump's "Make America Great Again" program. Anti-Jewish was part and parcel of the 1940s-1950s America.
Remember, an unpopular George W Bush was reelected. And W had the whole Iraq thing going on... and it wasn't looking great any more.
I think you need to go back and look at the numbers again. In 2004, Bush only fell consistently below 50% between May and August. Into the election, he oscillated around the 50% mark. It was only into his second term when his polling numbers swirled into the toilet. FFvC's last year has been much like Bush's 2005-6 numbers. One will have to go pick Pres. Bush from the pull down to get the chart in the linky...


And the coal jobs won't be getting better; health care costs are going to continue to spin further out of control; their clown emperor won't be able to fix their drug prices; and blue collar Merika won't be feeling any better in 2 years.
You need to remember, these people voted for Trump for vague MAGA reasons. If his goals haven't been reached, it is the system that is resisting him, not him. These people are completely lost when it comes to numbers, facts, information.
Sure the most of the Trumpsters won't care. And that really doesn't matter. He can have 40% of the vote all he wants. It is that pool of middle voters that clearly are not impressed. That is why there is serious talk of a blue wave this fall. FFvC just barely got into office. All it will take is for a few percentage points of voters to no longer buy Don the Con's snake oil, and he is toast. IF the current year long trends hold, he is super blackened burnt toast.
Remember, an unpopular George W Bush was reelected. And W had the whole Iraq thing going on... and it wasn't looking great any more.


And the coal jobs won't be getting better; health care costs are going to continue to spin further out of control; their clown emperor won't be able to fix their drug prices; and blue collar Merika won't be feeling any better in 2 years.
You need to remember, these people voted for Trump for vague MAGA reasons. If his goals haven't been reached, it is the system that is resisting him, not him. These people are completely lost when it comes to numbers, facts, information.

Sure, they are indoctrinated and will vote Republican no matter what, but I think he really is meeting their expectations.
Look no further than the current economy. When Trump took office, the unemployment rate was at a near historical low of 4.8%. It is now below 4%, but if you ask his idiot followers, they'll say Trump saved the economy, that the economy is gangbusters because of him reducing regulations, cutting taxes, etc...

You see, I don't think they are being honest about why they voted for him. I don't think they give a flying fuck that he is messing up the economy, making America the laughingstock of the world, and diminishing our ability to influence other nations in the future. As long as he keeps hurting those dirty brown people as much as possible, they will keep voting for him.

If his support among conservatives and libertarians (who are completely different, I swear!), then all he has to do is lob a few missiles at non-white civilians. It doesn't even matter what country they're in. As long as he behaves in a way that is sufficiently racist, most conservatives and libertarians (who are totally different, they just happen to say the same things and make the same arguments and vote the same way as conservatives) will continue to eagerly support him.

They will burn America to the ground as long as someone makes them feel superior for being born with white skin.
Yes, these a good deal of these people are nationalists.
I think you need to go back and look at the numbers again. In 2004, Bush only fell consistently below 50% between May and August. Into the election, he oscillated around the 50% mark. It was only into his second term when his polling numbers swirled into the toilet. FFvC's last year has been much like Bush's 2005-6 numbers. One will have to go pick Pres. Bush from the pull down to get the chart in the linky...
Yes, W's approval was higher than Trumps, but it wasn't good in '04, floating around 50%. Clinton was notably higher.

You need to remember, these people voted for Trump for vague MAGA reasons. If his goals haven't been reached, it is the system that is resisting him, not him. These people are completely lost when it comes to numbers, facts, information.
Sure the most of the Trumpsters won't care. And that really doesn't matter. He can have 40% of the vote all he wants. It is that pool of middle voters that clearly are not impressed. That is why there is serious talk of a blue wave this fall. FFvC just barely got into office. All it will take is for a few percentage points of voters to no longer buy Don the Con's snake oil, and he is toast. IF the current year long trends hold, he is super blackened burnt toast.
I get it, I get it. I'm just reminding people that Trump has broken every rule out there and hasn't been punished yet. Hopefully it is coming, but by any normal political calculation, Trump's campaign should have died early... not him seeking reelection.
...And the coal jobs won't be getting better; health care costs are going to continue to spin further out of control; their clown emperor won't be able to fix their drug prices; and blue collar Merika won't be feeling any better in 2 years.

Nobody is going broke by overestimating the stupidity of Trumpsuckers. All those things above are likely to bear out. But a few hundred repetitions of "Look how much BETTER OFF you are now!" will convince them that they owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the Orange Idol for vastly improving their "situation" (meaning their ability to be publicly bigoted, classless and crude, with no fear of repercussion).
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