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Trump press conference even more unhinged than usual


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

It's Difficult to Overstate How Unhinged, and Legitimately Scary, That Trump Presser Was
His sentences were scattered, fragmented, and hard to understand—including when he was smearing his accusers.

"I was saying things that nobody in the room even understood," said the President of the United States. This was certainly correct, in a sense, though Donald Trump was referring to meetings he'd held with representatives of the Japanese government. It also applied here, in a press conference Wednesday featuring Presidential Monologues that wouldn't have been out of place tumbling out of the mouth of some guy on a street corner, hollering at passing cars. His mind flitted from topic to topic, leaving sentences behind in gnarled fragments with just enough form to expose the virulent impulses that lurked beneath.

Did I mention that he attacked George Washington at one point? Because he totally did that.

I can't wait to hear the conservolibertarian explanation for how this is evidence of what a great and competent genius he is.
I haven't even watched it, and the reports and quotes I see coming from it are disturbing.

I really shouldn't ask, but how did the state propaganda channel cover it?
I think trumpo actually is in early-stage dementia. He has no short-term memory, he's aggressive, he's alogical, he mispronounces words or uses wrong, but silmilar-ish words. I have been through this with a few older family members - it's awful, and trumpo has many of the symptoms on public view.
I can't wait to hear the conservolibertarian explanation for how this is evidence of what a great and competent genius he is.

It isn't that Trump is a genious. It is that your country is THAT stupid and his competition was THAT bad at getting elected.
It isn't that Trump is a genious. It is that your country is THAT stupid and his competition was THAT bad at getting elected.

As usual you ignore the effects of the Russian meddling, gerrymandering, big money, huge free publicity, the awful electoral college....and the fact that the Dems won by 3 million votes.
It isn't that Trump is a genious. It is that your country is THAT stupid and his competition was THAT bad at getting elected.

As usual you ignore the effects of the Russian meddling, gerrymandering, big money, huge free publicity, the awful electoral college....and the fact that the Dems won by 3 million votes.

Well, given that all of those are part of your electoral process, they're not things which should be ignored. Sure, Clinton won first place in the contest which didn't matter and someone should give her a really nice participation ribbon for that, but Trump won the contest which did matter and the fact that he did well enough in your country for that to happen is something the lot of you need to fucking own and stop whining about how unfair it is.
It isn't that Trump is a genious. It is that your country is THAT stupid and his competition was THAT bad at getting elected.

As usual you ignore the effects of the Russian meddling, gerrymandering, big money, huge free publicity, the awful electoral college....and the fact that the Dems won by 3 million votes.

Well, given that all of those are part of your electoral process, they're not things which should be ignored. Sure, Clinton won first place in the contest which didn't matter and someone should give her a really nice participation ribbon for that, but Trump won the contest which did matter and the fact that he did well enough in your country for that to happen is something the lot of you need to fucking own and stop whining about how unfair it is.
It's also something that lots of people have been trying to get changed since long before this shitstorm happened, but the EC is one thing that both parties had been reluctant to eliminate for decades, and the impetus for change at the level of people actually controlling the ability to change it is low.

Our whole system is really pretty fucked. We could learn a thing or two from democracies that came later, but that would mean admitting that the US Constitution isn't the best in the world (TM) and second only to the holy babble in infallibility.

Our voting process (first past the post), our method of assigning voting districts, our haphazard way of running votes (each state is different) and controlling who votes....all that shit needs to be revamped from the bottom up, and it will never happen unless there's a bloddy fucking revolution. :(
I haven't even watched it, and the reports and quotes I see coming from it are disturbing.

I really shouldn't ask, but how did the state propaganda channel cover it?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

You can't say FOX News is propaganda. All of the media outlets in the entire rest of the world are propaganda because they don't agree with FOX News. What FOX News says is the absolute truth, so you can gauge the level of the Fake News conspiracy by how closely a claim from a media outlet matches what FOX News says!
It isn't that Trump is a genious. It is that your country is THAT stupid and his competition was THAT bad at getting elected.

As usual you ignore the effects of the Russian meddling, gerrymandering, big money, huge free publicity, the awful electoral college....and the fact that the Dems won by 3 million votes.

Well, given that all of those are part of your electoral process, they're not things which should be ignored. Sure, Clinton won first place in the contest which didn't matter and someone should give her a really nice participation ribbon for that, but Trump won the contest which did matter and the fact that he did well enough in your country for that to happen is something the lot of you need to fucking own and stop whining about how unfair it is.

While the gerrymandering, voter disenfranchisement, and other aspects of the Republican War on Democracy is something we should have addressed long ago, there are high-ranking intelligence experts stating flatly that Trump would not have won without interference from the Russians. As flawed as our system is, it would have worked if most Republicans weren't traitors.

I'm not sure any system of checks and balances can account for a third of the population suddenly deciding that treason is a desirable thing.
I can't wait to hear the conservolibertarian explanation for how this is evidence of what a great and competent genius he is.

It isn't that Trump is a genious. It is that your country is THAT stupid and his competition was THAT bad at getting elected.

There's a lot more to it than that, but don't let that stop your broad-brushing.
It isn't that Trump is a genious. It is that your country is THAT stupid and his competition was THAT bad at getting elected.

As usual you ignore the effects of the Russian meddling, gerrymandering, big money, huge free publicity, the awful electoral college....and the fact that the Dems won by 3 million votes.

Well, given that all of those are part of your electoral process, they're not things which should be ignored. Sure, Clinton won first place in the contest which didn't matter and someone should give her a really nice participation ribbon for that, but Trump won the contest which did matter and the fact that he did well enough in your country for that to happen is something the lot of you need to fucking own and stop whining about how unfair it is.

It may surprise you to learn that plenty of us are working to undo it, rather than solely "whining" about it.

I don't need to own the votes of people who voted for him. I didn't vote for him -- or Hillary, for that matter -- and so I ain't responsible for this mess.
I can't wait to hear the conservolibertarian explanation for how this is evidence of what a great and competent genius he is.

It isn't that Trump is a genious. It is that your country is THAT stupid and his competition was THAT bad at getting elected.

Gosh, if only Hillary Clinton wasn't running that child sex slave dungeon in that pizza place!

It's Difficult to Overstate How Unhinged, and Legitimately Scary, That Trump Presser Was
His sentences were scattered, fragmented, and hard to understand—including when he was smearing his accusers.

"I was saying things that nobody in the room even understood," said the President of the United States. This was certainly correct, in a sense, though Donald Trump was referring to meetings he'd held with representatives of the Japanese government. It also applied here, in a press conference Wednesday featuring Presidential Monologues that wouldn't have been out of place tumbling out of the mouth of some guy on a street corner, hollering at passing cars. His mind flitted from topic to topic, leaving sentences behind in gnarled fragments with just enough form to expose the virulent impulses that lurked beneath.

Did I mention that he attacked George Washington at one point? Because he totally did that.

I can't wait to hear the conservolibertarian explanation for how this is evidence of what a great and competent genius he is.

"Nobody in the room understood"--that includes His Flatulence.
I can't wait to hear the conservolibertarian explanation for how this is evidence of what a great and competent genius he is.

It isn't that Trump is a genious. It is that your country is THAT stupid and his competition was THAT bad at getting elected.
No, his competition wasn't that bad. You make it sound like George Wallace was running for the Democrats. No, he ran for the Republicans and won.
I don't need to own the votes of people who voted for him. I didn't vote for him -- or Hillary, for that matter -- and so I ain't responsible for this mess.

It could be argued that voting for Bernie Sanders helped trumpo....you don't get off that lightly ;-)
Exactly, but if he voted in TX, it really didn't matter.
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