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Trump Seizes TIME Person of the Year Honors

The irony of Trump complaining about anyone's anger management is truly spectacular. And attacking someone for receiving some recognition from a magazine overwhich they have no control is incredibly stupid and nasty.
So is Melania going to call him out for being a bully?

Is the Party of Rich White Male Victimhood going to cry about it?
So is Melania going to call him out for being a bully?

Nah, she's still busy trying to exact vengeance for someone slighting Trump using her son's name.
It's not Ms. Kamara's fault that she picked a stupid name - "Barren?"

Is the Party of Rich White Male Victimhood going to cry about it?

Of course. As soon as they take a break from watching their grinning elected Tumpanzees making light of Trump's treason, turning what should have been a solemn congressional proceeding into the usual Republican clown circus.
I think the only thing that surprised me was that Thunberg is 16... I thought she was 13. Trump trolling away on a 16 year old? About the least unexpected thing to happen. But don't worry... in a month, after trading a couple letters, he'll love her... might even make her his next wife. If Kim Jong Un approves.
I think the only thing that surprised me was that Thunberg is 16... I thought she was 13.

She was ... but that was a few years ago.
Trump trolling away on a 16 year old? About the least unexpected thing to happen.

I know, a little old, right? Not like the 13 year olds that Jeffrey used to fix him up with.

But don't worry... in a month, after trading a couple letters, he'll love her... might even make her his next wife. If Kim Jong Un approves.

... unless Ivanka assassinates her for usurping her "position".
These monarchist courts are famous for their entertaining and lethal antics.
It should be a real amusing next couple hundred years of Trump Dynasty.
If there was an award for "Narcissist of the Century" I'm sure Trumpo would run away with the prize.
I think the only thing that surprised me was that Thunberg is 16... I thought she was 13. Trump trolling away on a 16 year old? About the least unexpected thing to happen. But don't worry... in a month, after trading a couple letters, he'll love her... might even make her his next wife. If Kim Jong Un approves.

Oh how the left loves to forget about the 16 year old Nick Sandmann who got death threats from leftists for smiling at a Native American back in January!

I guess it's OK to yell at and threaten 16 year olds if you're a leftist.:shrug:
I think the only thing that surprised me was that Thunberg is 16... I thought she was 13. Trump trolling away on a 16 year old? About the least unexpected thing to happen. But don't worry... in a month, after trading a couple letters, he'll love her... might even make her his next wife. If Kim Jong Un approves.

Oh how the left loves to forget about the 16 year old Nick Sandmann who got death threats from leftists for smiling at a Native American back in January!

I guess it's OK to yell at and threaten 16 year olds if you're a leftist.:shrug:

Didn’t see any death threats. But I’m sure Hannity dug some out from some corner of the internet.

Dude, you equivocate like you don’t even think about it for one second before you post.

You know what? There are people on the left that go too far. They don’t want a racist country, they expect equality and want to change the situation to accommodate that. Some don’t always choose the best words, but that doesn’t equate to the behaviour of the President and the effect his words, actions and rage tweeting has on his base.

BTW - the Sandman kid was being an ass. Hell, I did stupid things at 16 too.
I think the only thing that surprised me was that Thunberg is 16... I thought she was 13. Trump trolling away on a 16 year old? About the least unexpected thing to happen. But don't worry... in a month, after trading a couple letters, he'll love her... might even make her his next wife. If Kim Jong Un approves.

Oh how the left loves to forget about the 16 year old Nick Sandmann who got death threats from leftists for smiling at a Native American back in January!

I guess it's OK to yell at and threaten 16 year olds if you're a leftist.:shrug:
I think the only thing that surprised me was that Thunberg is 16... I thought she was 13. Trump trolling away on a 16 year old? About the least unexpected thing to happen. But don't worry... in a month, after trading a couple letters, he'll love her... might even make her his next wife. If Kim Jong Un approves.

Oh how the left loves to forget about the 16 year old Nick Sandmann who got death threats from leftists for smiling at a Native American back in January!

I guess it's OK to yell at and threaten 16 year olds if you're a leftist.:shrug:

Didn’t see any death threats. But I’m sure Hannity dug some out from some corner of the internet.

Dude, you equivocate like you don’t even think about it for one second before you post.

You know what? There are people on the left that go too far. They don’t want a racist country, they expect equality and want to change the situation to accommodate that. Some don’t always choose the best words, but that doesn’t equate to the behaviour of the President and the effect his words, actions and rage tweeting has on his base.

BTW - the Sandman kid was being an ass. Hell, I did stupid things at 16 too.

You are setting an awfully low bar for racism if smiling at a Native American is considered a racist act. What if he was giving him the finger and beating him into submission? That would be racist, no doubt. So, how can smiling at the man be racist, too? Any white person who smiles at a minority is a racist now???

This is very loony thinking.
You are setting an awfully low bar for racism if smiling at a Native American is considered a racist act.

You are setting an awfully low bar for presidential behavior if you think that the president acting just a little bit more humane than some of the most deranged psychos the internet can dig up is a comparison that reflects well on Trump.

Think about it. Your argument is ... "At least Trump didn't issue a death threat to Gretta like some other unnamed internet trolls did to some other 16 year old kid."
That is a LOW bar for a president.
Didn’t see any death threats. But I’m sure Hannity dug some out from some corner of the internet.

Dude, you equivocate like you don’t even think about it for one second before you post.

You know what? There are people on the left that go too far. They don’t want a racist country, they expect equality and want to change the situation to accommodate that. Some don’t always choose the best words, but that doesn’t equate to the behaviour of the President and the effect his words, actions and rage tweeting has on his base.

BTW - the Sandman kid was being an ass. Hell, I did stupid things at 16 too.

You are setting an awfully low bar for racism if smiling at a Native American is considered a racist act. What if he was giving him the finger and beating him into submission? That would be racist, no doubt. So, how can smiling at the man be racist, too? Any white person who smiles at a minority is a racist now???

This is very loony thinking.

I didn't say anything about the Sandman kid being a racist act. I just said he was being an ass, and he was for getting in the guys face. What I'm saying is that yes, some people go too far. That case was an example of people going too far.

Just because you can find someone on the internet that over-reacts to a situation, doesn't vindicate you. At all.

Maybe as an example I can find a right winger that takes things a little far? Do you think that's a possibility?
Didn’t see any death threats. But I’m sure Hannity dug some out from some corner of the internet.

Dude, you equivocate like you don’t even think about it for one second before you post.

You know what? There are people on the left that go too far. They don’t want a racist country, they expect equality and want to change the situation to accommodate that. Some don’t always choose the best words, but that doesn’t equate to the behaviour of the President and the effect his words, actions and rage tweeting has on his base.

BTW - the Sandman kid was being an ass. Hell, I did stupid things at 16 too.

You are setting an awfully low bar for racism if smiling at a Native American is considered a racist act. What if he was giving him the finger and beating him into submission? That would be racist, no doubt. So, how can smiling at the man be racist, too? Any white person who smiles at a minority is a racist now???

This is very loony thinking.

I didn't say anything about the Sandman kid being a racist act. I just said he was being an ass, and he was for getting in the guys face. What I'm saying is that yes, some people go too far. That case was an example of people going too far.

Just because you can find someone on the internet that over-reacts to a situation, doesn't vindicate you. At all.

Maybe as an example I can find a right winger that takes things a little far? Do you think that's a possibility?

No, the problem was that leftists were calling for Sandmann's head. But, now they are claiming it is evil and childish to get mad at 16 year old Greta Thunberg. 50 year old Patton Oswalt is a popular leftist celebrity and he tweeted he wanted to punch Sandmann in the face. He since deleted that tweet and now calls conservatives evil for threatening a child.

See the hypocrisy?
Given that Trump himself was Time's Person of the Year in 2016, he should realize it not an "award" and has nothing to do with any kind of "honor" or endorsement, or recognition for positive contributions to society. After all, just like Trump, other bigoted, criminal fascists like Hitler, Stalin, and Putin were also named Time's Person of the Year. It is merely a recognition that a person has either had some sort of notable impact on society (good or bad), or symbolizes notable events, controversies, or changes in society (again, good or bad).
Greta is not named b/c of her views but b/c she's been among the most talked about people in the world this year and caused a year long hysterical obsession among science denying right wing snowflakes, and caused the President of the US to make a fool of himself belittling a teenage girl. IOW, she was named in large part b/c of Trump's and Trumpster-fire supporters' reaction to her (aka Greta-derangement-syndrome).
Given that Trump himself was Time's Person of the Year in 2016, he should realize it not an "award" and has nothing to do with any kind of "honor" or endorsement, or recognition for positive contributions to society. After all, just like Trump, other bigoted, criminal fascists like Hitler, Stalin, and Putin were also named Time's Person of the Year. It is merely a recognition that a person has either had some sort of notable impact on society (good or bad), or symbolizes notable events, controversies, or changes in society (again, good or bad).
Greta is not named b/c of her views but b/c she's been among the most talked about people in the world this year and caused a year long hysterical obsession among science denying right wing snowflakes, and caused the President of the US to make a fool of himself belittling a teenage girl. IOW, she was named in large part b/c of Trump's and Trumpster-fire supporters' reaction to her (aka Greta-derangement-syndrome).

Do you remember a 14 year old girl named Soph who was a youtbe star and leftists called for her death?

An 8 year old girl who went by "Mini AOC" did AOC impressions was also doxxed and threatened by the left and her parents had to take down her youtube account for fear of death.

Both of these girls are younger than Greta. But, somehow Trump is the ass for attacking Greta, but leftists get a pass on attacking even younger girls.
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