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Trump takes another dump on Mexico and Asylum Seekers

If entry into the US was easy, timely, and permissible, I think the number of people using asylum as a justification for entry would be substantially low, but it’s neither, easy, timely, nor permissible—at least not path-free permissible.

Conservatives have a heart, but they also have a backbone. If we were looking at 500 or 1000 people (or heck 5000 or 10000) people looking for a chance for a better life (shoot, make it 50000 or 100000), we’d send them shoes for those who had to walk, vehicles for those that couldn’t, food for those that are hungry, etc. Being there for them with open arms wouldn’t be a problem. Standing by the sayings on the Statue of Liberty, not an issue.

But, the numbers are out of this world. Even if there are advantages of having greater numbers, the disadvantages are great—or at least that’s what we’re told. We’d like to protect our own. We don’t want to harm others, but not lending a helping hand is not remotely the same as causing actual harm.

Even if the disadvantages aren’t as great as spoken about, my suspicions is the costs are still underestimated, but even notwithstanding that, there’s an other issue.

Those coming across don’t give a shit what we disallow. All the talk about a better life goes out the window (as far as im concerned) when they have no respect for house rules. In the beginning, we slap them on the wrist. Next, we let em spend some time in jail. Next, their asses get deported. News travel, and like a disrespected prisoner angry about not getting respect, they don’t learn. They keep coming. And coming. And coming.

Many people see only the positive and downplay the negative. What was abuse of open arms has turned into rampant disregard for what we might allow. We can separate them from their children; it won’t matter. The sad thing is, the mob mentality is so bad that we can akin them to cockroaches. Oh yes, we could say to hell with the fence and have the military napalm them day and night and drop their dead children out the back of B-52’s and let their bodies drop upon the soil from which they came, and my bet is that they’ll keep coming even if the liberals that welcome them in open arms changes their minds.

Why? Because we got the bacon and the beans.

So, I’m not for escalating matters to egregious violence. I’m not opposed to it; I just don’t think it’ll protect us. It takes a special kind of thinking to stop them. But, it’ll take centuries under our current rule of government.

Meanwhile back in the jungle, I guess i’ll just go with the flow. Smile at those that make it across. Smile at those that attempt to stop them.

Curious, how much of this asylum seeking crap is believed? I can see the advantage of putting on a front. A person that isn’t optimistic might pretend to be in front of others that aren’t optimistic—in hopes of inspiring optimism in those that aren’t. Is it like that with all this anger towards making it difficult for asylum seekers? I mean, do you really (I mean really) believe it’s asylum they seek?
I mean, do you really (I mean really) believe it’s asylum they seek?
Yes. Because I've actually talked to folks who are in this situation. Have you? They are constantly monitored, constantly in danger. Their neighbors see them as baby factories to produce new "soldiers", their governments consider them traitors to the state for attempting to get out of there. Staying there means losing many of their children before adulthood, as a certainty. Leaving is a decision that can't be unmade once you've made it. How many of your children would you be willing to sacrifice in the name of filling out paperwork properly? Better a country where half the country (mostly passively) wants you dead than one where no one cares at all.

I don't have the energy to argue about a claim so laughable as the one that conservatives are anti-violence. Since WHEN. I grew up in Republican country. Conservatives want peace. Sure.

For shit's sake, you compare human beings to cockroaches in your post. No one is buying what you're selling.
And yet they just keep on trying to sell it. To themselves, of course, because every single one of them knows they're full of shit and are just vomiting up what they're programmed to vomit up.

The irony that these are the people who used to be the ones arming themselves against a tyrannical government and now they are the ones gleefully goose stepping in lock with an actual tyrannical government is just overwhelming.
The choice is between losing their children to their state and illegally entering the US?

Not buying that, at all.

If Trump ate more and took some laxative, maybe the options won’t appear so narrow and dichotomous.

Using the US as the medicative cure to their ailment needs to stop, but so few want it to.
The choice is between losing their children to their state and illegally entering the US?

Not buying that, at all.

If Trump ate more and took some laxative, maybe the options won’t appear so narrow and dichotomous.

Using the US as the medicative cure to their ailment needs to stop, but so few want it to.

Actually, no, the majority want it to, but that doesn't stop the tyranny of the minority from finding a way.
And yet they just keep on trying to sell it. To themselves, of course, because every single one of them knows they're full of shit and are just vomiting up what they're programmed to vomit up.

The irony that these are the people who used to be the ones arming themselves against a tyrannical government and now they are the ones gleefully goose stepping in lock with an actual tyrannical government is just overwhelming.


There's no way a man of fast's temperament and character would have been a revolutionary.
And yet they just keep on trying to sell it. To themselves, of course, because every single one of them knows they're full of shit and are just vomiting up what they're programmed to vomit up.

The irony that these are the people who used to be the ones arming themselves against a tyrannical government and now they are the ones gleefully goose stepping in lock with an actual tyrannical government is just overwhelming.


There's no way a man of fast's temperament and character would have been a revolutionary.
Oh come now, this is all talk. I jump in and out of the shoes of all sides when cloaked behind the walls of anonymity. Release me into the wild where I can roam through the horrors in real time — where I can see for myself the things of which Politesse speaks — and assess for myself the falsities the opposing kind professes, and I might surprise ya.
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