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Trumpism and Trump Supporters


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs

This is a picture of a woman Trump supporter wearing what appears to be a mask in the form of a black dick with balls. While, I’m not sure what her point is, it is obvious that she thinks Trump is the greatest. She’ll vote for him. Why is beyond me.

But it makes me realize tHat we are so unlikely to defeat Trumpism, which is more important than simply winning the election. To defeat Trumpism, Trump has to undeniably and utterly fail as President. Recall that Adolf Hitler was still popular in Germany in 1944, even if their armies were being overrun everywhere. The only way to see the true end of Trumpism is for there to be a serious economic downturn.

That means he needs to be re-elected, as harsh as that is. I suspect that 2021 will not be economically great, possibly a serious downturn starting in the late spring, or fall. Regardless of who is President. If Trump is President it will finally destroy his mystique as a great economic genius, which polls show he has an advantage in the minds of the majority of people.

It’s harsh. But I fear it’s the only real way. It is just not enough to defeat Trump is we have an economic downturn that will be blamed on Biden. Then Trumpism will rise again only much worse.

What, watching a quarter of a million Americans die in the 8 months leading up to Nov. 3 isn't enough? Trumpanzees don't care a fig about that figure -- and they've heard him say he'll cut off funding to Social Security, too. The horrible consequences of Trumpism are right before them. In some way I will never fathom, they worship this repulsive, inflated tadpole. Since he'll never admit he had any hand in the worsening economy (I mean, it's on life support now), they'll accept his ridiculous explanations forever.
BTW, I thought for a second that her black dick mask was somehow a reference to Trump's line about 'guess-who's' moving into the suburbs..."the women -- they want to be protected." (Why not reuse a line that worked in Jim Crow Mississippi?)
What, watching a quarter of a million Americans die in the 8 months leading up to Nov. 3 isn't enough? Trumpanzees don't care a fig about that figure -- and they've heard him say he'll cut off funding to Social Security, too. The horrible consequences of Trumpism are right before them. In some way I will never fathom, they worship this repulsive, inflated tadpole. Since he'll never admit he had any hand in the worsening economy (I mean, it's on life support now), they'll accept his ridiculous explanations forever.
BTW, I thought for a second that her black dick mask was somehow a reference to Trump's line about 'guess-who's' moving into the suburbs..."the women -- they want to be protected." (Why not reuse a line that worked in Jim Crow Mississippi?)

In a logical world the 200,000 deaths would likely be enough. But the problem is that people only think of their pocketbook not their health. Polls show that Trump. Has an economic advantage over Biden. It’s a myth, but it persists. Racism as well can help him win over converts. He can always shamelessly find a scape goat.

Regardless Trump is still popular. He may be behind in polls but he’s ahead in many key areas and could still win. Again the only way to defeat him and his philosophy is for their to be utter economic collapse.
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This is a picture of a woman Trump supporter wearing what appears to be a mask in the form of a black dick with balls. While, I’m not sure what her point is, it is obvious that she thinks Trump is the greatest. She’ll vote for him. Why is beyond me.

But it makes me realize tHat we are so unlikely to defeat Trumpism, which is more important than simply winning the election. To defeat Trumpism, Trump has to undeniably and utterly fail as President. Recall that Adolf Hitler was still popular in Germany in 1944, even if their armies were being overrun everywhere. The only way to see the true end of Trumpism is for there to be a serious economic downturn.

That means he needs to be re-elected, as harsh as that is. I suspect that 2021 will not be economically great, possibly a serious downturn starting in the late spring, or fall. Regardless of who is President. If Trump is President it will finally destroy his mystique as a great economic genius, which polls show he has an advantage in the minds of the majority of people.

It’s harsh. But I fear it’s the only real way. It is just not enough to defeat Trump is we have an economic downturn that will be blamed on Biden. Then Trumpism will rise again only much worse.


If he wins this election, there won't be more elections
The country can't stand four more years of Trump. Getting rid of him won't solve all of our problems for sure, but keeping him in office will lead to the downfall of what's left of our unstable democracy.
The biggest issue with that woman is the shirt. Trump has balls. What has Trump done to suggest he has balls? Making fun of people isn't "having balls". The nation was drowning in trillion dollar a year deficits, storing dead people in trucks, and Trump was bad mouthing North Korea before fellating the despot.

Trump has virtually no accomplishments. His limited agendas have been poorly planned and stopped. He has reversed regulations and McConnell passed an insane corporate tax cut and seated a boatload of justices in vacancies left open because of the GOP. It seems the only thing that matters to his base is pwning the libs. And the remainder of the right-wing, stuffing the courts.
If he wins this election, there won't be more elections
That's assuming we have an election or the results are based on the election this year.
To ensure we defeat Trump, we need the stock market to sour on the thought of further Fed stimulus. To defeat Trumpism, we need to restore Obamacare and add a strong public option that even a Dickfaced Trumpkin will want to join.
No offense, but you guys are missing something serious. You've pinned all your hopes on defeating Trumpism by defeating Trump and making him look very bad...but he's been looking bad for years...AND EVEN IF HE LOSES, he will be a loud-mouthed shithead with a megaphone that the news media follows more than the President. The dittoheads will magnify his voice.

There isn't really an easy end to Trumpism and the danger extends far beyond anything else because all his cult followers are learning how to be a Chosen One. Even if he dies, someone else can pick up the reins and be a copycat.

We need to understand how to stop and prevent the institutional biases that lead toward Trumpism and it requires some kinds of restructuring of various things...whether it's the education system, public financing of campaigns, or doing something about capitalism's effect on news media. I don't know exactly but if Biden and a new government do not do something structurally, we're basically screwed--dystopia here we come.
We need to understand how to stop and prevent the institutional biases that lead toward Trumpism and it requires some kinds of restructuring of various things...whether it's the education system, public financing of campaigns, or doing something about capitalism's effect on news media. I don't know exactly but if Biden and a new government do not do something structurally, we're basically screwed--dystopia here we come.
We're fucked. 30 years of AM Radio and cable news propaganda saying "Oh you poor white people" and the influence of misinformation and circle jerking on the Internet can't be reversed. We have transitioned into a new generation of true believers.

Facts don't matter. When you, on the rare occasion, tire them out and they concede a point... that concession evaporates. And today, the right-wingers justify taking the next SCOTUS seat because 'the Democrats would have done the same thing' (pretty much where Putin wants America mentally).

The damage isn't from Trump, he is a symptom, not the disease. The damage has been done to the electorate and it can't be fixed. The movement of pwning the libs won. Were poorer, less secure, and less well off today than in 2016. You ask a Trump supporter, you'd swear he was Jesus... despite him quite clearly filling in the role of the anti-Christ perfectly.

How do we win in November, assuming votes matter? Health care. It is all about health care because vacations and savings are destroyed by our for-profit system. But even a Biden victory... and him being allowed to be President by Congress doesn't change the fact that the Teabagger hell movement raised from the satanic loins of Sarah Palin will still be there. They will march the streets, saying that Biden has delayed the Vaccine (because Trump made too many fruity promises). They'll say this is "Biden's pandemic" now... and even if Biden does a perfect job, these idiots will be out of their mind, quite certain Biden is going to send them to extermination camps.
If Trump gets a humiliating defeat, is then fully investigated and convicted of multiple crimes, including treason, with all the evidence laid bare, there will still be Trumpism.

Schwarzenegger once did a video condemning neo-nazis, confederates, and other hate groups, saying how after WWII many of the original nazis were 'broken men' who spent the rest of their lives living in shame. And yet, we still have nazi wannabes running around. If Trump looses, goes to prison, and proof of everything said about him is shown clearly to be true, many of his followers will be shamed and broken. Some will start to pretend they never actually supported him. But there will also be groups that will still claim it all to be manufactured evidence, start revising history, or just say while Trump might have been a bad guy his goals were the correct ones.
But there will also be groups that will still claim it all to be manufactured evidence, start revising history, or just say while Trump might have been a bad guy his goals were the correct ones.
"It's not about him." "The mission/goal (undefined) is what matters." "He tried to take advantage of us, but we didn't let him." or the good ole "None of that was true, they framed him."
If Trump gets a humiliating defeat, is then fully investigated and convicted of multiple crimes, including treason, with all the evidence laid bare, there will still be Trumpism.

Schwarzenegger once did a video condemning neo-nazis, confederates, and other hate groups, saying how after WWII many of the original nazis were 'broken men' who spent the rest of their lives living in shame. And yet, we still have nazi wannabes running around. If Trump looses, goes to prison, and proof of everything said about him is shown clearly to be true, many of his followers will be shamed and broken. Some will start to pretend they never actually supported him. But there will also be groups that will still claim it all to be manufactured evidence, start revising history, or just say while Trump might have been a bad guy his goals were the correct ones.

and still decades after landing on the moon we have Flat Earthers... They are completely irrelevant... but they are around... like Trumpers will be... around but irrelevant.
If Trump gets a humiliating defeat, is then fully investigated and convicted of multiple crimes, including treason, with all the evidence laid bare, there will still be Trumpism.

Of course. That’s my point. For Trumpism to be defeated, Trump must fail, and not at the ballot box or in some court of law, but while in power so his failure can be undeniable even by his ardent supporters. It takes economic failure for that to happen. Trump must be in power when there is a very serious economic downturn and they will abandon him. It’s the one unforgivable sin of American politics. Nothing less will do. George H. W. Bush found this out in 1992, despite just the previous year having defeated Saddam Hussein with minimal casualties, and his approval rating soaring to 91%. If Trump wins re-election, and Dems can take the Senate, it’s possible that in the 2022 midterms they will greatly increase their control and perhaps in 2024, even have enough to stop any Republican filibuster. But the economy has to fail, and I think it will. Trump’s so called economic credentials are grossly overrated, and he’s only survived this long thanks to extreme deficit spending. The Dems need to have the balls to stop this. So far they haven’t.

Even then , there will still be some Trumpism just as Germany has neo Nazis today, but they’ll be largely irrelevant.
If Trump gets a humiliating defeat, is then fully investigated and convicted of multiple crimes, including treason, with all the evidence laid bare, there will still be Trumpism.

Of course. That’s my point. For Trumpism to be defeated, Trump must fail, and not at the ballot box or in some court of law, but while in power so his failure can be undeniable even by his ardent supporters. It takes economic failure for that to happen. Trump must be in power when there is a very serious economic downturn and they will abandon him. It’s the one unforgivable sin of American politics. Nothing less will do. George H. W. Bush found this out in 1992, despite just the previous year having defeated Saddam Hussein with minimal casualties, and his approval rating soaring to 91%. If Trump wins re-election, and Dems can take the Senate, it’s possible that in the 2022 midterms they will greatly increase their control and perhaps in 2024, even have enough to stop any Republican filibuster. But the economy has to fail, and I think it will. Trump’s so called economic credentials are grossly overrated, and he’s only survived this long thanks to extreme deficit spending. The Dems need to have the balls to stop this. So far they haven’t.

Even then , there will still be some Trumpism just as Germany has neo Nazis today, but they’ll be largely irrelevant.

The economy is not the stock market, but it will eventually effect the stock market. Of course some Companies will still be exploding with growth but the averages are going to nosedive when the current loss of jobs, costs of unemployment, trillions in tax breaks for the rich, flat wage growth and the huge 2020 drop in GDP come home to roost. In "normal" times this would happen after Trump was voted out of office, and the Republicans would blame the Democrats who would have been in power 2021-2024, thereby getting themselves elected again. But I am not a bit sure that if Donald manages to steal the WH again, that even an economy featuring widespread starvation would cause his base to wake up to the fact that he was killing them. They'd rather hear Donald blame it on Hillary or Obama and continue to die in droves, than give up their adulation for Orange Judas and live.
... The only way to see the true end of Trumpism is for there to be a serious economic downturn.

That means he needs to be re-elected, as harsh as that is. I suspect that 2021 will not be economically great, possibly a serious downturn starting in the late spring, or fall. Regardless of who is President. If Trump is President it will finally destroy his mystique as a great economic genius, which polls show he has an advantage in the minds of the majority of people.

It’s harsh. But I fear it’s the only real way. It is just not enough to defeat Trump is we have an economic downturn that will be blamed on Biden. Then Trumpism will rise again only much worse.

I don't know the name for this argument, which sometimes seems to make sense in hindsight. The horrors of W.W. II were followed by decades of prosperity and improving civil rights. (Other examples, anyone?) I almost fell for the idea in 2008, thinking that the next few years might be very bad and that it would be better for the Ds if Rs remained in power.

The argument is also similar to what is heard in counseling for alcoholics: "Are you an alcoholic; do you want to be sober? No? Then come back after you've hit bottom."

But I no longer believe this to be a viable plan in politics. The risks are too great, and the reward too uncertain. Forecasting four years ahead is difficult; trying to look further ahead is fool's play. Yes, there is much danger and great uncertainty, but come what may, victory this November must be the immediate goal.

... We need to understand how to stop and prevent the institutional biases that lead toward Trumpism and it requires some kinds of restructuring of various things...whether it's the education system, public financing of campaigns, or doing something about capitalism's effect on news media. I don't know exactly but if Biden and a new government do not do something structurally, we're basically screwed--dystopia here we come.

Unfortunately I see no simple "silver bullet." Expensive progressive programs could shake confidence in the dollar, and that might be disastrous. Trump has done so much damage that it will take years for U.S. society, science and international prestige to regain the levels under Obama. The maniacal racist hatreds we see today will not abate if Biden is elected.

The Ds should try to hold power long enough to effect change; this will require abolishing the filibuster, packing the Supreme Court, and admitting two new states. I doubt if the Ds have the gumption to do any of those things. If Republicans retain power in the Senate, even if it's just the right to filibuster, recovery from Trumpism will be slow.

Dystopia, here we come indeed.
For Trumpism to be defeated, Trump must fail, and not at the ballot box or in some court of law, but while in power so his failure can be undeniable even by his ardent supporters. It takes economic failure for that to happen. Trump must be in power when there is a very serious economic downturn and they will abandon him find a way to blame it on Obama.

If Trump gets a humiliating defeat, is then fully investigated and convicted of multiple crimes, including treason, with all the evidence laid bare, there will still be Trumpism.

Of course. That’s my point. For Trumpism to be defeated, Trump must fail, and not at the ballot box or in some court of law, but while in power so his failure can be undeniable even by his ardent supporters. It takes economic failure for that to happen. Trump must be in power when there is a very serious economic downturn and they will abandon him. It’s the one unforgivable sin of American politics. Nothing less will do. George H. W. Bush found this out in 1992, despite just the previous year having defeated Saddam Hussein with minimal casualties, and his approval rating soaring to 91%. If Trump wins re-election, and Dems can take the Senate, it’s possible that in the 2022 midterms they will greatly increase their control and perhaps in 2024, even have enough to stop any Republican filibuster. But the economy has to fail, and I think it will. Trump’s so called economic credentials are grossly overrated, and he’s only survived this long thanks to extreme deficit spending. The Dems need to have the balls to stop this. So far they haven’t.

Even then , there will still be some Trumpism just as Germany has neo Nazis today, but they’ll be largely irrelevant.

We've got over 200,000 dead people and his approval rating has hardly slipped at all. Do you think something else might make a dent in these people's skulls?
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