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Trump's Infrastructure "Program" (Scam)

I asked for evidence from Elixer that that was the case. He got hysterical

Your alt-reality crap is truly hysterical. You could find these things out for yourself if you were so inclined, I'm sure. But I'm not here to spoon feed you, Will. Please continue to feed the hilarity!

If you bothered to read up on anything, you'd know that the NY Times Op-Ed is citing a paper authored by Wilbur Ross. He'd be that guy Trump tapped as Commerce Secretary. You'd be better off going to the Net and finding out why you are supposed to support it at web boards here, that denying the connection to Trump.
Or from dozens of other new sources...a simple Google search that even a child could handle:

1. Elixer posted that Trumps plan had it Federally funded.
2. I disagreed and thought it might be paid for with Municipal bonds that would give a tax break to the investors (private ones)
3. Elixer refused to provide evidence that it would be federally funded.
4. You called me a "trumpster" and suggested even a child could find the evidence.
5. Now you have back flipped and said there is no evidence it would be federally funded.

What have I missed here?
Or from dozens of other new sources...a simple Google search that even a child could handle:

1. Elixer posted that Trumps plan had it Federally funded..
Not really, if you think so please provide the quote. Only a small portion, aka the $167 billion of tax credits, for indirect funding.. Which several of us provided links showing that this appears to be what Trump has in mind (as no one can read his mind). Which is the Scam Elixer is talking about with this thread.

2. I disagreed and thought it might be paid for with Municipal bonds that would give a tax break to the investors (private ones)
So what on you muni idea? It is not like that is part of the Trump plan…don’t think anyone was debating the Wiley Plan….

3. Elixer refused to provide evidence that it would be federally funded.
Boohoo. Others did provide the information which showed that Elixer’s opening post is accurate, at least as far as what can be gleaned from reading what Trump’s minions are saying/writing.

4. You called me a "trumpster" and suggested even a child could find the evidence.
I could have sworn you have posted that you don’t live in the United States… True/False? If you don’t live in the US then how can you be a Trumpster feeling the trickle, or the US medical costs, or the rest?

5. Now you have back flipped and said there is no evidence it would be federally funded.
I haven’t flipped anything, other than maybe your bit. I understand even children are taught how to quote and cite information....feel free to try it.

What have I missed here?
Evidently quite a bit….
You missed the part where the tax credit, federal or local is required to get the private equity to even take a look at the idea.

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Talking to the alt-reality crowd is like tilting at windmills if you're trying to have a 'normal" discussion. Best to treat them as an entertainment medium, especially since that is their genesis and the extent of their reasoning capabilities/willingness.
Then there is another Goldman Sachs man to head Treasury, maybe we should just call him Mr. Foreclosure....
After campaigning with lots of populist and anti-Wall Street rhetoric, Donald Trump is seriously considering a veteran Wall Street financier, Steve Mnuchin, to be his Treasury secretary.

Mnuchin spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs, ultimately as a partner at the investment bank.<snip>

But Mnuchin's resume also includes a stint as chairman and CEO of a California bank that's been called a foreclosure machine.
Kevin Stein of the California Reinvestment Coalition, a housing advocacy group, says that profit was made on the backs of suffering California homeowners. "In essence what they did is they bought a foreclosure machine," he says.

According to the coalition, OneWest foreclosed on more than 36,000 homeowners under Mnuchin. During that time, the FDIC made payments to OneWest totaling more $1 billion. Those payments went to the "billionaire investors of OneWest Bank," says Stein, "to cover the cost of foreclosing on working-class, everyday, American folks," many of whom lived in California.

Trump voter lost home, blames incoming Treasury secretary

WASHINGTON (AP) — When Donald Trump named his Treasury secretary, Teena Colebrook felt her heart sink.
She had voted for the president-elect on the belief that he would knock the moneyed elites from their perch in Washington, D.C. And she knew Trump's pick for Treasury_Steven Mnuchin_all too well.

OneWest, a bank formerly owned by a group of investors headed by Mnuchin, had foreclosed on her Los Angeles-area home in the aftermath of the Great Recession, stripping her of the two units she rented as a primary source of income.

"I just wish that I had not voted," said Colebrook, 59. "I have no faith in our government anymore at all. They all promise you the world at the end of a stick and take it away once they get in."

Less than a month after his presidential win, Trump's populist appeal has started to clash with a Cabinet of billionaires and millionaires that he believes can energize economic growth.
One less Trumpster, but in California...it no matter. Yes Toto, the Easter Bunny isn't real.
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