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Trump's October Surprises


Jan 10, 2004
Port Clinton, Ohio
Basic Beliefs
My prediction: There will be at least an attempted double whammy. Trump will announce a covid vaccine (no matter how speculative) and Barr will drop his big expose on the Obama/Biden years. The vaccine narrative could maybe give T an uptick, but he'd still be fighting the disapproval he's earned from months of inept crisis 'management'. Those who have polled as disapproving his idiocy and instability are unlikely to accept him as the covid problem solver. Hard to see how Barr's sideshow will play to anyone outside the base.
My hope: Biden's media team and the Lincoln Project are already strategized against these possibilities and have responses ready.
Yeah, it’ll be a bullshit FBI investigation outcome as well as some bullshit about Burisma. Of course, where there is no fire, you can blow smoke like regarding the indictments on the Clinton Foundation.

I think Harris could help cut a direct trench through the bullshit though. I’ve seen her use few words to get right where she wants to be. That’ll be important. Because Barr has proven himself an enabler to a dictator wannabe.
are already strategized against these possibilities and have responses ready.
i think Trump has been telegraphing his punches for four years. Lie, insult, lying insults, promise anything (lie), blame the previous acministration. They have had ample time to prepare for this stretch.
The statistics of the number of school age children infected or dead from Covid19 will eclipse any surprise Trump might pull out of his hat.
Biden should prep the general public during the debates as to Barr’s inevitable accusations. It will be the only time the right wing media will not be able to set the narrative for the flock.
Trump announcing a vaccine? Humph. He might as well announce his place on Mt Rushmore has been secured. I can’t imagine he’s got much cred on the Covid issue even among his flock.
Trump will announce a covid vaccine (no matter how speculative)

He will buy tons of the untested vaccine that Putin claims to be about to release. Trump will announce the miracle cure, say how millions of lives have been saved even before the first dose is given. Who cares if it is ineffective, or even dangerous to take, as long as people believe it works until Nov 4th
I don't think it will be accurate to call it "Trump's October Surprise". He lacks the organisational skills, discipline and imagination to pull it off. So the surprise will come from someone behind the curtain.

My guess is that it will come from Stephen Miller. It will be along the lines of "Illegal immigrants are creating secondary Covid hotspots inside America with their filthy lifestyles". The explicit xenophobia will pull the never Trumpers back into line and cause doubt among voters who buy into the "Democrats want open borders" bullshit.

Trump can't sell himself as a viable candidate. His best bet then is to go with the "both sides are as bad as the other" bullshit we're hearing with increasing frequency. And the only thing that has consistently worked for Trump is his stance on immigration.
Nope, the October Surprise will be Barr announcing investigations into Biden and Ukraine, and spying on the Trump campaign.
Whatever they do, it's not going to change anyone's mind. I read that less than 4% of voters are undecided. BFD! People know Biden. It will be very hard to convince anyone but crazy Trump supporters that he's done the things that Trump might claim. He's already calling him a far left socialist. Seriously! OMG! This is gong to be so entertaining.
Whatever they do, it's not going to change anyone's mind. I read that less than 4% of voters are undecided. BFD! People know Biden. It will be very hard to convince anyone but crazy Trump supporters that he's done the things that Trump might claim. He's already calling him a far left socialist. Seriously! OMG! This is gong to be so entertaining.

I agree that only outright cheating is likely to save the Trump Crime Family at this point.
The October Vaccine Surprise cat is already out of the bag, thanks to Uncle Vlad. It's funny how few trumpsuckers seem to be jockeying for a place at the head of the line to try it out. I don't know if more anti-vaxxers are Rumpty conspiracy nutbars or tree-hugging uber-leftists, but none of them appear overly eager to try Vlad's miracle cure.
"My daughter and her doll take vaccine. She healthy, so her dolly. Loyal Russians want to take vaccine. Those who not cured fall out of window. We call that Sochi Slip."
"My daughter and her doll take vaccine. She healthy, so her dolly. Loyal Russians want to take vaccine. Those who not cured fall out of window. We call that Sochi Slip."

Funny I had a children's song going through my haed and had to google it:
Oh playmate, come out and play with me
And bring your dollies three.
Climb up my apple tree,
Look down my rain barrel
Slide down my cellar door
And we'll be jolly friends forever more.

It was a rainy day, She couldn't come out to play,
With tearful eyes and tender sighs
I could hear her say:

I'm sorry Playmate, I cannot play with you
My dollies have the flu,
Boo-hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo.
Can't climb your rain barrel, (or, Ain't got no rain barrel)
Can't slide your cellar door [or, Ain't got no cellar door)
But we'll be jolly friends forever more.
This put me in mind of:

Georgie Porgie, pudd'n and pie,
Caught corona, gasped and died.
Then the boys with shovels came,
Covered him up 'n' pissed on the grave.

-adapted from Charles Perrault's Tales of Mother Goose (1697)
Here's a surprise for y'all -
Herman Cain supposedly died from the Trump Virus two weeks ago, but he is Risen, and tweeting against Biden/Harris!
It's a meerikle! Prayza Load!

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