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Trump's Silent Endorsement of White Supremacists


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs

I fail to see how anyone, other than true white supremacists such as David Duke and his ilk, could support the President after this weekend. The message he sent was plain to see: by refusing to condemn the alt-right, and instead blaming both sides, the President has made it clear that he is a supporter of white supremacy. He has tacitly endorsed their campaign of violence and xenophobia which was in such obvious abundance this weekend.

It's been obvious to many of us for two years now, but now I think it must be impossible for even his die hard supporters to deny it. And of course the David Dukes of the world don't want him to deny it.

I think David Duke has a point. These are the people who elected him, and he can't abandon them now. This he keeps silent. He lets his aides say things he doesn't want to. Many, even Ivanka, have condemned the KKK and neo Nazis. But not Trump. This is just beyond despicable. This is a new low even for him.

It's been obvious to many of us for two years now, but now I think it must be impossible for even his die hard supporters to deny it.

We've been underestimating them for over a year. This is all just noise to them. As long as he takes away their health care and gives their money to rich people, they'll let him do anything ("grab 'em by the pussy", "shoot someone on 5th Avenue", etc.).
You are still giving Trump supporters far more credit for honesty and intelligence than they deserve. They will simply point to his "both sides" statements and declare that he did speak out against the neo-nazi white supremacists; and they will insist that we are just hating on Trump by declaring his words inadequate.

The only two groups Trump will NOT speak against: Neo-Nazi/White Supremacists and Putin's regime. But the trumpsters will turn a blind eye to all of it because they voted for him and can't admit they made a mistake.

I fail to see how anyone, other than true white supremacists such as David Duke and his ilk, could support the President after this weekend. The message he sent was plain to see: by refusing to condemn the alt-right, and instead blaming both sides, the President has made it clear that he is a supporter of white supremacy. He has tacitly endorsed their campaign of violence and xenophobia which was in such obvious abundance this weekend.

It's been obvious to many of us for two years now, but now I think it must be impossible for even his die hard supporters to deny it. And of course the David Dukes of the world don't want him to deny it.

I think David Duke has a point. These are the people who elected him, and he can't abandon them now. This he keeps silent. He lets his aides say things he doesn't want to. Many, even Ivanka, have condemned the KKK and neo Nazis. But not Trump. This is just beyond despicable. This is a new low even for him.


Trump hasn't endorsed any White Supremacists nor did Bernie Sanders and HRC endorse revolutionary Marxists. As reported the White House stated Trump had condemned this act.

This was from the VP
You are still giving Trump supporters far more credit for honesty and intelligence than they deserve. They will simply point to his "both sides" statements and declare that he did speak out against the neo-nazi white supremacists; and they will insist that we are just hating on Trump by declaring his words inadequate.

The only two groups Trump will NOT speak against: Neo-Nazi/White Supremacists and Putin's regime. But the trumpsters will turn a blind eye to all of it because they voted for him and can't admit they made a mistake.

It was a confrontation between right wing and left wing (likely including anarchists) who compliment each other and depend on each other for gaining support from the left or right wing camps. I'm sure the Knights of the KKK voted for Trump; all 23 of them.

What Trump is reported to have said is this wherein

Speaking about the disorder, US President Donald Trump said he condemned "in the strongest possible terms" what he called an "egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides".

That is condemning everyone who was involved. No need to read out a shopping list of the the donkeys involved.
You are still giving Trump supporters far more credit for honesty and intelligence than they deserve. They will simply point to his "both sides" statements and declare that he did speak out against the neo-nazi white supremacists; and they will insist that we are just hating on Trump by declaring his words inadequate.

The only two groups Trump will NOT speak against: Neo-Nazi/White Supremacists and Putin's regime. But the trumpsters will turn a blind eye to all of it because they voted for him and can't admit they made a mistake.

It was a confrontation between right wing and left wing (likely including anarchists) who compliment each other and depend on each other for gaining support from the left or right wing camps. I'm sure the Knights of the KKK voted for Trump; all 23 of them.

What Trump is reported to have said is this wherein

Speaking about the disorder, US President Donald Trump said he condemned "in the strongest possible terms" what he called an "egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides".

That is condemning everyone who was involved. No need to read out a shopping list of the the donkeys involved.

Yea, he was condemning the Nazis and those protesting against the Nazis. Sorry, but those protesting against the alt right are hero's.
The president’s careful language following attacks by white nationalists also stands in marked contrast to Trump’s unrestrained and blunt condemnations that tend to follow violence carried out by Muslims. In several instances — including the shooting at an Orlando nightclub last summer and the downing of a commercial flight over Egypt in 2015 — Trump tweeted before all the facts were known. On Saturday, he called for a “study” of the violence and its causes.

Trump hasn't endorsed any White Supremacists nor did Bernie Sanders and HRC endorse revolutionary Marxists. As reported the White House stated Trump had condemned this act.

Trump’s political career has been marked with both subtle and not-so-subtle appeals to white racists. He rode to the top of the Republican presidential polls in 2011 in part by embracing the “birther” movement that questioned whether the nation’s first black president was born in the United States. Trump also blew dog whistles at a every opportunity during the 2016 campaign, and attacked a Mexican judge and called to ban all Muslim immigrants to the United States.

It was a confrontation between right wing and left wing...
No it wasn't. At this point, the counter-protesters were no where near any of the neo-nazis.

What Trump is reported to have said is this wherein

Speaking about the disorder, US President Donald Trump said he condemned "in the strongest possible terms" what he called an "egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides".

That is condemning everyone who was involved.
(bolding mine) And that is exactly the problem. There was NOT "many sides" to a white supremacist plowing his car through a crowd of people, killing one woman and injuring 19 other people. THAT is what Trump needed to condemn, but he refuses.

Contacted by reporters about Trump’s “many sides” language, a White House spokesperson explained that “there was violence between protesters and counter protesters today.”

The “counter protestors” included militant left-wing groups who oppose white nationalists like former KKK leader David Duke who say they feel emboldened in Trump’s America. These left-wing groups, such as antifa, have surged in the aftermath of Trump’s election, as VICE News’ Joshua Hersh has reported. None have been accused of driving a car into a protest.
You are still giving Trump supporters far more credit for honesty and intelligence than they deserve. They will simply point to his "both sides" statements and declare that he did speak out against the neo-nazi white supremacists; and they will insist that we are just hating on Trump by declaring his words inadequate.

The only two groups Trump will NOT speak against: Neo-Nazi/White Supremacists and Putin's regime. But the trumpsters will turn a blind eye to all of it because they voted for him and can't admit they made a mistake.

It was a confrontation between right wing and left wing (likely including anarchists) who compliment each other and depend on each other for gaining support from the left or right wing camps. I'm sure the Knights of the KKK voted for Trump; all 23 of them.

What Trump is reported to have said is this wherein

Speaking about the disorder, US President Donald Trump said he condemned "in the strongest possible terms" what he called an "egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides".

That is condemning everyone who was involved. No need to read out a shopping list of the the donkeys involved.

You're either incredibly ignorant or a fascist. I'm betting the latter. It is painfully obvious that Trump is blaming the counter protestors as much as the fascists, KKK, and others who stand against everything that this country stands for. This isn't too hard. As has been pointed out many times he is all too happy to name names when he wants to. That he equated both sides is beyond the pale. And anyone who defends this is a cocksucking fascist. And someone who truly hates our freedoms. Now go away.

Hitler was made chancellor because German leadership feared communists more than any other perceived threat and felt the Nazis were the best antidote.
Trump's sweeping condemnation of violence without explicitly condemning the white supremacists is a tacit approval of their actions.
What this is is an appeal to the acceptance of white supremacy that lies under the surface of so many more white Americans.
Trump's sweeping condemnation of violence without explicitly condemning the white supremacists is a tacit approval of their actions.
What this is is an appeal to the acceptance of white supremacy that lies under the surface of so many more white Americans.

This entire event was the physical manifestation of all the dog whistles Trump and his supporters have been blowing for the past year +. All the suggestions, the implications, the innuendo, the crassness. This also includes the unwillingness of Trump to specifically distance himself from the white supremacist movement.

The question now becomes whether things like this will continue. Did this weekend's events embolden hate groups, or to some degree move them back toward the rock they've marched out from under? I say with some firmness that were it not for the deaths that occurred, it would've certainly emboldened them further. On the other hand, on other sites, conservatives are already blaming the counter protesters for the girl's death. Sadly, the sickness of such statements doesn't shock me in the slightest.
Trump's sweeping condemnation of violence without explicitly condemning the white supremacists is a tacit approval of their actions.
What this is is an appeal to the acceptance of white supremacy that lies under the surface of so many more white Americans.

This entire event was the physical manifestation of all the dog whistles Trump and his supporters have been blowing for the past year +. All the suggestions, the implications, the innuendo, the crassness. This also includes the unwillingness of Trump to specifically distance himself from the white supremacist movement.

The question now becomes whether things like this will continue. Did this weekend's events embolden hate groups, or to some degree move them back toward the rock they've marched out from under? I say with some firmness that were it not for the deaths that occurred, it would've certainly emboldened them further. On the other hand, on other sites, conservatives are already blaming the counter protesters for the girl's death. Sadly, the sickness of such statements doesn't shock me in the slightest.

I'd just like to point out that white supremacy is an ideology of peace and the actions of individual terrorists are due to a misinterpretation of their teachings and we can't hold white supremacists as a whole responsible when a few isolated members of their community engage in violence.

Trump's sweeping condemnation of violence without explicitly condemning the white supremacists is a tacit approval of their actions.
What this is is an appeal to the acceptance of white supremacy that lies under the surface of so many more white Americans.

Indeed. If our resident fascists like WP were a little bit honest, they'd be able to admit that Cheato's "many sides" commentary was equivalent to assigning equal blame for the holocaust to the millions murdered and to Hitler.

Of course, the "many sides" of Cheato's mouth provide for one statement to contain multiple messages to be understood in multiple ways, as intended. To spineless rethuglicans, it says nothing more than "violence is bad". To his core racist Nazi supporters, it says "keep up the good work - I'll protect you!".
You are still giving Trump supporters far more credit for honesty and intelligence than they deserve. They will simply point to his "both sides" statements and declare that he did speak out against the neo-nazi white supremacists; and they will insist that we are just hating on Trump by declaring his words inadequate.

The only two groups Trump will NOT speak against: Neo-Nazi/White Supremacists and Putin's regime. But the trumpsters will turn a blind eye to all of it because they voted for him and can't admit they made a mistake.

It was a confrontation between right wing and left wing (likely including anarchists) who compliment each other and depend on each other for gaining support from the left or right wing camps. I'm sure the Knights of the KKK voted for Trump; all 23 of them.

What Trump is reported to have said is this wherein

Speaking about the disorder, US President Donald Trump said he condemned "in the strongest possible terms" what he called an "egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides".

That is condemning everyone who was involved. No need to read out a shopping list of the the donkeys involved.
Well, none of the counter protesters killed a person or, as far as I can tell, injure anyone badly enough to send them to hospital.
It was a confrontation between right wing and left wing (likely including anarchists) who compliment each other and depend on each other for gaining support from the left or right wing camps. I'm sure the Knights of the KKK voted for Trump; all 23 of them.

What Trump is reported to have said is this wherein

Speaking about the disorder, US President Donald Trump said he condemned "in the strongest possible terms" what he called an "egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides".

That is condemning everyone who was involved. No need to read out a shopping list of the the donkeys involved.

You're either incredibly ignorant or a fascist. I'm betting the latter. It is painfully obvious that Trump is blaming the counter protestors as much as the fascists, KKK, and others who stand against everything that this country stands for. This isn't too hard. As has been pointed out many times he is all too happy to name names when he wants to. That he equated both sides is beyond the pale. And anyone who defends this is a cocksucking fascist. And someone who truly hates our freedoms. Now go away.


er, ahem, let me clear my throat from a bit of phlegm, or shocked upchuck or whatever; ahem again: there, now I can proceed, no: a pussy-grabbing fascist, perhaps--cocksucking has no particular relation to fascism--if anything is slightly negatively correlated with it.
It was a confrontation between right wing and left wing (likely including anarchists) who compliment each other and depend on each other for gaining support from the left or right wing camps. I'm sure the Knights of the KKK voted for Trump; all 23 of them.

What Trump is reported to have said is this wherein

Speaking about the disorder, US President Donald Trump said he condemned "in the strongest possible terms" what he called an "egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides".

That is condemning everyone who was involved. No need to read out a shopping list of the the donkeys involved.
Well, none of the counter protesters killed a person or, as far as I can tell, injure anyone badly enough to send them to hospital.

Yabut when Dachau concentration camp was "liberated", the former prisoners tortured and killed a number of Nazi SS guards. Guess those Jewish (and other) snowflakes couldn't take being tortured and murdered by the millions. They should have been roundly condemned if not executed for that, but where was WP at the time?
Trump's sweeping condemnation of violence without explicitly condemning the white supremacists is a tacit approval of their actions.
What this is is an appeal to the acceptance of white supremacy that lies under the surface of so many more white Americans.

This entire event was the physical manifestation of all the dog whistles Trump and his supporters have been blowing for the past year +. All the suggestions, the implications, the innuendo, the crassness. This also includes the unwillingness of Trump to specifically distance himself from the white supremacist movement.

The question now becomes whether things like this will continue. Did this weekend's events embolden hate groups, or to some degree move them back toward the rock they've marched out from under? I say with some firmness that were it not for the deaths that occurred, it would've certainly emboldened them further. On the other hand, on other sites, conservatives are already blaming the counter protesters for the girl's death. Sadly, the sickness of such statements doesn't shock me in the slightest.

not a girl, a woman.
I think David Duke has a point. These are the people who elected him, and he can't abandon them now. This he keeps silent. He lets his aides say things he doesn't want to. Many, even Ivanka, have condemned the KKK and neo Nazis. But not Trump. This is just beyond despicable. This is a new low even for him.
He has spoken out against David Duke, just not as much as many would like.
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