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Trump's trade war could destroy 4% of global trade


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
Seeing what's happening, maybe the U.S. needs it. It'll fuck the whole world, but the U.S. has shown it's lost the ability to elect viable leaders to its most important positions, and can no longer be counted on to adhere to its commitments.

Man... Dubbya, then we got a break with Obama, but now there's Trump. Who's next? If there is a "next," he could easily be worse than Trump. Someone with a plan, who knows how things work, who isn't a fucking moron has been shown the way to grab total power in the U.S. Imagine a good looking, well spoken candidate who talked just as much inflammatory shit as Trump. The difference, rather than "...grab 'em by the pussy," would be "...a return to a time when women respected men and understood their role as the family caretaker; when our rights as men and women came from God's law." Package that shit with a Reagan-esque personality and Trump's destruction of the U.S. be glacial by compare.

Anyway, Trumptards wanted to see it get burned to the ground, so let's hope it burns them the worst for the longest.

The stupid orange cunt is an out of control moron.

  • Donald Trump's proposed trade war could cost the global economy $800 billion, or 4% of global trade.
  • "The threat to world growth is significant," Oxford Economics lead economist Adam Slater wrote in a recent note to clients.
  • It comes at the same time central banks are raising interest rates and the price of oil is going up.

This is proof of Trump's great genius! We're winning! [/conservolibertarian]
Teh trumpanzees are telling themselves that it will be great for them in the long run, even if there is some short-term pain.
I don't know what their idea of a long run really is, but I suspect that at best, it will look a lot like how things were prior to their orange idol's idiotic actions.
Just add to my post.I have an old friend who is a commercial fisherman.He is a Trump supporter. I have not spoke to him in awhile but have hinted on facebook that he my need to think about that.

The stupid orange cunt is an out of control moron.

  • Donald Trump's proposed trade war could cost the global economy $800 billion, or 4% of global trade.
  • "The threat to world growth is significant," Oxford Economics lead economist Adam Slater wrote in a recent note to clients.
  • It comes at the same time central banks are raising interest rates and the price of oil is going up.

This is proof of Trump's great genius! We're winning! [/conservolibertarian]

According to a poster whose name has a racist origin, libertarians (who believe in free trade without tariffs) support his desire for a trade war.
According to a poster whose name has a racist origin, libertarians (who believe in free trade without tariffs) support his desire for a trade war.

What is a Libertarian anymore? The ones who didn't vote for Johnson voted for Trump. And isn't voting the primary thing that constitutes "support"? Money/donations to the cause count too, but most people don't donate money and there's no way of knowing how many Libertarians gave how much money to whom.

It is vexing trying to understand Libertarian support for Trump. I get the fiscal conservatism part, but as far as I've understood it, Libertarians have always been liberals on social policy. That seems horribly inconsistent with respect to the judges that Trump is appointing not to mention Ol' Grab 'Em By The Pussy himself.

And it doesn't seem like one would find libertarians in bed with evangelicals, yet here we are. We face the specter of a Roe v. Wade reversal, and all but the most steadfast traditional libertarians are cheering Trump on. The steady progress made in marijuana legalization is facing potential doom due to old timey Republicans like Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions, yet libertarians are rolling right along with it. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump-------Trump!

Credit to you though on pointing out that individual's racist moniker. In this day and age who would continue to use a name that glorifies and promotes the subjugation of men, and more importantly, women, of African ancestry?
It won't make a difference to his supporters, farmers are screwed, they still support him. Most of those folks at Harley-Davidson still support Trump. They believe what the man says about trade, even though Trump has absolutely no understanding of trade as is obvious by his statements about it. The only good I can see coming from this (if you can call it good) is that as this fucks the economy over, it may not be in the best shape but the time election time rolls around.
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