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Types of UFO's

"Please reveal yourselves to more Earth people than me. There is a good place for doing so. Central Park in New York City."

Considering the cops in USA and their "shoot first, questions later" policy... not a good idea. I'd suggest CERN: at least they could hope for some intelligent conversations.
Or some major research university. I'm sure that many of us here can think of several, and I've found  List of research universities in the United States,  Academic Ranking of World Universities,  League of European Research Universities. Harvard University is the top one.

Many major universities have plenty of sports-field area, so they will have plenty of area for soft-surface landings. For hard-surface landings, one ought to use a big airport, and most big cities now have big airports.

The SETI Institute is headquartered a little south of Moffett Field in Mountain View in a rather small building by office-building standards. Its parking lots are rather cramped for landings, but Moffett Field is a good place, with plenty of hard surface.

As to how large a footprint area that an ET spacecraft will need, one can only speculate.
Always one lonely contactee. Allah chose an illiterate Mo, Yahweh chose Moses, Venusians chose Adamski, the angel Moron..........errr sorry.......Moroni chose Joseph Smith, a fraudster.
I'll expand on that.

  • Moses contacted by YHWH in the Sinai Peninsula
  • Mohammed contacted by the archangel Gabriel in the mountains near Mecca
  • Joseph Smith contacted by the angel Moroni in upstate New York
  • George Adamski contacted by Orthon from Venus in the southern California desert
  • Billy Meier contacted by Semjase from the Pleiades in rural Switzerland

However, Orthon was wearing a brown jumpsuit and Semjase a gray bodysuit, and they had both arrived in their flying saucers. As far as I know, angels are not known for wearing utilitarian clothing or traveling in vehicles. Everybody knows that angels wear robes and that they don't need vehicles.

But looking at contactees' descriptions of their Space People, they often look, er, angelic.
Not all that long ago, perhaps just before jets took to the skies, people saw saints and angels and demons. Since the space age those saints have to a certain point been superseded by little gray/green men.
I must make a confession.

I once saw an Unidentified Flying Object.

As I was flying somewhere, I looked out the window and saw what looked like a white spot on the clouds. The spot sometimes flickered, but it was usually rather bright. I didn't think that it was a discrete object at the time, but instead, it looked to me like a reflection off of a glass pane. Except that no glass pane was evident and it would be difficult for a big one to be present there.

I concluded that it was a reflection off of the clouds, a reflection caused by clouds' ice crystals being oriented. I eventually found its name: "subsun". So this UFO became an IFO, an Identified Flying Object.
I must make a confession.

I once saw an Unidentified Flying Object.

As I was flying somewhere, I looked out the window and saw what looked like a white spot on the clouds. The spot sometimes flickered, but it was usually rather bright. I didn't think that it was a discrete object at the time, but instead, it looked to me like a reflection off of a glass pane. Except that no glass pane was evident and it would be difficult for a big one to be present there.

I concluded that it was a reflection off of the clouds, a reflection caused by clouds' ice crystals being oriented. I eventually found its name: "subsun". So this UFO became an IFO, an Identified Flying Object.
A reflection of an object isn't an object.
I once saw an Unidentified Flying Object. ...

I concluded that it was a reflection off of the clouds, a reflection caused by clouds' ice crystals being oriented. I eventually found its name: "subsun". So this UFO became an IFO, an Identified Flying Object.
A reflection of an object isn't an object.
But if you didn't know that it was a reflection, what would you think?

BTW, about Semjase, I discovered that a leotard or unitard is a better fit -- a tight-fitting version of a jumpsuit.
How many times has ball lightning been mistaken for UFO's! Or the the most common: The planet Venus?
How many times has ball lightning been mistaken for UFO's! Or the the most common: The planet Venus?
"Unidentified Flying Object" != "Extraterrestrial Spacecraft"

As to  ball lightning, it's poorly understood, so in a sense, it's a "real UFO", even if not an ETSC.

Venus, however, has been considered a UFO an enormous number of times.  Identification studies of UFOs
A reflection of an object isn't an object.
But if you didn't know that it was a reflection, what would you think?
Does it matter?

Knowledge implies belief but not conversely, and knowledge implies truth but not conversely. If you believe P, then you don't necessarily know P, and if P is true, you don't necessarily know P is true.

You said, "[you] once saw an unidentified flying object." Did you believe it? Yes. Did you know it? No. Was it true? No. I may have believed P had I not known it was a reflection, but belief neither implies knowledge or truth.
I am confident that intelligent life exists on other planets. Nevertheless, I doubt that any extraterrestrial species have visited us since at least the beginning of civilization five thousand years ago. They have certainly not visited us recently.

Unless there is a way of traveling faster than the speed of light the enormous distances in the universe, and even to nearby stars that may be capable of sustaining life, means that extraterrestrial species that have visited us have undergone major sacrifices to do so. They would not sneak around. They would identify themselves, and communicate with us.

The fact that we have not detected radio broadcasts from other planets, and the fact that satellites revolving around the moon have not detected obelisks there leads me to suspect that advanced civilizations on other planets are rare, and very far away.
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I keep hoping that one day a beautiful female alien abducts me for sexual experimentation. :angel:
I'd be content with being good friends with someone like Kalna or Ilmuth or Semjase.

Unless there is a way of traveling faster than the speed of light the enormous distances in the universe, and even to nearby stars that may be capable of sustaining life, means that extraterrestrial species that have visited us have undergone major sacrifices to do so. They would not sneak around. They would identify themselves, and communicate with us.
I've thought of another possibility: that they arrived in a large colony ship long ago, and that they still live in the outer Solar System in that colony ship. Anything from the asteroid belt to the outer planets' moons to the Kuiper Belt. They would then send out scout ships to explore our planet.
I saw a UFO in spring this year. It was red-yellow flaming ball which slowly increased in size and then slowly decreased, did not move much if at all. I saw it through heavy clouds at night, no sound. I suspect it was a meteorite or some space junk.
Unless there is a way of traveling faster than the speed of light the enormous distances in the universe, and even to nearby stars that may be capable of sustaining life, means that extraterrestrial species that have visited us have undergone major sacrifices to do so. They would not sneak around. They would identify themselves, and communicate with us.
I've thought of another possibility: that they arrived in a large colony ship long ago, and that they still live in the outer Solar System in that colony ship. Anything from the asteroid belt to the outer planets' moons to the Kuiper Belt. They would then send out scout ships to explore our planet.
You apparently haven't haven't kept up with the "experts" on ET tactics. The hollow Earth theory where they live inside the Earth of quite a while ago has sorta died out. It has been replaced by undersea cities. The ETs live in cities on the bed of the deepest areas of our oceans. They only send their saucers out occasionally to do a few abductions, anal probing, and reproduction experimentation. :eek:
The Earth does not have to be hollow for ET's to live underground. All they have to do is excavate big caverns and build bases in them. Some people claim that they've done that at Mt. Shasta, for instance. Though if they've done it there, it ought to be some distance away, though its users can still use the mountain as a landmark. That's because Mt. Shasta is a dormant volcano, one that becomes active ever few centuries.

Some ET's trying to decide on where to build a base on our planet:
"I've decided on a good spot for a base."
"Let's see."
"Mt. Shasta."
"I'll have to check our geological-survey database ... Mt. Shasta? It's a [profanities] volcano!"
"I know. That's why I'm proposing a site that's not directly underneath the mountain. It will still be accessible from that mountain."
"Be sure that it's good solid ground that lava hasn't pushed through."
"I understand. My site is well away from known lava tubes."
"Why not some nice tectonic mountain? Or at least some volcano that hasn't been active in a LONG time?"
"Tectonic mountains tend to have big earthquakes."
"Young ones, yes, but old ones like the Appalachians and the Urals are much quieter."

(I'm using Earthling names for those geological features for convenience)
No, no! The earth is hollow, there's also a mini sun, it was the Anlateans who colonised it and their high technology that produces the UFO's. Entry to the inner world, actually there's two entries. One is in the North Pole and the other in Antarctica.
No, no! The earth is hollow, there's also a mini sun, it was the Anlateans who colonised it and their high technology that produces the UFO's. Entry to the inner world, actually there's two entries. One is in the North Pole and the other in Antarctica.
Exactly. Charles Lindbergh even flew through the entrance at the North Pole and saw their cities inside the hollow Earth.

What more proof is needed? ;)
And if more proof was needed, there's something out there called Shaver's hollow earth one may wish to chase up.
And if more proof was needed, there's something out there called Shaver's hollow earth one may wish to chase up.
Actually, Richard Shaver believed that his good Teros and bad Deros lived in caverns underneath the Earth's surface. He claimed that he had spent a lot of time in the caverns with the Deros, but it later turned up that he was in a mental hospital the whole time. He had been hospitalized for paranoid schizophrenia, and his Deros were thus likely a result of his mental illness.

Ray Palmer had published Dero stories in his science-fiction magazine Amazing Stories, stories that he claimed were either nonfiction or fictionalized real events. It got his magazine a LOT of readers, despite the howls of more mature SF fans. His publisher eventually shut down those stories. In 1947, RP founded a magazine named Fate dedicated to paranormal stuff, and an early issue of it featured Kenneth Arnold's sighting of saucerlike objects near Mt. Rainier from his private plane. This became "flying saucers", and soon, large numbers of people were noticing things in the air that they would normally have ignored. This produced a wave of saucer sightings.

This issue would have died down except for Ray Palmer's championing the extraterrestrial-spacecraft hypothesis. Interestingly, the artists for Amazing Stories often depicted disk-shaped flying vehicles, thus widely spreading the flying-saucer meme.

Also helping was how Captain Thomas Mantell seemingly got shot down by a flying saucer. That made this aerial dishware seem potentially dangerous.

The US Air Force got into flying saucers out of concern that some of them could be secret Russian airplanes and the like. However, its earlier investigations were not handled very well, and some early investigators apparently came to believe that flying saucers were ET spacecraft. This was despite official rejection of that hypothesis. This led to the likes of Major Donald Keyhoe claiming that the USAF was covering up what it knows about the saucers.
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