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Types of UFO's

"I saw a light in the sky, and I don't know what it was", describes a fairly mundane situation. "Therefore aliens" is not a tenable conclusion to derive from that observation alone.

What? thre's confirming evidence everywhere on the tube for about 70 years now. How about Mork from Ork, My favorite Martian, Lost in space, Star Trek, Battle Star Galactica , I dream of Genie, Superman? Fer chris sake mon.
One of the things I find perplexing about some of the well-known examples of UFO "incidents", wherein there is some kind of landing and/or crash, is this: there's a mundane explanation given out by the authorities, and at the same time, a suspiciously thorough effort to obscure and/or remove evidence.

If it really is just "light from a nearby lighthouse" or a crashed weather balloon, why the efforts to retrieve every last scrap of it? Weather balloons are hardly top secret weapons (I hope).
One of the things I find perplexing about some of the well-known examples of UFO "incidents", wherein there is some kind of landing and/or crash, is this: there's a mundane explanation given out by the authorities, and at the same time, a suspiciously thorough effort to obscure and/or remove evidence.

If it really is just "light from a nearby lighthouse" or a crashed weather balloon, why the efforts to retrieve every last scrap of it? Weather balloons are hardly top secret weapons (I hope).

Simply clearing up evidence of secret, experimental tech!
One of the things I find perplexing about some of the well-known examples of UFO "incidents", wherein there is some kind of landing and/or crash, is this: there's a mundane explanation given out by the authorities, and at the same time, a suspiciously thorough effort to obscure and/or remove evidence.

If it really is just "light from a nearby lighthouse" or a crashed weather balloon, why the efforts to retrieve every last scrap of it? Weather balloons are hardly top secret weapons (I hope).

Simply clearing up evidence of secret, experimental tech!

Perhaps one way to challenge the "experimental tech" explanation might be to look for UFO crashes in places where it's unlikely there will be any such experiments going on. There are some large and powerful nations on the planet with the wherewithal to conduct this kind of research, and many others that almost certainly do not. The many sightings and crashes in the US may be the result of what could be assumed to be a lot of high tech weapons testing, or these incidents may be well known simply because there are more people interested in UFOs in the US than elsewhere. Or if there is a crash, there are no hordes of reporters descend looking for a story in such out-of-the-way places.

I just had a quick look for UFO crash sites on the net. Of course there's many references to Roswell and such other famous ones. But it seems there have been some "crashed experiments" elsewhere in the world. There seem to be several in South America. There's one in Nepal. One in Denmark. Some in Australia.

I am wondering how or why countries such as Nepal, Denmark, Greece (!) and Bolivia might be conducting their own secret hi-tech weapons research. You'd think them some of them too poor, or else would have powerful allies who could sell or lend them the tech, thus avoiding the need for costly research. Perhaps a larger country has outsourced the testing? Seems to me that certain large countries have plenty of space to test their military hardware without sending it halfway round the world, where someone else might catch a peek at it.
Why would aliens travel to our planet, most likely even if they're a million years ahead of us tech wise and not leave proof of their visit?
There has never been an alien artifact found. The speed of light is still relevant, even if the alien would seem like a god to us.
Why would aliens travel to our planet, most likely even if they're a million years ahead of us tech wise and not leave proof of their visit?
There has never been an alien artifact found. The speed of light is still relevant, even if the alien would seem like a god to us.

Perhaps they have and we don't recognise it. Or else the "artifact" is knowledge? Once that is incorporated into what we already know about the universe, it may be difficult to identify as being of alien origin. And if they have taught us anything, it would not be so outlandishly advanced that it could not be readily incorporated into existing knowledge. ie they would not come down and show cave men how to build a computer. Maybe a better club.

As for the speed of light constraint: I am not saying that aliens definitely exist, have come from a galaxy far far away and therefore have overcome this not inconsiderable difficulty, but do remember that not much more than 200 years ago, the only way humans could move faster than running was by jumping on a horse. Even then they could not go faster than about 50mph. No doubt there were people back then who thought that going fast enough to break the sound barrier was impossible.

And also remember Lord Kelvin's (alleged) quote "There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now, All that remains is more and more precise measurement." Whoever said that, they were dead wrong. And they were scientists.
The speed of light is a law of physics and unchanging. It cannot be manipulated like in Star Trek.

They did not manipulate the speed of light in star trek... they exited spacetime and entered "subspace", where the physical laws are different. They also utilized wormholes as a plot device for immediate distant travel.
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