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Vegan Woman Forced Her Fennec Fox To Go Vegan, And Here’s What Happened


Dec 4, 2006
Basic Beliefs

Fennec foxes eat rodents, insects, birds, rabbits, and eggs, but this one doesn’t. For years, vegan blogger Sonia Sae has been raising her pet fox Jumanji on a vegan diet, and it has developed all sorts of health problems. Recently, however, a few people worked hard to spread the word about this behavior they call abusive, and the internet is infuriated.

According to experts, a fennec’s diet in the wild is comprised of about 90% animals and insects while the remaining 10% consists of various plants they dig up. Naturally, they need a lot of protein when living in captivity as well. Forcing her omnivore Jumanji on a vegan menu only, Sae has probably messed up its entire nutrition. For example, fennecs really need calcium and taurine. The latter is an organic compound that’s widely distributed in animal tissues. Without it, these big-eared creatures will probably develop reproductive and heart problems. And this is only the tip of the iceberg.



Woman feeds vegan diet to pet fennec fox


This is so fucking heartbreaking.

I don't care what the fuck your Natrual News-reading friends told you while you were getting a bleach enema colon cleanse together. Do not feed a carnivorous pet a vegetarian diet.

Fuck this woman. Preferrbly with someone else's dick. Fuck her and fuck every idiot naturopathy-proponent who fed her lies about health until she was so divorced from reality that she thought giving a carnivorous animal a vegetarian diet was a good idea.

And fuck anyone who does this same thing to cats or dogs. Fuck the whole lot of you.

I almost posted this in the Rants thread instead of the Pseudoscience forum.

Fuck, but this pisses me off.


Here's what the cute little guy looked like before being tortured by that woman's stupidity. I'll let you see the after pictures at the link.
Heartbreaking and infuriating.

If she wants a "vegan" pet, she should get a rabbit.

But frankly, she is too stupid to be trusted to care for any living creature.
What passes me of is that her arguments sound so much like the pseudoscience bullshit that I hear from the naturopathy/vegan crowd.

She "Did her research" and figured out which nutrients the food needed, then found vegetable substitutes for those specific nutrients, but made no attempt to show any scientific research showing that you can keep a Fennec fox healthy on a vegan diet.
What passes me of is that her arguments sound so much like the pseudoscience bullshit that I hear from the naturopathy/vegan crowd.

She "Did her research" and figured out which nutrients the food needed, then found vegetable substitutes for those specific nutrients, but made no attempt to show any scientific research showing that you can keep a Fennec fox healthy on a vegan diet.

I think her test of her research on that poor animal demonstrates that sufficiently. Those pictures were very upsetting.
This is one of those cases that makes me think Doxing is a force for good. Someone should post this to the current equivilent for 4chan and ask them to find out where she lives so they can alert the police and animal control.

edit: okay read further into the article, guess they can't bummer and heartbreaking.
I saw an episode of Dr Phil a while back *hangs head in shame* where a mother was raising her very young child on a strict vegan diet, based on some guidelines she read online. The kid was maybe 2 or 3 years old and about in the 5 percentile in size, with normal sized parents. So, sadly its not just pets.
I saw an episode of Dr Phil a while back *hangs head in shame* where a mother was raising her very young child on a strict vegan diet, based on some guidelines she read online. The kid was maybe 2 or 3 years old and about in the 5 percentile in size, with normal sized parents. So, sadly its not just pets.


When those two idiot liberal senators passed that deregulation that made the alternative medicine industry possible, it was inevitable that we would see the age of snake oil salesmen come back.

Somewhere on the to-do list is we need to fix the legislation that allows people to make medical claims without scientific validation.
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