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Walking on other planets: legged rovers


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
To date, every vehicle that has moved around on the surface of another celestial body has moved on wheels. But wheeled vehicles have trouble traveling through rocky terrain, terrain with the rocks comparable in size to the wheels. That has provoked interest in legged rovers that walk over rocks.

Replacing wheels with legs may help rovers to navigate ice, sand and other surfaces more easily on Mars and other planets – Research@Texas A&M | Inform, Inspire, Amaze
While the Mars Exploration Rovers and other robots have been successfully sent into space, they typically operate based on pre-programmed agendas that require human scientists and engineers to input detailed instructions regarding where to go and what to do prior to the robots’ arrival at the planet. As a result, when the robot encounters unexpected scenarios or discovers interesting measurements, it has limited capabilities to adapt its plan. This can hinder how robots and rovers navigate new environments or even cause them to miss scientific opportunities.

“We will conduct this research in two key planetary analog sites that present well-defined gradients in soil types from crusty sand at White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico to icy rock mixtures at Mt. Hood, Oregon,” Ewing explained. “Our objective is to integrate high-mobility legged robots with embedded terrain-sensing technologies and cognitive human decision models to study the geotechnical properties of these soils.”

The project employs “bio-inspired” robots with legs, meaning their form is modeled after animals’ unique abilities to move well on challenging surfaces like soft sand. Utilizing the latest “direct-drive” actuator technology, these robots can “feel” the terrain (e.g., sand softness and rock shapes) through their legs. This ability allows the legged robots to interact with the environment in the same manner as animals, adjusting their movement as needed.

“We’ll be working to determine how the friction and erodibility of different soils is affected by surface crusts, rock-covered soils and ice content,” Ewing explained. “We will deploy the direct-drive legged robots to map soil strength at two sites that are like landscapes on the Moon, Mars and other worlds. We will simultaneously measure environmental parameters that control soil strength, including particle size and shape, soil moisture, chemical composition and ice content.”
Scientists Built a Walking Mars Rover That Can Climb Steep Hills - "SpaceBok was originally designed to leap around on the Moon. But now, it may be headed to Mars instead."

Named after the springbok, an antelope notable for its leaping.

How Do You Make a Robot Walk on Mars? It’s a Steep Challenge | WIRED - "Meet SpaceBok, a little, four-legged machine that’s taking the first steps toward walking on the Red Planet’s brutal terrain."

Walking robots could be the future of Mars exploration | Digital Trends
One of the winning teams of the challenge was a trio of legged robots that trotted, clambered, and poked their way around the arena, working together to map, identify, and collect scientific samples. Though this challenge was focused on the moon, the same principles could be applied to robots destined for Mars and other planetary bodies — and this approach could allow robots to explore new environments that have never been seen before.

Legged Robots to Aid with Planetary Research - USC Viterbi | School of Engineering - "Feifei Qian is the lead researcher for a NASA grant that could significantly aid planetary explorations."

China may add helicopter and 6-legged robot to Mars sample-return mission | Space - "It's not yet clear whether China or the United States and Europe will be the first to bring a piece of the Red Planet back to Earth."
Four-legged Jumping Robots LEAP to Explore the Moon – Europlanet Society
A four-legged robot trained through artificial intelligence has learned the same lesson as the Apollo astronauts – that jumping can be the best way to move around on the surface the Moon. An update on LEAP (Legged Exploration of the Aristarchus Plateau), a mission concept study funded by ESA to explore some of the most challenging lunar terrains, has been presented today at the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) 2022 in Granada by Patrick Bambach.

“LEAP’s target is the Aristarchus plateau, a region of the Moon that is particularly rich in geologic features but highly challenging to access,” said Patrick Bambach of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany. “With the robot, we can investigate key features to study the geologic history and evolution of the Moon, like the ejecta around craters, fresh impact sites, and collapsed lava tubes, where material may not have been altered by space weathering and other processes.”
Why are legged vehicles much less common than wheeled ones?

It's a case of  Moravec's paradox - Hans Moravec: "it is comparatively easy to make computers exhibit adult level performance on intelligence tests or playing checkers, and difficult or impossible to give them the skills of a one-year-old when it comes to perception and mobility".

One has to have some complicated control software to decide how to move the legs, while wheels need no such thing.

 Legged robot - they go back to the early1980's

One-legged robots are pogo-stick robots.

Two-legged robots are very challenging to control, even when at rest.

Four-legged robots are much easier to control, since they can be stable with one leg lifted. Six-legged, eight-legged, ten-legged, and even more legged robots have been built.

Home | Boston Dynamics - well-known for its numerous demos of its two-legged and four-legged robots.
Two-legged walking has emerged only a few times in our planet's biota, all from four-legged walking.

Arthropods started off with a pair of legs on each segment, but they then specialized these legs in a variety of ways, like sense organs, mouthparts, and grasping organs, and they often lost their rearward legs. Centipedes and millipedes (myriapods) kept all of their legs, however. Those that have specialized and/or lost many of their legs still have plenty of walking legs, like six or eight of them.

Land vertebrates are not nearly as well-endowed, turning four side fins into legs.

Two-legged walking was invented at least three times.

In our ancestors, likely between 7 and 4 million years ago - Human ancestors were walking upright 7 million years ago, ancient limb bone suggests | Science | AAAS and African fossils show ancient advances in walking on two legs | Science News - our ancestors were very chimplike back then.

In dinosaurs, likely around 250 million years ago, not long after the Permo-Triassic mass extinction. The earliest ones are bipedal, but some of their descendants went back to all fours when they became large. There is an exception: large carnivorous dinosaurs like T. rex. Some of them stayed or became very small, and some of these ones took to the air, becoming birds.

Evolution of bipedalism in ancient dinosaur ancestors | ScienceDaily
The functional origin of dinosaur bipedalism: Cumulative evidence from bipedally inclined reptiles and disinclined mammals - ScienceDirect

In kangaroos, likely around 30 million years ago if not earlier in the Cenozoic.
There are several gaits, patterns of leg motion, that walkers may use.

Two-legged gaits are simple: striding and hopping.

Striding is advancing one leg, then the other leg, then repeating this sequence. We and our ancestors, and bipedal dinosaurs and birds, all walk(ed) that way.

A GUIDE TO QUADRUPEDS’ GAITS - Walk, amble, trot, pace, canter, gallop — Animator Notebook - also  Horse gait and  Canine gait and  Gait

Footfall order:
b = back, f = front, l = left, r = right
  • Walk: bl - fl - br - fr
  • Amble: a faster version of a walk
  • Diagonal amble: bl - fr - br - fl
  • Trot: bl,fr - br,fl
  • Pace: bl,fl - br,fr
  • Canter
    • bl - br,fr - fl (left lead) - (suspension)
      [*[br - bl,fl - fr (right lead) - (suspension)
  • Gallop
    • bl - br - fl - fr (right lead) - (in the air)
    • br - bl - fr - fl (left lead) - (in the air)
  • Rotatory Gallop
    • bl - br - (suspension) - fr - fl (left lead) - (suspension)
    • br - bl - (suspension) - fl - fr (right lead) - (suspension)
Suspension: being in the air with no feet on the ground.
But how will those joints hold up to the Martian dust? The lunar (and presumably other airless bodies) dust won't blow in but what about static electricity? That stuff was a problem for the astronauts.
But how will those joints hold up to the Martian dust? The lunar (and presumably other airless bodies) dust won't blow in but what about static electricity? That stuff was a problem for the astronauts.
One doesn't have the problem that one has for wheels, needing to rotate ad infinitum. One can put flexible sleeves on the joints, though these sleeves would have to be able to survive very cold nights.
Insect gaits - 6 legs
Insects have two kinds of gaits:

Wave gait: forward wave on one side and forward wave on the other side, often overlapping in time, halfway between one side then the other side, and both sides together.

Tripod gait: alternation between 1l,2r,3l and 1r,2l,3r

The frontmost legs are the first ones in this numbering.

Spider gates - 8 legs

Tetrapod gait: like insect tripod gait, but extended to four legs.

Generation of Direct-, Retrograde-, and Source-Wave Gaits in Multi-Legged Locomotion in a Decentralized Manner via Embodied Sensorimotor Interaction - PMC

Centipede gait: forward-to-backward wave
Millipede gait: backward-to-forward wave

Navigating land and water: how centipedes walk and swim | Human Frontier Science Program
Navigating Land and Water: How Centipedes Walk and Swim - YouTube

Easy to see a backward wave of centipede legs.

MIllipede Walk - YouTube
Walking like a millipede - YouTube

Easy to see a forward wave of millipede legs.

The second one shows a robot with a lot of legs that walks like a millipede.

 Metachronal rhythm - "A metachronal rhythm or metachronal wave refers to wavy movements produced by the sequential action (as opposed to synchronized) of structures such as cilia, segments of worms, or legs. These movements produce the appearance of a travelling wave."
Why do so many robots look like dogs? - IEEE Transmitter - "It’s more than the fact that they have four legs."

Claiming that it's from which way dogs' knees face, as opposed to horses or rabbits. I decided to fact-check that and I find it to be incorrect. I checked on dogs, cats, horses, cows, elephants, lizards, salamanders, and myself, and they all have limbs with these configurations:
  • Front: knee (elbow): backward, ankle (wrist): forward
  • Back: knee: forward, ankle backward
So this is a general tetrapod feature. But I was careful to avoid mixing up knees and ankles.

There is a simpler explanation - dogs have four legs, and in the size range of many of these robots.

The article showed a robot dog that has four backward-pointing knees and ankles at their feet.

Why four legs?
“It is the simplest form of statically stable locomotion that can traverse challenging terrain,” Nair said. “It offers the best balance of cost, controllability, and ability to walk on rough terrains. With four legs, the design can move in three different gaits: the walk, trot and gallop.”
Why not two legs?
“Although biped robots can also perform similar tasks, the stability of the locomotion of bipeds lags far behind that of quadrupeds,” Liu said. “Besides, the cost of building and maintaining a biped robot is several times higher than that of a quadruped robot.”
From the much poorer stability, I'm sure.
There are a few drawbacks of quadrupeds,” Liu said. “They tend to have low energy efficiency. Most can only work for one hour before they need to be recharged. They can also be noisy because of their gait. Some people aren’t able to tolerate the noise, which might prevent them from becoming a part of our daily life.”
That's relative to wheeled vehicles, I'm sure. Thus, in stability,

wheels > four legs > two legs

Some nice video: Animal Gaits for Animators on Vimeo - depiction of a dog doing various gaits
But how will those joints hold up to the Martian dust? The lunar (and presumably other airless bodies) dust won't blow in but what about static electricity? That stuff was a problem for the astronauts.
One doesn't have the problem that one has for wheels, needing to rotate ad infinitum. One can put flexible sleeves on the joints, though these sleeves would have to be able to survive very cold nights.
Anything that flexes eventually breaks, the only question is how long it can survive.

A thought, though--for cold enough places you might be able to get away with a walker with no joints. Use magnetic levitation--nothing touches when it's moving so dust will be a non-issue unless it built up to the degree that it precluded movement. You need superconductors to do that on a sane power budget, though.
 List of Mars landers - I looked for moving parts
  • Viking 1, 2: cameras, arm, antenna
  • Mars Pathfinder: cameras
  • - Sojourner: cameras, arm, wheels
  • Spirit, Opportunity: cameras, arm, wheels
  • Phoenix: cameras, arm
  • Curiosity: cameras, arm, wheels
  • InSight: cameras, arm
  • Perseverance: cameras, arm, wheels
  • Tianwen-1: cameras
  • - Zhurong: cameras, wheels
Most of them seem to have been successful for much or most of these vehicles' missions.

So that means that robot legs are likely as feasible as robot arms.
TITAN-XIII: sprawling-type quadruped robot with ability of fast and energy-efficient walking | ROBOMECH Journal | Full Text - like a herp (amphibian, reptile).

"Finally, we compared the performance of TITAN-XIII with other quadruped robots, and confirm that its performance is almost same level as mammal-type quadruped robots." (downward-leg ones) Or a birdlike one.

We could generalized as cold-blooded vs. warm-blooded.

An Overview on Principles for Energy Efficient Robot Locomotion - PMC - "Despite enhancements in the development of robotic systems, the energy economy of today's robots lags far behind that of biological systems. This is in particular critical for untethered legged robot locomotion."

As to gaits, I remember a pet cat who seemed to have two main gaits: walk (one side then the other) and run (leaping).
My Mars-lander moving-parts list, reformatted:
  • Viking 1, 2: cameras, arm, antenna
  • Mars Pathfinder: cameras
    • Sojourner: cameras, arm, wheels
  • Spirit, Opportunity: cameras, arm, wheels
  • Phoenix: cameras, arm
  • Curiosity: cameras, arm, wheels
  • InSight: cameras, arm
  • Perseverance: cameras, arm, wheels
  • Tianwen-1: cameras
    • Zhurong: cameras, wheels
 List of Mars landers - I looked for moving parts
  • Viking 1, 2: cameras, arm, antenna
  • Mars Pathfinder: cameras
  • - Sojourner: cameras, arm, wheels
  • Spirit, Opportunity: cameras, arm, wheels
  • Phoenix: cameras, arm
  • Curiosity: cameras, arm, wheels
  • InSight: cameras, arm
  • Perseverance: cameras, arm, wheels
  • Tianwen-1: cameras
  • - Zhurong: cameras, wheels
Most of them seem to have been successful for much or most of these vehicles' missions.

So that means that robot legs are likely as feasible as robot arms.
But how many times do those arms move?

Wheels have surfaces that are always covered and they have surfaces that are always exposed. No surface ever changes state.

Your typical robotic arm has surfaces that change state. That's a big dust problem. A dust cover has to flex--and nothing flexes infinitely.

I was thinking there was no way to do it without such a surface but I see a more complex way that would work. Make joints like you would wheels. It's definitely bigger and heavier but it could be done. Also, a no-flex system means that there are actuators on the arm which causes power connection headaches. I do see how to do it, though--you will have some sort of brushes but a brush could easily be built that would outlast the rover. You also can't change the length of something which means length changes must be done by folding up--again, heavier and more complex, but not impossible. I see how to make a spider walker with three drive motors per leg and no surface vulnerable to dust.
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