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Was it really wise to exchange a deserter for five Gitmo terrorists?

Don't we have to let the detainees go anyway? Or do we have to keep them forever, like luggage?

Why do you keep droning on about George Bush?


The Magic 8 Ball answer, though is "answer unclear, ask again later." There was never a declaration of war, we've tried like hell to designate them as "anything which doesn't fall under international law," and since we can never really cease hostilities with an -ism, I suppose we're under no obligation to release people who have been detained for committing an -ism.

It makes it extra hard when we can't discuss the administration which established the shaky legal framework that keeps them in America's little slice 'o Cuba.
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, if you recall, walked off from his unit and later got captured by the Taliban. It seems to me it is not very wise to exchange somebody like that for five terrorists who will probably resume their terrorist activities shortly.
There is no evidence any of the 5 men were terrorists
Meh, if this guy hadn't been released, right wingers would be complaining about that too.

And they were complaining about it... right up to the minute they switched to complaining because he was released.
"Obama leaves patriot to rot in foreign jail, refuses to reduce GITMO population"

Then the convenient line about releasing the wrong five, and him being a 'deserter' after he does.
"We can't shoot them down with drones while they're locked up in Guantanimo. We're not releasing them, we're giving them a running start." -Bill Maher

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