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What does it mean for something to be "logically possible"?

He described the girl as skinny.

His friend said, "What are you talking about? She is slender!!"

"Alright, she's slender"

But his friend just says: "What are you talking about? She is slim!!!"

The only way to have any rational conversation is to define the terms you use.

I define infinite time as time that never ends.

Some want to describe it in other ways.

But is still time that never ends.

It doesn't matter if you describe the girl as slim or slender. It is the same girl.

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You cannot prove that the definition of infinite time is 'time that never ends', because that is NOT the definition. It's A definition, and it is demonstrably incomplete.

If it is A definition and infinite time is only one thing then it is THE definition of infinite time. Other definitions are the definition of infinite time too. It has more than one definition. Not a series of interconnected definitions.

It cannot be discarded at will.

That is irrational.
He described the girl as skinny.

His friend said, "What are you talking about? She is slender!!"

"Alright, she's slender"

But his friend just says: "What are you talking about? She is slim!!!"

The only way to have any rational conversation is to define the terms you use.

I define infinite time as time that never ends.

Some want to describe it in other ways.

But is still time that never ends.

It doesn't matter if you describe the girl as slim or slender. It is the same girl.

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You cannot prove that the definition of infinite time is 'time that never ends', because that is NOT the definition. It's A definition, and it is demonstrably incomplete.

If it is A definition and infinite time is only one thing then it is THE definition of infinite time. Other definitions are the definition of infinite time too. It has more than one definition. Not a series of interconnected definitions.

It cannot be discarded at will.

That is irrational.
”I define cars as blue volvos so if you say that red fiats are red you are wrong”
He described the girl as skinny.

His friend said, "What are you talking about? She is slender!!"

"Alright, she's slender"

But his friend just says: "What are you talking about? She is slim!!!"

The only way to have any rational conversation is to define the terms you use.

I define infinite time as time that never ends.

Some want to describe it in other ways.

But is still time that never ends.

It doesn't matter if you describe the girl as slim or slender. It is the same girl.

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If it is A definition and infinite time is only one thing then it is THE definition of infinite time. Other definitions are the definition of infinite time too. It has more than one definition. Not a series of interconnected definitions.

It cannot be discarded at will.

That is irrational.
”I define cars as blue volvos so if you say that red fiats are red you are wrong”

Are you saying infinite time is not time that never ends?

How would you describe time that never ends then? Finite?

Please explain.
I'm sure you believe that. Could you point out who that was?

I think you fully know who I mean.

I can think of one person who said that there could be some sympathy for your view - from one specific perspective that is non-standard with respect to the normal sense of the order of the integers. The fact that you understood that as saying they 'agreed with me' actually says a lot.

Keep in mind that this is the same person who said
I don't think I've come across someone who is so blind to question begging. It's simultaneously impressive and boring.
Try to keep up.

We are almost at the point where some may understand that time that never ends is infinite time, not finite time.
He described the girl as skinny.

His friend said, "What are you talking about? She is slender!!"

"Alright, she's slender"

But his friend just says: "What are you talking about? She is slim!!!"

The only way to have any rational conversation is to define the terms you use.

I define infinite time as time that never ends.

Some want to describe it in other ways.

But is still time that never ends.

It doesn't matter if you describe the girl as slim or slender. It is the same girl.

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You cannot prove that the definition of infinite time is 'time that never ends', because that is NOT the definition. It's A definition, and it is demonstrably incomplete.

If it is A definition and infinite time is only one thing then it is THE definition of infinite time. Other definitions are the definition of infinite time too. It has more than one definition. Not a series of interconnected definitions.

It cannot be discarded at will.

That is irrational.

You are free to define 'infinite time' as 'time that never ends'; But if you do so:

a) You create a situation wherein the past may be without beginning, but nevertheless does not meet your definition of 'infinite time', despite being time which is infinite; which is confusing to say the least.

b) You cannot expect anyone else to start using your confusing and idiosyncratic definition.
c) People will think you are so fucking stupid that you seriously think you can change reality by redefining the words and phrases you use to describe it.

So I would very much counsel against doing that (particularly as nothing seems to be gained by so doing); But if you insist upon it, then you must be VERY cautious not to fall into the trap of equivocating between your new and unorthodox definition, and the common definition used by everyone else.

To date, you have failed miserably at avoiding this equivocation.

Using your definition, we can correctly say that the past may not have a beginning; and that the past is infinite in duration if that is the case; BUT that this is not 'infinite time' (by definition, because the past ends at the present).

I am not sure how you imagine that this helps anything; It most assuredly does nothing to show that a beginning to time is necessary.
”I define cars as blue volvos so if you say that red fiats are red you are wrong”

Are you saying infinite time is not time that never ends?

How would you describe time that never ends then? Finite?

Please explain.
There are at least three kinds of infinite time:
1) Time that exists and had no beginning and never ends = infinite time.
2) Time that exists and had no beginning and will end at some point (for example 12:45 UTC) = infinite time
3) Time that began at some point (for example 12:45 yesterday) and never ends = infinite time
”I define cars as blue volvos so if you say that red fiats are red you are wrong”

Are you saying infinite time is not time that never ends?

How would you describe time that never ends then? Finite?

Please explain.

So logical he can't tell a statement from it's converse.

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Are you saying infinite time is not time that never ends?

How would you describe time that never ends then? Finite?

Please explain.
There are at least three kinds of infinite time:
1) Time that exists and had no beginning and never ends = infinite time.
2) Time that exists and had no beginning and will end at 12:45 UTC = infinite time
3) Time that began at 12:45 yesterday and never ends = infinite time

Dunno if you've been reading the thread, but everyone and their grandmother has tried explaining that to him. Nothing sticks.
You are free to define 'infinite time' as 'time that never ends'; But if you do so:

So you are saying time that never ends is finite?

a) You create a situation wherein the past may be without beginning, but nevertheless does not meet your definition of 'infinite time', despite being time which is infinite; which is confusing to say the least.

To say "no beginning" is just another way of saying infinite time.

And since infinite time also means time that never ends we could substitute with that and not have any rational conflict or change in meaning. It does become a lot easier to understand since "no beginning" is an irrational state.

A thing with no beginning never existed. That makes sense to us.

The girl is not slim or slender.

She is both.

Infinite time is time that never ends. No matter how you want to describe it.

b) You cannot expect anyone else to start using your confusing and idiosyncratic definition.

I can only lead mules to water.

Your argument seems to consist of two parts.

1. You seem to be claiming that time that never ends is not a complete definition of infinite time and more is needed. That argument is false. It is a complete definition. It merely is not the only definition.

2. You seem to be claiming that the concept of time with "no beginning" is some different thing from time with "no end". Again a false argument. They are merely different ways to describe the same exact thing. Infinite time. They are not a series of connected definitions. They are two separate definitions of the same exact thing.

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Are you saying infinite time is not time that never ends?

How would you describe time that never ends then? Finite?

Please explain.
There are at least three kinds of infinite time:
1) Time that exists and had no beginning and never ends = infinite time.
2) Time that exists and had no beginning and will end at some point (for example 12:45 UTC) = infinite time
3) Time that began at some point (for example 12:45 yesterday) and never ends = infinite time

They are not different kinds.

There are not different breeds of infinite time.

They are different ways of conceptualizing the same exact thing.

But one thing is certain about all of them.

None of them have an end to them.

Infinite time cannot be in the past.
So you are saying time that never ends is finite?
No. I am not saying that. Please try to keep up for fucks sake.

If you wish to determine what it is that I am saying, reading what I write would be a really good starting point.
a) You create a situation wherein the past may be without beginning, but nevertheless does not meet your definition of 'infinite time', despite being time which is infinite; which is confusing to say the least.

To say "no beginning" is just another way of saying infinite time.
NOT SO FAST - You provided a definition for the phrase 'Infinite time'. YOU DEFINE IT as 'Time that never ends'. To say "no beginning" does not meet that definition. 'Beginning' is not the same thing as 'end'. So under your (admittedly rather odd) rules, NO, it is not 'just another way of saying infinite time'.

It WOULD be, IF we were using MY definition of 'infinite time' - but you were very clear that you wanted to excercise your right to use YOUR definition - and so we must apply that definition rigidly and consistently.
And since infinite time also means time that never ends we could substitute with that and not have any rational conflict or change in meaning.
No, you can't. It means what you define it to mean - and NOTHING ELSE.
It does become a lot easier to understand since "no beginning" is an irrational state.
No, it's not.

Your lack of comfort or comprehension of a thing does not render it 'irrational'.
A thing with no beginning never existed. That makes sense to us.
To YOU. Don't bring me into your irrational world of equivocations and shifting definitions.
The girl is not slim or slender.

She is both.

Infinite time is time that never ends. No matter how you want to describe it.
The existence of synonyms does not imply that all phrases are synonymous.
b) You cannot expect anyone else to start using your confusing and idiosyncratic definition.

I can only lead mules to water.
Mule-herd does seem to be the kind of job that would suit a person of your intellectual capacity, it's true.
Your argument seems to consist of two parts.

1. You seem to be claiming that time that never ends is not a complete definition of infinite time and more is needed.
Yes. Yes I am.
That argument is false. It is a complete definition. It merely is not the only definition.
No, it really is incomplete. As has been pointed out repeatedly to you.
2. You seem to be claiming that the concept of time with "no beginning" is some different thing from time with "no end". Again a false argument. They are merely different ways to describe the same exact thing. Infinite time. They are not a series of connected definitions. They are two separate definitions of the same exact thing.
So here I am at work. My work day started at 8am, and has not yet finished.

Are you seriously going to tell me that this is the same thing as saying that my workday has not yet begun?

Start is NOT a synonym for finish. 'End' can be used for directional entities (in which case 'Beginning' is its antonym) or for non-directional entities (so a rope can be said to have two 'ends'). Time is, very definitely, directional. So 'end', when discussing time, is the OPPOSITE of 'beginning'. They are not only not the same thing; they are exact opposites.

You need to start trying to do some joined-up thinking here; use formal language, where words have unequivocal and clear meanings. STOP confusing yourself by using the vague word 'end', and use 'start' or 'finish' instead, and suddenly all will become clear.

Of course, you won't do this, because precision is the enemy of your primary goal, which is not to admit your gross and continuing error.
Infinite time cannot be in the past.

Here's how. If the past is infinite, then if you give me a moment in the past I will be able to find a prior moment.

However, although logically possible, all modern physics uses a finite past.

It is an open question whether time has an end.

I might suggest two books. A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking, and A Briefer History of Time by that same author.

After digesting those let's go with From Eternity to Here -- Sean Carroll
Infinite time cannot be in the past.

Here's how. If the past is infinite, then if you give me a moment in the past I will be able to find a prior moment.

If all those moments must pass before you can reach the present then you will never reach it.

So the complete thought is that if there is a present then infinite time could not have occurred before it.

Time without end could not have occurred before it.
Here's how. If the past is infinite, then if you give me a moment in the past I will be able to find a prior moment.

If all those moments must pass before you can reach the present then you will never reach it.

So the complete thought is that if there is a present then infinite time could not have occurred before it.

Time without end could not have occurred before it.

But time without beginning could.

Beginning and end are antonyms, not synonyms, in the context of a directional entity, like (for example) time.
No. I am not saying that. Please try to keep up for fucks sake.

YOU are saying time that never ends in not infinite or finite.

And you think it is me with a problem.

Which is it?

What is time that never ends?

Is it finite or infinite.

NOT SO FAST - You provided a definition for the phrase 'Infinite time'. YOU DEFINE IT as 'Time that never ends'. To say "no beginning" does not meet that definition. 'Beginning' is not the same thing as 'end'.

Infinite time can be conceptualized in different ways. Each conceptualization is complete.

Infinite time is time that never ends. It is always time that never ends.

Nothing else is needed to describe it.

If you say "never begins" you are just saying the same thing in a way that is not possible for a person living in time to understand.

To a person in time to never begin is to never exist.

No, it really is incomplete. As has been pointed out repeatedly to you.

You have waved your arms and claimed it was incomplete but you have not shown how.

How does time without end not fully describe infinite time?

How much more time is needed to make it complete?

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If all those moments must pass before you can reach the present then you will never reach it.

So the complete thought is that if there is a present then infinite time could not have occurred before it.

Time without end could not have occurred before it.

But time without beginning could.

Beginning and end are antonyms, not synonyms, in the context of a directional entity, like (for example) time.

Infinite time could not finish even if it had no limits.

It could not be in the past.

Even if you give the past no limits.
YOU are saying time that never ends in not infinite or finite.

No, I am not.

If, as is becoming apparent, you are incapable of comprehending simple English sentences, then there is no point in taking this discussion any further.

You are demonstrably too fucking thick to contribute anything meaningful.

If you won't or can't read what I post, perhaps you will read someone else's contribution:

There are at least three kinds of infinite time:
1) Time that exists and had no beginning and never ends = infinite time.
2) Time that exists and had no beginning and will end at some point (for example 12:45 UTC) = infinite time
3) Time that began at some point (for example 12:45 yesterday) and never ends = infinite time
YOU are saying time that never ends in not infinite or finite.

No, I am not.

If, as is becoming apparent, you are incapable of comprehending simple English sentences, then there is no point in taking this discussion any further.

You are demonstrably too fucking thick to contribute anything meaningful.

So which is it?

Is time that never ends infinite time or finite time?

I'm not interested in your handwaving and distraction about how there are sometimes more than one way to describe something.
No, I am not.

If, as is becoming apparent, you are incapable of comprehending simple English sentences, then there is no point in taking this discussion any further.

You are demonstrably too fucking thick to contribute anything meaningful.

So which is it?

Is time that never ends infinite time or finite time?

Time that never ends is (one kind of) infinite time.

Apples are (one kind of) fruit.

Fruit is not necessarily apples. If I have a basket of fruit, it might be a basket of oranges that contains no apples at all. That in no way implies that apples are not fruit; just that apples are not the kind of fruit in the basket.

Infinite time is not necessarily time without end. If I have infinite time in the past, it might be time that has an end, but no beginning. That in no way implies that time without end is not infinite; Just that time without end is not the kind of infinite time in the past.

Your position is literally as dumb as declaring that "Your basket of oranges must contain apples, because it would be idiotic to claim that apples are not fruit".

And you have been pouring this custard down your own pants now for nearly 1400 posts. FFS :rolleyes:
So which is it?

Is time that never ends infinite time or finite time?

Time that never ends is (one kind of) infinite time.

There are not different kinds of infinite time.

It is a single concept.

It can be described in different ways.

Time without end is infinite time. Period.

No more is needed.

And nothing can be subtracted or discarded at will.

You cannot say something is infinite time without also saying it is time without end. Even if you choose to describe it differently.
Time that never ends is (one kind of) infinite time.

There are not different kinds of infinite time.
There are not different kinds of fruit.
It is a single concept.
Fruit is a single concept.
It can be described in different ways.
Fruit can be described in different ways
Time without end is infinite time. Period.
Apples are fruit. Period.
No more is needed.
No more is needed.
And nothing can be subtracted or discarded at will.

Therefore all oranges are apples.

Stick to herding mules; You are definitely unfit to work as a greengrocer.
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