• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

What, exactly, is CRT?

John 6:55 -- JC describes himself as food: 'For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.'
What cannibal wouldn't say Yum to that? Not to mention, "More, please!"
And as for vampires...this blood's for you.
Careful -- I'm pretty sure the blood and flesh of Christ is almost as poisonous to vampires as the blood and flesh of werewolf.

Doesn't every good Christian child become a vampire at First Communion? Otherwise, where's the fun in it?
Now I'm picturing a kid showing up for First Communion wearing those plastic glow-in-the-dark vampire fangs. Thanks for that image! :D
Doesn't every good Christian child become a vampire at First Communion? Otherwise, where's the fun in it?
Now I'm picturing a kid showing up for First Communion wearing those plastic glow-in-the-dark vampire fangs. Thanks for that image! :D

Dad caught me getting out of the car at the church with a tube of halloween vampire make-up blood. I believe my defense was that the stale bread and grape juice of Mormon communion was so boring....
He laughed. Grounded me. But he laughed.
Anti-CRT is a crock.

"We have successfully frozen their brand.”critical race theory”,
into the public conversation and are steadily driving up
negative perceptions. We will eventually turn it toxic, as
we put all of the various cultural insanities under that
brand category."

"The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the
newspaper and immediately think“critical race theory.” We
have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex
the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular
with Americans."

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 15, 2021
Anti-CRT is a crock.

"We have successfully frozen their brand.”critical race theory”,
into the public conversation and are steadily driving up
negative perceptions. We will eventually turn it toxic, as
we put all of the various cultural insanities under that
brand category."

"The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the
newspaper and immediately think“critical race theory.” We
have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex
the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular
with Americans."

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 15, 2021

This is the craven, evil, very real thing that they do.
This is the craven, evil, very real thing that they do.

I think that there's a bigger picture to look at.

Republicans don't have much in the way of improving the USA. Their policy proposals have been disastrous. Witness the Republican Recession of 2008. Their demographics are circling the drain. All they have left to cling to power is deceit, voter reduction and intimidation, helping the Super rich loot the USA, and erosion of basic American institutions. The GOP has been in serious decline for decades.

But they do further the interests of the elite better than any other political party. So, it's probably going to get worse. Whether it gets better is a whole different question. I'm glad I'm in my 60s, I feel bad for modern youngsters.
Anti-CRT is a crock.

"We have successfully frozen their brand.”critical race theory”,
into the public conversation and are steadily driving up
negative perceptions. We will eventually turn it toxic, as
we put all of the various cultural insanities under that
brand category."

"The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the
newspaper and immediately think“critical race theory.” We
have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex
the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular
with Americans."

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 15, 2021
If that makes anti-CRT a crock it makes CRT a crock. The goal of CRT appears to be to decodify the term "racism" and recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions from color-blind policies and meritocracy to private property, individualism and rule-of-law that are popular with Americans but unpopular with the left wing. So freezing the brand into the public conversation and steadily driving up
negative perceptions isn't anti-CRT being a crock; it's anti-CRT playing CRT's own game, and playing it better.
Anti-CRT is a crock.

"We have successfully frozen their brand.”critical race theory”,
into the public conversation and are steadily driving up
negative perceptions. We will eventually turn it toxic, as
we put all of the various cultural insanities under that
brand category."

"The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the
newspaper and immediately think“critical race theory.” We
have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex
the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular
with Americans."

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 15, 2021
If that makes anti-CRT a crock it makes CRT a crock. The goal of CRT appears to be to decodify the term "racism" and recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions from color-blind policies and meritocracy to private property, individualism and rule-of-law that are popular with Americans but unpopular with the left wing. So freezing the brand into the public conversation and steadily driving up
negative perceptions isn't anti-CRT being a crock; it's anti-CRT playing CRT's own game, and playing it better.

I'm not sure you're allowed to be that honest and thoughtful in certain circles. You might be triggering someone.
Anti-CRT is a crock.

"We have successfully frozen their brand.”critical race theory”,
into the public conversation and are steadily driving up
negative perceptions. We will eventually turn it toxic, as
we put all of the various cultural insanities under that
brand category."

"The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the
newspaper and immediately think“critical race theory.” We
have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex
the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular
with Americans."

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 15, 2021
If that makes anti-CRT a crock it makes CRT a crock. The goal of CRT appears to be to decodify the term "racism" and recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions from color-blind policies and meritocracy to private property, individualism and rule-of-law that are popular with Americans but unpopular with the left wing. So freezing the brand into the public conversation and steadily driving up
negative perceptions isn't anti-CRT being a crock; it's anti-CRT playing CRT's own game, and playing it better.

The anti-CRT hysteria fanned by creeps like Rufo is packed full of lies, exaggerations, and deceits. CRT is none of what you seem to think it is.


Chris Rufo’s critical race theory reporting is filled with errors, and he doesn’t seem to care
A Republican activist has made himself into a conservative celebrity by attacking critical race theory, but his sloppy work shows he either doesn’t understand it or is actively lying
Anti-CRT is a crock.

"We have successfully frozen their brand.”critical race theory”,
into the public conversation and are steadily driving up
negative perceptions. We will eventually turn it toxic, as
we put all of the various cultural insanities under that
brand category."

"The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the
newspaper and immediately think“critical race theory.” We
have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex
the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular
with Americans."

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 15, 2021
If that makes anti-CRT a crock it makes CRT a crock. The goal of CRT appears to be to decodify the term "racism" and recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions from color-blind policies and meritocracy to private property, individualism and rule-of-law that are popular with Americans but unpopular with the left wing. So freezing the brand into the public conversation and steadily driving up
negative perceptions isn't anti-CRT being a crock; it's anti-CRT playing CRT's own game, and playing it better.

The anti-CRT hysteria fanned by creeps like Rufo is packed full of lies, exaggerations, and deceits. CRT is none of what you seem to think it is.


Chris Rufo’s critical race theory reporting is filled with errors, and he doesn’t seem to care
A Republican activist has made himself into a conservative celebrity by attacking critical race theory, but his sloppy work shows he either doesn’t understand it or is actively lying
But you see that ignorance and lies is how these hucksters sell their crapola to the fearful and unthinking. Just look how it worked for Mr. Trump. Rufo is simply copying a tried and true successful strategy - see how some posters here swallow it or endorse it.
Rufo is a far right liar with connections to the far right think tank the Manhattan Institute and the creationist Discovery Institute. He is a right winged crank.
Ah, MLK said judge by content of character not skin color. CRT holds the opposite view. That’s why it’s shit.

When conservatives make hyperbolic claims like this that CRT holds such view and is being taught everywhere, the natural logical consequence is that teaching history will be divisive. Students and parents make it divisive by saying it is divisive. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. The next step is removal of anything that offends the elite conservative power structure.

Yup. As far as I'm concerned CRT is just another face on disparate impact is proof of discrimination. However, the anti-CRT forces are to a large degree even worse.
... So freezing the brand into the public conversation and steadily driving up
negative perceptions isn't anti-CRT being a crock; it's anti-CRT playing CRT's own game, and playing it better.

The anti-CRT hysteria fanned by creeps like Rufo is packed full of lies, exaggerations, and deceits. CRT is none of what you seem to think it is.

If you intended your link to back up your assertion about CRT, it failed to. I read the whole thing and as far as I could see it didn't say a word about what CRT is. It was just complaint after complaint about Rufo.

So tell me, what do I seem to think CRT is and what evidence do you have that CRT is none of it?

Chris Rufo’s critical race theory reporting is filled with errors, and he doesn’t seem to care
A Republican activist has made himself into a conservative celebrity by attacking critical race theory, but his sloppy work shows he either doesn’t understand it or is actively lying
I get it -- left-wingers are ticked off that a right-wing propagandist is a better propagandist than their own propagandists.

Ah, MLK said judge by content of character not skin color. CRT holds the opposite view. That’s why it’s shit.

When conservatives make hyperbolic claims like this that CRT holds such view and is being taught everywhere, the natural logical consequence is that teaching history will be divisive. Students and parents make it divisive by saying it is divisive. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. The next step is removal of anything that offends the elite conservative power structure.

Make it make sense, Don.

Principal segregated students into Black-only classes in Georgia, federal complaint says
From 1997.

For Black Scholars Wedded to Prism of Race, New and Separate Goals

Critical race theorists, who are on the faculty at almost every major law school and are producing an ever-growing body of scholarly work, have drawn from an idea made popular by postmodernist scholars of all races, that there is no objective reality.

Truly bizarre for an atheist/agnostic board to have so many members supportive of a movement that is against objective reality.
Ah, MLK said judge by content of character not skin color. CRT holds the opposite view. That’s why it’s shit.

When conservatives make hyperbolic claims like this that CRT holds such view and is being taught everywhere, the natural logical consequence is that teaching history will be divisive. Students and parents make it divisive by saying it is divisive. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. The next step is removal of anything that offends the elite conservative power structure.

Make it make sense, Don.

Principal segregated students into Black-only classes in Georgia, federal complaint says

Not critical race theory. Nice try, though.
From 1997.

For Black Scholars Wedded to Prism of Race, New and Separate Goals

Critical race theorists, who are on the faculty at almost every major law school and are producing an ever-growing body of scholarly work, have drawn from an idea made popular by postmodernist scholars of all races, that there is no objective reality.

Truly bizarre for an atheist/agnostic board to have so many members supportive of a movement that is against objective reality.

I cannot view this article so I can only speculate. I know you love The New York Times, but journalists are often non-technical, biased, sensationalist, and superficial. So, perhaps CRT does not say there is no objective reality. Does anyone know? Could you post the section of the article demonstrating the claim?
From 1997.

For Black Scholars Wedded to Prism of Race, New and Separate Goals

Critical race theorists, who are on the faculty at almost every major law school and are producing an ever-growing body of scholarly work, have drawn from an idea made popular by postmodernist scholars of all races, that there is no objective reality.

Truly bizarre for an atheist/agnostic board to have so many members supportive of a movement that is against objective reality.

I cannot view this article so I can only speculate. I know you love The New York Times, but journalists are often non-technical, biased, sensationalist, and superficial. So, perhaps CRT does not say there is no objective reality. Does anyone know? Could you post the section of the article demonstrating the claim?

What would be amusing — if it weren't so disgusting and dangerous for America's future — is how the right-wing haters who prattle ceaselessly about "Cancel Culture" and "CRT" are by far the biggest Cancelers of all! Witness the recent book bannings, and attempts to forbid teaching anything in public schools other than racist or ignorant Republican "thinking."

As for reading N.Y. Times, there are two ways that usually work for me:
(1) keeping a 2nd browser (Chrome instead of Firefox in my case) with Javascript disabled, and entering the URL (https://www.nytimes.com/1997/05/05/...-to-prism-of-race-new-and-separate-goals.html in this case — I've stripped off the suffix — everything after '?'); don't know if that matters).
(2) quickly doing a ctrl-U (or ctrl-S) when the N.Y. Times article first loads but before it puts up its pay-wall.
Another way that might "work" is
(3) logging in to a "free" N.Y. Times account.
Method (3) is a waste of time since the free account seems to entitle me to a grand total of one (1) free article per month.

In this case (1) shows me the complete article from May 5, 1997. (It presents an option to "view in original context" via "TIMESMACHINE", but clicking there just gives me a dark-gray screen.)
From 1997.

For Black Scholars Wedded to Prism of Race, New and Separate Goals

Critical race theorists, who are on the faculty at almost every major law school and are producing an ever-growing body of scholarly work, have drawn from an idea made popular by postmodernist scholars of all races, that there is no objective reality.

Truly bizarre for an atheist/agnostic board to have so many members supportive of a movement that is against objective reality.

I don't see this as a big deal. Lots of important stuff has no objective (concrete) existence. Perception, thought process, biases, instincts, the list is pretty long. It's mostly what the social sciences are about.
I cannot view this article so I can only speculate. I know you love The New York Times, but journalists are often non-technical, biased, sensationalist, and superficial. So, perhaps CRT does not say there is no objective reality. Does anyone know? Could you post the section of the article demonstrating the claim?

What would be amusing — if it weren't so disgusting and dangerous for America's future — is how the right-wing haters who prattle ceaselessly about "Cancel Culture" and "CRT" are by far the biggest Cancelers of all! Witness the recent book bannings, and attempts to forbid teaching anything in public schools other than racist or ignorant Republican "thinking."

As for reading N.Y. Times, there are two ways that usually work for me:
(1) keeping a 2nd browser (Chrome instead of Firefox in my case) with Javascript disabled, and entering the URL (https://www.nytimes.com/1997/05/05/...-to-prism-of-race-new-and-separate-goals.html in this case — I've stripped off the suffix — everything after '?'); don't know if that matters).
(2) quickly doing a ctrl-U (or ctrl-S) when the N.Y. Times article first loads but before it puts up its pay-wall.
Another way that might "work" is
(3) logging in to a "free" N.Y. Times account.
Method (3) is a waste of time since the free account seems to entitle me to a grand total of one (1) free article per month.

In this case (1) shows me the complete article from May 5, 1997. (It presents an option to "view in original context" via "TIMESMACHINE", but clicking there just gives me a dark-gray screen.)

Subscribe to their email blasts and you get more free views.
From 1997.

For Black Scholars Wedded to Prism of Race, New and Separate Goals

Critical race theorists, who are on the faculty at almost every major law school and are producing an ever-growing body of scholarly work, have drawn from an idea made popular by postmodernist scholars of all races, that there is no objective reality.

Truly bizarre for an atheist/agnostic board to have so many members supportive of a movement that is against objective reality.
The irony of someone quoting an unsupported opinion as "objective reality" is truly fascinating.
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