• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

What Movie Is This? - Only Give Wrong Answers


Brainstorm (1983)
('cause of the helmet...)
[out of contest]


The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Mixed Nuts

The Three Stooges: Commotion on the Ocean

(Derail - does anybody know why almost all the muppets play stringed instruments left-handed?
Most of the operators are right handed. And their right hand is already dedicated to operating the head/mouth. So the choice is either to strum with the left hand, OR try to use the left hand to control the muppet's right hand and that would be awkward...
Grindhouse: Deathproof
Oh, my God.
Ten minutes collapsed at my desk, all I could say to coworkers was a Fozzy Bear voice: "Hey, Kermee, remember when I said this Studebaker was death proof?"

Have to call this one early. Perfect choice, Zipr...
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