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What mu$t thi$ have co$t?

This quote from Tremors 2 sums up all things Trump.

It was said by the character of Grady when the gang realizes the creatures disabled the cars and the radio transmitter in town not to trap the people but because they were trying to eat these things.

Grady: You mean they've been acting so smart because they're so stupid.

That is the Donald. His actions are instinctual and/or rote. He doesn't think things out. There is no master plan on his part. He may well be carrying out the plans of others who have thought things through and are just evil bastards.

That being said, things may work out for the Donald from time to time, but not because of any brilliance radiating from him. He, like the rest of us, can stumble into fortune.
Other than the Presidential run which seemed to indicate that Trump has a good pulse on middle America and knows how to rile up a crowd, the genius in Trump is generally found in his handlers, lawyers, and tax advisors/attorneys that were able to keep on rescuing Trump from his awful business "instincts".
...the genius in Trump is generally found in his handlers, lawyers, and tax advisors/attorneys that were able to keep on rescuing Trump from his awful business "instincts".

He has a financial foundation of very expensive Manhattan and outer borough real estate.

And now real estate all over the place.

This is what has sustained him.

Basically what his father gave him and the business skills his father taught him.

His other ventures have been failures.

But his real estate wealth is protected from the failures of his other businesses.

As you say good attorneys and accountants.
...the genius in Trump is generally found in his handlers, lawyers, and tax advisors/attorneys that were able to keep on rescuing Trump from his awful business "instincts".

He has a financial foundation of very expensive Manhattan and outer borough real estate.

And now real estate all over the place.

This is what has sustained him.

Basically what his father gave him and the business skills his father taught him.

His other ventures have been failures.

But his real estate wealth is protected from the failures of his other businesses.

As you say good attorneys and accountants.

Yes, Trump has failed in every enterprise that requires active management. It appears that he's done well in real estate, which is more passive. However, it also appears that Russian investors may have helped him out a little!
He has a financial foundation of very expensive Manhattan and outer borough real estate.

And now real estate all over the place.

This is what has sustained him.

Basically what his father gave him and the business skills his father taught him.

His other ventures have been failures.

But his real estate wealth is protected from the failures of his other businesses.

As you say good attorneys and accountants.

Yes, Trump has failed in every enterprise that requires active management. It appears that he's done well in real estate, which is more passive. However, it also appears that Russian investors may have helped him out a little!
It is clear that if it wasn't for his stock fraud, he'd have been destroyed economically with his casinos. His casino failures also led to banks being less willing to help him out because they kept having to trade being paid back with ownership of the company he got the loans for in the first place. Probably the reason he expanded overseas to where people didn't realize he sucks at math... yet.
Well, sure. That goes in the mix, but frankly, Isn't it a given that he's a narcissist with poor impulse control, and in all respects completely unwilling or unable to work as part of a team, even as the leader of the team?

I also think this serves as a huge distraction from Russiagate. And is probably the primary motivation.
Likely the other way around. The Republicans have been trying to kill ACA for 7 years.

Yes, they have. And they failed to do it this time around, even with a 'friendly' president.

One thing they did not count on is the fact that a whole lotta people who coudn't get insurance before the ACA have it now and like having insurance. Because they can afford needed medical care that many had done without for a long, long time.
Well, sure. That goes in the mix, but frankly, Isn't it a given that he's a narcissist with poor impulse control, and in all respects completely unwilling or unable to work as part of a team, even as the leader of the team?

I also think this serves as a huge distraction from Russiagate. And is probably the primary motivation.

He has the skills of a dictator, not a leader.

He doesn't inspire people.

He frightens them with lies. Those that follow him at least.

Like a preacher frightens his followers with lies.

He also confirms the biases of those who voted for him, saying out loud, and frequently, all the things that they've been thinking to themselves but were too chickenshit to speak out loud (outside of their family and neo-Nazi groups) because people might attempt to engage them in actual....conversation. Expect them to back up their bigotry with data. Facts and all of that.
Swamp Drainer at work, shut your mouth peasants!

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It actually is a kind of entertaining political cartoon, but it needs to show Don the Con, splitting off his suite and exposing the swamp monster inside. I'm amazed that people think El Cheato is some sort of populist/nationalist that will take on the 'deep state'. This guy only loves one thing, himself (and maybe he family in his own twisted way). He wants to be seen as Yugely famous, Yugely rich, and Yugely powerful. What he said and did on the campaign trail was for the purpose of winning. Sometimes it would blow up, so he would re-calibrate. He promised 7 moons and the health care repeal and replace fiasco is a direct demonstration of just how full of shit he is.

Ben Carson Garrison isn't someone I have followed, but he sure seems to have bought into that paranoid delusions of some nefarious 'deep state' organized agenda:
What is the Deep State? It consists of the illuminati who control vast fortunes. It includes the central bankers, the Bilderbergs, the CFR, and the spy agencies that illegally track and record Americans. They want power and control through collectivism.
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I also think this serves as a huge distraction from Russiagate. And is probably the primary motivation.

Actually, according to Senator Chris Murphy (Dem, CT):
FAIRFIELD COUNTY, Conn. — The Daily Voice welcomes letters to the editor. This piece is from U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn.

To the editor:

Quietly, while Americans have been focused on the ongoing drama over repealing the Affordable Care Act and the new revelations about the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, President Donald Trump has been busy dramatically expanding the American troop presence inside Syria. And virtually no one in Washington has noticed. ...

... Without a political plan for the future of Raqqa, a military plan is practically useless. Yes, getting ISIS out of Raqqa is a victory in and of itself, but if we set into motion a series of events that simply prolongs the broader conflict, ISIS will easily pick up the pieces and use the ongoing turmoil to regroup and reemerge. ...

Senator Murphy is on the Appropriations Committee, the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, the Foreign Relations Committee, and the Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee.
Not the only options.

Trump has gotten by through bullying for a while.

It is all he knows.

He was basically the CEO of a large corporation who could not be fired.

He did nothing but order people to solve problems.

Is there snow in hell?

Because we are in total agreement here.
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