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What should happen to the ISIS Brides?

Brides of ISIS update

ISIS bride Shamima Begum was an enforcer in the terror state's morality police, new reports allege
Business Insider said:
According to the Sunday Telegraph, the 19-year-old played an active role in the organisation's reign of terror and was allowed to carry a Kalashnikov rifle, earning herself a reputation as a strict "enforcer" of laws, such as dress code.
Allegations also emerged today that Ms Begum had been witnessed preparing suicide vests for would-be bombers.
Ms Begum has previously insisted she was never involved in the terror group's brutality and said she spent her time simply as a housewife, after fleeing London when she was just 15.
She said her interests were on caring for her children, who have since died, and her Dutch national husband, Yago Riedijk.
Good call by UK to strip her of her citizenship.

'We Pray For The Caliphate To Return': ISIS Families Crowd Into Syrian Camps
NPR said:
All of the women are completely covered in long black cloaks, with only a slit for their eyes. A few have covered even their eyes.
"Convert, convert!" a group of women and girls shout at me, urging me to recite the shahada, the Muslim profession of faith: "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his messenger."
"If you became Muslim and cover like us and became a member of our religion, you would not be killed" in the ISIS caliphate, one woman tells me.
"Of course there were beheadings — why should I lie?" says a Syrian woman. "It's based on the Quran and the rules of God."
Asked about the Yazidi minority, which ISIS targeted with a campaign of genocide, the women shout: "Devil worshippers!"
"If they don't convert to Islam and they don't become Muslim like us and worship God, then they deserve it," an Iraqi woman says.
This camp, they complain, is full of infidels. There is music. Male and female guards wear tight clothing and smoke cigarettes. They say the men harass women.
They insist that everything was better in what they call al-dawla — the state.
"There, a woman would walk with her head held high and a man would lower his eyes," a Syrian woman says. "Here, it's the opposite."
That bolded part (emphasis mine) at least is something radfems would be supportive of, I think ...
The article goes on.
The women at al-Hol say they are there because ISIS leader Baghdadi told them to escape to save their children.
"This is the next generation of the caliphate," one of the women says. "If you talk to them, they have the true creed implanted in their minds. The true creed will remain."
And in fact, it's a girl from the Iraqi city of Tikrit who is among the most fervent in the group. She appears to be 11 or 12.
On judgment day, the girl tells us, God will pour molten metal in the ears of those who listen to music.
"The ones who are not covered, now I ask God in the next life to light the fires of hell with their hair!" she declares.
She says she went to school under ISIS — what she calls a proper school, with boys and girls segregated — and vows she won't go to school again until the caliphate returns.
They all believe it's just a matter of time.

I am happy to leave them to rot where they are.
A US judge ruled that ISIS bride Muthana is not a US citizen and therefore is not eligible to come back to the US:

Good news!

I don't know what's going to happen to these women. I know that Turkey wants to deport the brides and their children back to Europe and the US.
Many have already come back to Europe. In Germany, the courts are on the side of these Germans-in-passport only who really should have lost their Western citizenship when they pledged allegiance to the Caliphate. Example:

Deutschland muss weitere IS-Verdächtige zurückholen (Germany must bring back another IS-suspect)

Chrome can translate the text for you, but in the nutshell, a Berlin court decided that Germany must bring back a female IS-member and her two children (a third child is already in Germany). There are a total of 81 "German" IS-members being held in camps in Syria, but German state attorney's office only has warrants against 26 of them.

This is all a consequence of failed European immigration policies, where Muslims can freely immigrate my the millions without even being vetted for extremist/Islamist positions and are even given citizenship of European countries they are colonizing.

I do feel sorry for their children as this wasn't their fault.
It wasn't that kid's fault, but if Hoda isn't considered an American, neither is her kid. They can move to Yemen, where she is actually from.
She needs help,

The article I quoted before "I am happy to leave them where they are" refers to these ISIS women as a whole. Most are still very much radicalized, especially the "foreign" (neither Syrian nor Iraqi) women who traveled specifically to join ISIS.
I wasn't referring just to Hoda, but since she is not an American, but Yemeni, she is literally somebody else's problem now.

or do you think isolating the person in a volatile situation will make the problem go away?

As long as you keep them isolated, sure. You don't think say the Unabomber or the Underwear bomber are problems that have gone away, with them being isolated in supermax?

In any case, it's better for these radical Islamist women to be over there than in US or Europe, where they can plan/execute terrorist attacks or at the very least indoctrinate their numerous children into the Islamist ideology.
UK did the right thing with Shamima Begum when they stripped her off her citizenship. We need to do with all of them. The act of pledging allegiance to the Caliphate should mean automatically forfeiting any Western citizenship.
That’s odd because I recall al Qaeda being over there in Afghanistan.
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