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What should Israel do?

Israel wasn't ethnically cleansed of Arabs (hence Israeli Arabs), but Palestinian territories were ethnically cleansed of Jews.
Ethnic cleansing doesn't have to be complete to be called ethnic cleansing. Israel kept a manageable token minority of subservient Arabs, but they also chased out hundreds of thousands without any intention of letting them back in.
The truth is, Israel is committing reprisals.
No, that is false. There is NO attempt to kill civilians. They are engaged in combat in an urban area. There is no way to avoid this. All you can do is limit it. Name a war any time where civilians were not killed. All war is a crime.
It is killing civilians as collective punishment and as an attempt to drive a wedge between the population and Hamas.
No and you have no proof of that. This is an attempt to destroy as many tunnels, rockets and military assets as possible. It's not Israel that placed rockets in not one but two UNWRA school buildings. It is not Israel that fired rockets from a mosque. You have it upside down and backwards. Sort of like pulling stuff out of your pie hole. Hamas is the one that wants these casualties. They know these casualties are damaging to Israel in every way. That is why they live for combat in this environment. They are far more willing to have their people bleed than the Israeli's are willing to make them bleed. They count on world opinion to come down against the Israelis.
This is no different from rounding up a few civilians and shooting them.
Again, without facts to back up your base assertions, they remain baseless assertions.
First off, Hamas is not a "political party". It is a terrorist organization hellbent on destroying Israel and currently engaged in shooting thousands of rockets into Israel and infiltrating Israel with their fighters.
Mashaal himself is responsible for numerous terrorist attacks which is why Israel tried to assassinate him way back in 1997.
Of course, Qatar could arrest and extradite him to Israel to stand trial but they won't do that because they are very friendly toward Hamas.

Whoever takes over will have much more support.
By whom? The rank and file terrorists? Perhaps. But if you take out enough of the leadership the B- and C-listers will have comparatively less skill and experience. As long as you play whack-a-mole long enough you'll take out all the competent ones.
Actually, the opposite will happen: the leaders would become very skilled at avoiding assassinations. Look at Hezbollah - Hassan Nasrallah, whose predecessor was assassinated by Israel) is basically untouchable, spends most of his time in a bunker, and enjoys enormous popularity both in Lebanon and abroad. And no doubt, they have now a chain of succession so that even if Israel were to kill Nasrallah, it would not harm the organization.

Personally I wouldn't give a flying fuck if Israel does kill Meshaal, but it wouldn't do much to cripple Hamas, only harden it against such tactics.
Israel wasn't ethnically cleansed of Arabs (hence Israeli Arabs), but Palestinian territories were ethnically cleansed of Jews.
Ethnic cleansing doesn't have to be complete to be called ethnic cleansing. Israel kept a manageable token minority of subservient Arabs, but they also chased out hundreds of thousands without any intention of letting them back in.
Please supply facts and figures to back up Edited. The West Bank is cleansed of Arabs? Where did they go? There are still more Arabs in the West Bank than Jews. According to Wikipedia the population of the West Bank is 2,731,052 (July 2014 est.) including East Jerusalem population in the West Bank, including Israeli settlers. 83% of the population is Palestinian Arab, 17% are Jewish. That is a nice job of ethnic cleansing........ Edited
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Try again.

They declared a state on the UN lines. The expansion was the result of the Arab-initiated war.
Israel did not declare a state on the UN lines. There is no mention of borders at all in the declaration, and while they discussed doing it beforehand, it was deliberately left out so as not to hamper expansion.

Did Israel attack in 1967? --- NO
YES. Pre-emptive strike. Contrast this with the 1948 Arab invasion... is the one who starts the war the one who fires the first shot, or the one who takes the gun out of the cabinet and starts loading it? If the former, then clearly, Israel started the 1967 war. If the latter, then Israel (and the Zionist agency before that) clearly started the 1948 war.

1) Pre-empting an enemy attack shouldn't really be called starting a war, any more than it's murder if you shoot your attacker before he shoots you.

2) The actual first act of war was a blockade and was done by Egypt. Thus Egypt started it.
Israel has blockaded Gaza since 2007. So according to your logic, every war between Hamas and Israel since then has been started by Israel and are justified by the Israeli blockade. Unless of course you apply different rules to Israel and everyone else, like you usually do.

Note that pre-empting the attack also justifies Arabs invading Israel in 1948 and 1972.

Did Israel offer to give back the land in 1967? --- YES
NO. Israel made an offer to return Golan, Sinai and Gaza, but they never offered East Jerusalem and the entire West Bank. Arabs at the time likely would have rejected the offer anyway, but your statement is still inaccurate.

Egypt never owned anything on the West Bank, they can't be returned to Egypt. It should be returned as a part of a peace agreement with Jordan.
The point is that Israel never planned to make such an offer to Jordan.

Here is a third scenario for you: what would happen if Israel were to withdraw from West Bank tomorrow?

The same thing as happened when they pulled out of Gaza--the war would continue.
But Palestinians would have options to not go to war. Unlike now, when Israel is blocking any viable Palestinian state. So while it is possible there would be war, it can't be worse than Gaza war already is. Which isn't so bad in comparison status quo in Palestinian territories.
I'm afraid it is a political party. That's why it keeps standing for election.
What election is Hamas standing for exactly? There have not been elections in Palestinian territories in almost a decade, and not the least because Hamas's coup in Gaza and subsequent refusal to deal with Fatah.

"One man, one vote, once."
NO. You are factually incorrect. When the state of Israel was declared it was attacked.
On 15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states. A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuv emissaries on May 2 it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[11] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements
The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded/ territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948. In 1947, and again on May 14, 1948, the United States had offered de facto recognition of the Israeli Provisional Government, but during the war, the United States maintained an arms embargo against all belligerents.

Wikipedia also states that:
What was now Israel had already, from 1 April down to 14 May, conducted 8 of its 13 full-scale military operations outside of the area allotted to a Jewish state by partition, and the operational commander Yigal Allon later stated that had it not been for the Arab invasion, Haganah's forces would have reached 'the natural borders of western Israel.
You yourelf admitted that Israel was justified in a pre-emptive strike in 1067. So why wouldn't Arabs, who had ample reason to believe that Israel was not going to be contained within the UN partition plan borders (because they had not until then), or even the old British Mandate borders, attack while they had the chance? In retrospect they severely overestimated their own capability and underestimated the Jewish forces, but if someone declares a state in your land, there is no country in the world that wouldn't be justified in trying to put down the separatists by force.

Also notably absent from your comments is the fact that at no time did the Palestinians declare their own state. Also absent is your failure to note the fact that Jordan annexed the West bank after the war of 1948.
What makes you think that declaration of Palestinian state any relevance to Jordan and other Arab countries? When the British mandate ended, there was no clear successor. Jordan had just as much claim to the land as Israel. As for declarations on paper or US recognition, those are just words on paper. Historians can label the start of the war at a particular date, but there is no denying that the conflict was a continuation of the fighting that had been going on for quite a while.

Did Israel attack in 1967? --- NO
YES. Pre-emptive strike. Contrast this with the 1948 Arab invasion... is the one who starts the war the one who fires the first shot, or the one who takes the gun out of the cabinet and starts loading it? If the former, then clearly, Israel started the 1967 war. If the latter, then Israel (and the Zionist agency before that) clearly started the 1948 war.
Wrong again. I suggest getting your glasses checked as you only seem to see one side of each story. While Israel did fore the first shot, it was because the Egypt had mobilized it's armed forces on the Israeli border, closes the straits of Tiran, and ordered the UN buffer force out of the Sinai ALL in preparation for Invasion. Also, the Israeli's sent three separate messages to Jordan, saying they wanted no conflict. So If Jordan had kept out of the 1967 war, they would still be the occupying power.
I was merely pointing out how you are only seeing one side of the conflict. In 1948, you blame Arabs because they made the first strike. In 1967, you blame Arabs even if Israel made the first strike. To you, it's always the Arabs fault and Israel can do no wrong.

Did Israel offer to give back the land in 1967? --- YES
NO. Israel made an offer to return Golan, Sinai and Gaza, but they never offered East Jerusalem and the entire West Bank. Arabs at the time likely would have rejected the offer anyway, but your statement is still inaccurate.
Actually the offer was authorized but may never have been transmitted.
That particular offer was only about Golan, Sinai and Gaza. Check our sources.

I'll ask you a simple question as someone who has thought about this for a long time and is a student of world affairs: Scenario One: Israel lays down all of it's arms and disbands it's army tomorrow: You tell me what happens. Scenario Two: Hamas lays down it's arms and disbands it's army of fighters: You tell me what happens.
Scenario One: Israeli government will be taken over by the extremists, who reinstitute the army with minor disruption. Or if you are suggesting that nobody in Israel will pick up a rifle, which is a ridiculous notion, then the UN or the USA would cover them. The life for the settlers would be more difficult of course and they would have to move back to Israel proper. A Palestinian state would be formed and there would be peace. Scenario Two: Other groups like Islamic Jihad will continue to fire rockets at Israel. Fatah gains a liittle bit more foothold in Gaza. Israel expands in West Bank and continues its oppression of Palestinians as before.
Of course you refuse to answer the question. The question was if Israel lays down it's arms and disbands it's army, that assumes nobody else picks of arms. You have to add this because you know and don't have the courage to admit, they would be wiped out by the Arabs.
As would happen with most countries in the world if they were to suddenly disband their military. If Egypt, Jordan, and Syria had laid down their arms sometime between 1948 and 1967, Israel would have no doubt conquered large parts of their lands also.

Your hypothetical scenario was based on something impossible magically happening, so obviously the results would also be nonsensical. If you discount any resistance whatsoever, and any outside assistance that might deter the well-armed extremists who were brought up to hate Jews and Israel, of course the Israeli Jews would be "wiped out". But the animosity towards Jews was brought on by Israel having fucked the Arabs over for almost a century now. (I put "wiped out" in quotes because even in this magical scenario, most Israeli Jews would find refuge in Europe and US, and much like Israel kept a token minority of Arabs, there would likely be a token minority of Jews left over even after Israel seizes to exist.)

Here is a third scenario for you: what would happen if Israel were to withdraw from West Bank tomorrow?
The would be attacked from closer range.
Rockets from Gaza can already reach Tel Aviv. The closer range is nearly irrelevant. Besides, the people in West Bank aren't attacking Israel now, despite the daily oppression and the settlements they are facing. The best case scenario is that maybe they won't fight when they have a shot at their own state, and while the worst case scenario is a repeat of Gaza, Israel seems to be managing that relatively well.
Ethnic cleansing doesn't have to be complete to be called ethnic cleansing. Israel kept a manageable token minority of subservient Arabs, but they also chased out hundreds of thousands without any intention of letting them back in.
Please supply facts and figures to back up Edited The West Bank is cleansed of Arabs? Where did they go? There are still more Arabs in the West Bank than Jews. According to Wikipedia the population of the West Bank is 2,731,052 (July 2014 est.) including East Jerusalem population in the West Bank, including Israeli settlers. 83% of the population is Palestinian Arab, 17% are Jewish. That is a nice job of ethnic cleansing........ Edited
The context here was no West Bank, but Israel proper, and the explusion of Arabs during the 1948 war.
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Are the Hamas bases on the Gaza border? Mostly, no.
Well, they are alot closer to the border then IDF bases, but your evasion of the point is duly noted.

I'm not evading anything. I'm simply pointing out that your standard was unreasonable.

Putting a base back from the border is fine. Putting a base in a civilian neighborhood is not. (Note, however, that neighborhoods do tend to grow up around large bases. That's not human shield tactics.)

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It is very likely that the school was hit by an errant Hamas rocket. You assume anything that goes boom in Gaza is due to Israeli fire but a significant percentage of the Hamas rockets actually fail to clear the border and hit something in Gaza. Of course the Hamas blames Israel and the useful idiots abroad lap it up.
The truth is, Israel is committing reprisals.

It is killing civilians as collective punishment and as an attempt to drive a wedge between the population and Hamas.

This is no different from rounding up a few civilians and shooting them.

[citation needed]
Israel has blockaded Gaza since 2007. So according to your logic, every war between Hamas and Israel since then has been started by Israel and are justified by the Israeli blockade. Unless of course you apply different rules to Israel and everyone else, like you usually do.

There is a state of war between Israel and Hamas. I've never denied this. I've never said it's wrong for Hamas to attack, I've said it's wrong for Hamas to attack civilians. And since it is war Israel is justified in shooting at them also.

Note that pre-empting the attack also justifies Arabs invading Israel in 1948 and 1972.

Except there was no expected attack to preempt.

The point is that Israel never planned to make such an offer to Jordan.

Jordan didn't want to make peace.

Here is a third scenario for you: what would happen if Israel were to withdraw from West Bank tomorrow?

The same thing as happened when they pulled out of Gaza--the war would continue.
But Palestinians would have options to not go to war. Unlike now, when Israel is blocking any viable Palestinian state. So while it is possible there would be war, it can't be worse than Gaza war already is. Which isn't so bad in comparison status quo in Palestinian territories.

They have the option of not going to war now. The blockade doesn't hurt the average Palestinian much at all. The main cause of suffering is Hamas, not Israel.
Please supply facts and figures to back up Edited. The West Bank is cleansed of Arabs? Where did they go? There are still more Arabs in the West Bank than Jews. According to Wikipedia the population of the West Bank is 2,731,052 (July 2014 est.) including East Jerusalem population in the West Bank, including Israeli settlers. 83% of the population is Palestinian Arab, 17% are Jewish. That is a nice job of ethnic cleansing........ Edited
The context here was no West Bank, but Israel proper, and the explusion of Arabs during the 1948 war.
I will admit that some of the Arabs were driven out in 1948, but most left of their own accord to allow the Arab armies to destroy the Jewish State. While about 700,000 Arabs were displaced in 1948 an equal number of Jews were displaced from Arab lands, which you don't give a crap about.
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Well, they are alot closer to the border then IDF bases, but your evasion of the point is duly noted.

I'm not evading anything. I'm simply pointing out that your standard was unreasonable.
Your response still evaded the point and it evaded relevancy since it not address the reasonableness of any "standard".

Putting a base back from the border is fine. Putting a base in a civilian neighborhood is not. (Note, however, that neighborhoods do tend to grow up around large bases. That's not human shield tactics.)
Same effect - civilians are in harms way. So, when can we expect to endorse moving IDF bases close to the border and away from Israeli civilian homes?
The context here was no West Bank, but Israel proper, and the explusion of Arabs during the 1948 war.
I will admit that some of the Arabs were driven out in 1948, but most left of their own accord to allow the Arab armies to destroy the Jewish State. While about 700,000 Arabs were displaced in 1948 an equal number of Jews were displaced from Arab lands, which you don't give a crap about.

Please stop making unfounded accusations about what other people do or don't care about. You can't support them, and all they do is inflame the discussion.

Jews who were expelled from Arab countries have the right under UN Resolutions regarding the rights of refugees to return to their homes and properties, just as Palestinians who were forced out of what became Israel have the right to return to theirs. If you want to uphold the rights of Jewish refugees you have to do the same for non-Jewish ones, too.
Wikipedia also states that: What was now Israel had already, from 1 April down to 14 May, conducted 8 of its 13 full-scale military operations outside of the area allotted to a Jewish state by partition, and the operational commander Yigal Allon later stated that had it not been for the Arab invasion, Haganah's forces would have reached 'the natural borders of western Israel. You yourelf admitted that Israel was justified in a pre-emptive strike in 1067. So why wouldn't Arabs, who had ample reason to believe that Israel was not going to be contained within the UN partition plan borders (because they had not until then), or even the old British Mandate borders, attack while they had the chance? In retrospect they severely overestimated their own capability and underestimated the Jewish forces, but if someone declares a state in your land, there is no country in the world that wouldn't be justified in trying to put down the separatists by force.
It's simple you read and care about what you want. Your hatred of Israel has burned your eyes, The 1948 Partition plan that allowed for Israel to declare statehood also allowed for Palestine to declare statehood. But the Arabs rejected the partition plan and opted for war. This is not a parallel to 1967. Nice try, but again, you couldn't find a fact in a whirlwind. The idea that Jordan had a claim to the land is false. Peddle that stuff somewhere else. Please read up on the 1948 Partition plan a subject where your knowledge is lacking at best
That particular offer was only about Golan, Sinai and Gaza. Check our sources.
I have checked my sources. The offered to negotiate. While agree they NEVER would have given back Jerusalem, everything else would have been negotiable, that's why they are called negotiations.
As would happen with most countries in the world if they were to suddenly disband their military. If Egypt, Jordan, and Syria had laid down their arms sometime between 1948 and 1967, Israel would have no doubt conquered large parts of their lands also.
That's total crap. Israel would have no interest in conquering all of the Arab world
But the animosity towards Jews was brought on by Israel having fucked the Arabs over for almost a century now.
Again this is bull. They have fucked themselves over. The Arabs due to what I have no idea, believe their own lies more than anything else. They failed to declare a state in 1948 because they believed the lies that the Jews would be driven into the sea. They believed the BS produced by Assad and Nasser that Tela viv was burning in 1967. Jordan bought into that as well. They all believed in the three No's. They now have bought into the idea that terror will win them what they lost on the battlefield. It will not. This will resolve when the Arabs accept the fact that Israel is not going anywhere. The Israeli's gave back the Sinai. I understand the Israeli's are negotiating from a position of strength and they would drive a difficult bargain. There could be a state of Palestine in six months or a year if the Arabs want peace. It's really up to them.
I will admit that some of the Arabs were driven out in 1948, but most left of their own accord to allow the Arab armies to destroy the Jewish State. While about 700,000 Arabs were displaced in 1948 an equal number of Jews were displaced from Arab lands, which you don't give a crap about.
Please stop making unfounded accusations about what other people do or don't care about. You can't support your accusations, and all they do is inflame the discussion. Jews who were expelled from Arab countries have the right under UN Resolutions regarding the rights of refugees to return to their homes and properties, just as Palestinians who were forced out of what became Israel have the right to return home or be compensated. If you want to uphold the rights of Jewish refugees you have to do the same for non-Jewish ones, too.
I merely point out that many people on this board only give a crap when it's Jews that kill Arabs. You don't make a fuss or shed a tear when it's reversed or when Arabs kill other Arabs. Now you can say I don't know what you really care about. But your passion on this issue belies your assertion. Me thinks thou protesteth to much. If it walks like a duck..... You do understand that since 1948 11,000,000 Muslims have been killed violently and 35,000 of those were killed fighting Israel. The majority were killed by other Muslims. You have no perspective. How many civilians were killed by Allied bombing of Germany? 20,000 in Dresden alone. How many people were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? How many innocent people were killed during Germany's attack on Russia. How many were killed when the war reversed and Russia was closing in on Berlin? All war is a crime. The place for this to be solved is at the negotiating table. One side does not recognize the other. One side has a charter calling for the destruction of the other. Stop pinning this on the Israeli's. If the Palestinians want peace, they merely need to recognize Israel's right to exist and begin negotiations. The idea that Arabs are light and Jews are darkness is BS. When the Arabs had Jerusalem they desecrated Jewish cemeteries. They forbade Jews from worshiping at the Western Wall. When the Jews conquered Jerusalem they gave control of the Dome of the Rock to the Muslims.
Please stop making unfounded accusations about what other people do or don't care about. You can't support your accusations, and all they do is inflame the discussion. Jews who were expelled from Arab countries have the right under UN Resolutions regarding the rights of refugees to return to their homes and properties, just as Palestinians who were forced out of what became Israel have the right to return home or be compensated. If you want to uphold the rights of Jewish refugees you have to do the same for non-Jewish ones, too.
I merely point out that many people on this board only give a crap when it's Jews that kill Arabs.

You claim many people on this board only give a crap when it's Jews that kill Arabs, but you can't support that accusation. It's inflammatory slander, and a type of Ad Hominem.

You don't make a fuss or shed a tear when it's reversed or when Arabs kill other Arabs. Now you can say I don't know what you really care about. But your passion on this issue belies your assertion. Me thinks thou protesteth to much. If it walks like a duck..... You do understand that since 1948 11,000,000 Muslims have been killed violently and 35,000 of those were killed fighting Israel. The majority were killed by other Muslims. You have no perspective. How many civilians were killed by Allied bombing of Germany? 20,000 in Dresden alone. How many people were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? How many innocent people were killed during Germany's attack on Russia. How many were killed when the war reversed and Russia was closing in on Berlin?

Do you understand that a person can deplore the death and human suffering these numbers represent, and also deplore the ongoing death and human suffering in the Middle East? Do you understand that an action can be evil regardless of who is doing it to whom, and that special pleading and double standards are fundamentally unjust?

Suppose for a moment it was Jews trapped inside Gaza, and that Menachim Begin and his Irgun fighters, Yitzhak Shamir and his Lehi cadre, Moshe Dayan and the Palmach Brigade, or Ariel Sharon and the Haganah were leading the fight against the Palestinians who had imprisoned them behind concrete walls and razor wire, kept them blockaded and on the brink of malnutrition, and isolated them from the rest of the world. Suppose it was the Zionists digging tunnels and firing rockets at Arab towns (and don't try to argue they wouldn't - a quick glance at what the Irgun, Lehi, Palmach, and Haganah actually did is enough to prove they would). Suppose the Palestinians were firing tank rounds and artillery shells, dropping white phosphorus, and blowing up hospitals and schools to devastate the Jewish Agency and kill as many Jewish fighters as possible. Do you actually think the arguments against collective punishment and killing kids would change? If you do, then I think you are missing a huge part of the message people are sending.

All war is a crime. The place for this to be solved is at the negotiating table. One side does not recognize the other. One side has a charter calling for the destruction of the other. Stop pinning this on the Israeli's. If the Palestinians want peace, they merely need to recognize Israel's right to exist and begin negotiations.

The Palestinians recognized Israel's right to exist back in the 1990s when the Palestinians and Israelis negotiated the Oslo Accords. A few years later they went even further and recognized Israel's right to exist in peace and security. It is high time the Israelis recognized the right of a Palestinian state to exist, and until it does, you should direct your criticism at them.

The idea that Arabs are light and Jews are darkness is BS.

I agree 100%. Also, the idea Jews are light and Arabs are darkness is BS. Neither one is special. They're just like every other group of people on the face of the Earth. Some of them are exceptionally nice, some of them are exceptionally nasty, and most of them are somewhere in-between.

Oh, and before I forget to mention it, the Palestinian Jews are most closely related to Palestinian Christians and Muslims (no surprise there considering the amount of intermarriage between them before the Zionist movement split the communities apart), so be careful about calling Palestinians brutes and savages. You're talking about Jews and their families, and it could easily be taken as anti-Semitism.

When the Arabs had Jerusalem they desecrated Jewish cemeteries. They forbade Jews from worshiping at the Western Wall. When the Jews conquered Jerusalem they gave control of the Dome of the Rock to the Muslims.

I don't see a point here, unless you are making some kind of racist argument about Jews being better than Arabs. Are you?
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Do you understand that a person can deplore the death and human suffering these numbers represent, and also deplore the ongoing death and human suffering in the Middle East? Do you understand that an action can be evil regardless of who is doing it to whom, and that special pleading and double standards are fundamentally unjust?
Yes, except you don't. You only deplore one person's suffering and not another's
The Palestinians recognized Israel's right to exist back in the 1990s when the Palestinians and Israelis negotiated the Oslo Accords. A few years later they went even further and recognized Israel's right to exist in peace and security. It is high time the Israelis recognized the right of a Palestinian state to exist, and until it does, you should direct your criticism at them.
This is only partly true. Hamas has never recognized Israel and has not changed it's charter. Hence we are having war. If they would change their position, we would have peace.
When the Arabs had Jerusalem they desecrated Jewish cemeteries. They forbade Jews from worshiping at the Western Wall. When the Jews conquered Jerusalem they gave control of the Dome of the Rock to the Muslims. I don't see a point here, unless you are making some kind of racist argument about Jews being better than Arabs. Are you?
I'm stating a fact. Make of it what you will.
Yes, except you don't. You only deplore one person's suffering and not another's

Enough, HaRaAYaH. Stop this now. Your accusations are unsupported, inflammatory, and against the rules. You may attack the argument. You may not attack the person making it.
The Palestinians recognized Israel's right to exist back in the 1990s when the Palestinians and Israelis negotiated the Oslo Accords. A few years later they went even further and recognized Israel's right to exist in peace and security. It is high time the Israelis recognized the right of a Palestinian state to exist, and until it does, you should direct your criticism at them.
This is only partly true. Hamas has never recognized Israel and has not changed it's charter. Hence we are having war. If they would change their position, we would have peace.

No, there wouldn't be peace. There would still be fighting over the expansion of settlements in the West Bank, the Israeli seizure of Palestinian aquifers, the control of Palestinian territorial waters, airspace, borders, etc, immigration, the movement of Palestinians from the West bank to Gaza and vice versa, the rights of Palestinians to accept or refuse Israeli goods, the unhindered delivery of international aid, the collection and disbursement of tax revenues, building permits and what gives Israel the right to enforce them in places that aren't part of Israel (yet), etc. IOW, everything that fuels the conflict would still be there fueling it.

There won't be peace until there is justice, fairness, and respect for the rights of all parties.

When the Arabs had Jerusalem they desecrated Jewish cemeteries. They forbade Jews from worshiping at the Western Wall. When the Jews conquered Jerusalem they gave control of the Dome of the Rock to the Muslims. I don't see a point here, unless you are making some kind of racist argument about Jews being better than Arabs. Are you?
I'm stating a fact. Make of it what you will.

I make of it that some Arabs are assholes.

When Palestinians lived outside Hebron children could walk to school in safety. When Jews forced the Palestinians off the land and built a settlement there, children walking to school were stoned. What do you make of that?
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