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What will happen from the impeachment?

What will happen from the impeachment?

  • A serious removal over many charges

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Removal based on 1 charge

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Censure over many charges

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Censure because of appearance of conflict of interest

    Votes: 3 9.7%

    Votes: 24 77.4%

  • Total voters
With Mitch McConnell in charge, I wouldn't be so sure that there will ever even be a vote about hearing witnesses.
The poll forgot the most likely option: Trump gets a bump in support when he's not removed from power and declares himself thereby innocent.
So right now, with the forwarding of evidence making it clear that Giuliani's team of thugs were trying to get the Ukrainians to target Biden, the Senate question is whether to allow witnesses. Not whether the additional smoking gun makes removal from office an obvious choice.
So right now, with the forwarding of evidence making it clear that Giuliani's team of thugs were trying to get the Ukrainians to target Biden, the Senate question is whether to allow witnesses. Not whether the additional smoking gun makes removal from office an obvious choice.

Moscow Mitch contends that if there's a whole lot of evidence in an indictment, there's no need for it in a trial.
Obviously a great legal mind at work there...
So right now, with the forwarding of evidence making it clear that Giuliani's team of thugs were trying to get the Ukrainians to target Biden, the Senate question is whether to allow witnesses. Not whether the additional smoking gun makes removal from office an obvious choice.

Moscow Mitch contends that if there's a whole lot of evidence in an indictment, there's no need for it in a trial.
Obviously a great legal mind at work there...

Let's remember that Mitch hasn't been sworn in yet. Once he's sworn in he will become impartial and may change his mind. :rolleyes:
I think that the corporate media and especially the conservative media allows the Republicans to have a megaphone to trick as much of the public as then can get away with.

But it seems like those Republicans are playing a game of tiddly winks against Nancy Pelosi's 3D chess.

Both of these things have limitations and a result will end up in the middle somewhere.
I think that the corporate media and especially the conservative media allows the Republicans to have a megaphone to trick as much of the public as then can get away with.

But it seems like those Republicans are playing a game of tiddly winks against Nancy Pelosi's 3D chess.

Both of these things have limitations and a result will end up in the middle somewhere.
McConnell has a box full of "No Shame" cards and apparently is willing to play all of them to get Trump through this. Even with the outing of the Parnas documentation, not his interview on Maddow, but the documents in which there is allegedly an attempt to do something against a US Ambassador... nothing. And there has been less than a whimper from the "moderate" Republicans, even the ones that stopped the end of ACA.
I think that the corporate media and especially the conservative media allows the Republicans to have a megaphone to trick as much of the public as then can get away with.

But it seems like those Republicans are playing a game of tiddly winks against Nancy Pelosi's 3D chess.

Both of these things have limitations and a result will end up in the middle somewhere.
McConnell has a box full of "No Shame" cards and apparently is willing to play all of them to get Trump through this. Even with the outing of the Parnas documentation, not his interview on Maddow, but the documents in which there is allegedly an attempt to do something against a US Ambassador... nothing. And there has been less than a whimper from the "moderate" Republicans, even the ones that stopped the end of ACA.

Trumps effect on republicans is like McCarthyism. I think lots of them are simply scared for their jobs.
McConnell mods rules to 3 days instead of 2 days for arguments. Sen. Collins considers it the greatest ever concession in the history of mankind.
Well Trump wins, but still could lose, but wins... ie majority vote conviction. But at this point, it looks like a party line final vote... as the best bullshit the "moderates" can come up with is whether we allow witnesses to testify in a case that is already established.

The Bolton thing though has reportedly thrown the Senate GOP into a tizzy of sorts with Trump. They are quite angry to have been blindsided by this. And it sounds as if Trump's own lawyers were as well.

Thousands of people have taken to Twitter to explain why they stopped supporting the Republican Party using the hashtag #ILeftTheGOP.

The topic was among the top trends on Monday morning as users posted their reasons for leaving the party, with many placing the blame on President Donald Trump.

The hashtag took off after columnist Cheri Jacobus tweeted that she left the party in 2016 as they nominated Trump and asked others to share when they "cut the cord."

Author Susan Bragwell described how she left the GOP when they became the "bootlicking, compromised, spineless, faithless, big government lackeys and cultists for an immoral, inept, would-be mob boss."

She added: "#ILeftTheGOP because they no longer represent me or my values as a Christian or a conservative. They're p***y-grabbing, lying, hateful, immoral weasels. I'm a happy Independent, now. No party owns my vote. It has to be EARNED!"

Radio host and comedian Dean Obeidallah said: "Trump is the GOP and GOP is Trump. Supporting Trump means you support Trump's cruel demeaning of women who have been abused, his demonization of Muslims and continued use of anti-Semitic tropes, his anti-LGBTQ policies, his hateful comments about Blacks and Latinos. Donald Trump not only self-impeached himself, he's now self-removing himself with his lies."
The Bolton thing though has reportedly thrown the Senate GOP into a tizzy of sorts with Trump. They are quite angry to have been blindsided by this. And it sounds as if Trump's own lawyers were as well.
It's not like the GOP and Trumpo's lawyers didn't know Bolton had information damaging to Trumpo's defense, it's that they thought it would never see the light of day.

I'd think Bolton knows he's best served by going to bat and swinging away. Let's hope that happens.
Malcolm Nance on after the impeachment.

According to Turtle McConnell there are not enough GOP votes to prevent a gag on witness testimony. So that's a good thing. Let's hope that holds until the vote actually happens toward the end of the week.

Even if Asshole Of The U.S. keeps his job because enough GOP Senators don't have integrity, at least the evidence against the AOTUS will be clear.

And according to polls 75% of the electorate want to hear from witnesses.
I voted absolutely nothing. Even IF they hear from witnesses, the GOP has no sense of shame, nor hypocrisy, and will hang with Trump. At the most we have better targets to remove GOP senators because they were forced to vote with the other criminals in their party. So it may have long term repercussions, but nothing in the immediate time frame. Damaging witnesses will be behind closed doors to help minimize damage, and Republican senators will make a calculation to stay with Trump. For one reason: even if voting for the whole criminal enterprise costs them their current jobs, they'll at least have a future as FOX news hosts, far right radio jockeys, lobbyists, and other cushy political jobs. If they turn on Trump, the administrations wrath will be released upon them and all that goes away. Better to sink with the rest of the rats than have no lifeboat at all.
Yeah, we are pretty much entering the FBI "additional investigation phase" of accusations on Brett Kavanaugh of the impeachment. The GOP requires a little more self-righteous grandstanding before they can vote to acquit. After all, they are being asked to "reverse the results of a fair election" (no they aren't, Pence would become President), could set a terrible standard that will welcome partisan impeachments down the road (already had one, this wasn't partisan), and even if Trump did all these things (of which we really haven't denied) "it doesn't rise to the level of impeachment".

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