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What will Trump Admin do about marijuana?

Auctually in order to enjoy my life I do need marijuana. I have RA really bad in my hands and wrists and the weed provides relief. The legal meds make me ill the kind of ill where you just move into the shitter and stay there.
As far as resources used l grow my own in my backyard in place of the shrubs and lawn that were here when we bought the house. Since I started this my contribution to the local landfill has dropped way off because I now compost. Water I collected during the winter rains gets me into early July and grey water I collect from bathing and washing dishes and such takes me to harvest. The resources I use were being used regardless of my plants.
Have you enjoyed smoking tobacco as well? I don't believe pot is better treatment than conventional drugs.

Most conventional drugs for pain management are far more dangerous than pot, and are far more likely to be "gateways" to heroin than pot is (the current heroin epidemic is largely due to prescription drugs like oxycontin. In fact, Oxy is essentially the same as heroin.

Pot is becoming very popular among pro football players, because they deal with near constant pain during and after their career. They understand and experience the severe long term harms of Oxy, and for many, pot is the far superior and safer treatment for the chronic pain.
Have you enjoyed smoking tobacco as well? I don't believe pot is better treatment than conventional drugs.

Most conventional drugs for pain management are far more dangerous than pot, and are far more likely to be "gateways" to heroin than pot is (the current heroin epidemic is largely due to prescription drugs like oxycontin. In fact, Oxy is essentially the same as heroin.

Pot is becoming very popular among pro football players, because they deal with near constant pain during and after their career. They understand and experience the severe long term harms of Oxy, and for many, pot is the far superior and safer treatment for the chronic pain.

I was up to 125mcg/h fentanyl and 30 mg oxycodone for break through plus lyrica for neuropathy. The lyrica made me sucidel the opiates made shitting almost as painful as the symptoms being treated.
Prednisone and plauquenil for RA, fuck what a cluster fuck that was, don't even remember the names of the creams and patches and other pills they experimented on me with.

So when people start saying we don't know enough about it that's sad. We know it won't kill you unless a bale of it falls on your head and breaks your neck. You could ask Prince about fentanyl if it hadn't killed him.
Sec Sessions just said mary jane has lead to more crime. WTF is he smoking?
You could ask Prince about fentanyl if it hadn't killed him.

Tell him marijuana could have made his songs much better, while you're at it. The creativity aspect of RX tweed is such a buff. Good God I love living high. There is getting stoned a few times a day... and there is LIVING high. People in chronic, unspeakable pain, they live high. Life feels like it plays out in movie reels interestingly. The pain starts to set back in and I have to change the reel. Brief blip of pain and then starts another reel. I like movies. My pain is treated by stepping aside from it and seeing it differently. Most people say it is physical relief for them, but depends on the medicine.

I particularly like Northern Lights - my fav strain since I was a teen. Something about the taste reminds me of ancient and good things. Got real pain - try NL5 strain and smoke a gram an hour. You'll be wandering in places too cool for pain to exist. Sometimes it makes me hallucinate. Haven't had top-notch access in this area, so no NL5 lately. The stuff around here is trash unless you spend 20 a gram. I need a grower to sign me on as a patient. I'd end up paying $5 a gram that way, because I'd buy pounds if it were legal. Easy street then, huh. Yet there is a limit to what you can legally buy. I'm West Virginian and I grew up covering hillsides with pot anyway. Not like ima do without, no matter what the hell happens.

I don't think the whole country should be smoking it. Especially kids with undeveloped minds. I would like to have it RX because I need it. I think it could save my community as well. Worst place in America for overdoses, and possibly the gates to Hell. I think hell creatures are afraid to come near the gate, for fear of ending up in Huntington. The thing stays shut tightly. Maybe that is why God put the gates to Hell here. God knows no demon would brave this dimension through the gate, because it would require passing through this city.
Sec Sessions just said mary jane has lead to more crime. WTF is he smoking?

If conservatives like sessions actually thought that mary jane was capable of producing notable crime increases, then they wouldn't have bothered to import and funnel all that crack cocaine into the inner cities.
Sec Sessions just said mary jane has lead to more crime. WTF is he smoking?

If conservatives like sessions actually thought that mary jane was capable of producing notable crime increases, then they wouldn't have bothered to import and funnel all that crack cocaine into the inner cities.

Nixon's war on blacks,what a great time in american history.
Alaska is going though the,long and stupid,administration of the pot laws.We past it almost two years ago.I voted against legal pot,because,I saw the mess and added admin cost.I was right.Now,will the Fed take away DOT funds like they tried over Raven V AK ?
Alaska is going though the,long and stupid,administration of the pot laws.We past it almost two years ago.I voted against legal pot,because,I saw the mess and added admin cost.I was right.Now,will the Fed take away DOT funds like they tried over Raven V AK ?

The effects of pot laws on a state can't be any worse than your abuse of the comma.
Sec Sessions just said mary jane has lead to more crime. WTF is he smoking?

If people smoke pot, then making pot illegal increases crime. simple.

Any politician that opposes the ending of prohibition should be investigated for ties with the illegal drug black market.... because there is no other logical explanation to keep illegal the safest recreational drug available to mankind, which also has medical benefit, and represents Billions of dollars of tax revenue.
Sec Sessions just said mary jane has lead to more crime. WTF is he smoking?

If conservatives like sessions actually thought that mary jane was capable of producing notable crime increases, then they wouldn't have bothered to import and funnel all that crack cocaine into the inner cities.

Actually, that was the CIA, which is currently Sessions' enemy.
Alaska is going though the,long and stupid,administration of the pot laws.We past it almost two years ago.I voted against legal pot,because,I saw the mess and added admin cost.I was right.Now,will the Fed take away DOT funds like they tried over Raven V AK ?

The effects of pot laws on a state can't be any worse than your abuse of the comma.
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