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WhichPhilosophies Marxist derail thread

Not when you refer to something as the "FIRST march" when it was not the first march.

On this particular day women campaigned for equal rights around the world.

Yes, they did, but this was the second time they did that, not the first. This was the Day Without Women protest, and the intent was not to march in the streets, but for women to withhold their labor. The march was incidental to the protest.

Linda Sasour et al campaigned against Trump as the article you quoted, namely in front of Trump Towers.

Good for her. Is there something intrinsically wrong with campaigning against Trump in front of Trump Towers?

In both marches she failed to utter a word about inhumane treatment of women in Islamic countries unless for some reason they do not appear in Google.

In other words, you don't actually know if she uttered any words about that subject.

Check out these points.

What points?

Women did gather and march during the Women's strike. Marching or walking or gravitating to one point is unavoidable during strikes.
Incorrect. The only thing that one needs to do to be said to be participating in a strike is to avoid working.

I agree per my earlier points the second Women's events did produce more international protests for women's rights. This is true, but the 'Women's march organisers' such as Sasour and Perez were arrested during an anti-Trump protest on that day.

So? She got in a twofer that day. Protesters often protest multiple issues during a single protest.

There is nothing wrong with campaigning against Trump but once again there was silence on real women's rights. That is to say while the world focused on women's civil issues, Sasour, Perez, Tamika D. Mallory, Bob Bland printed and said nothing about actual women's rights worldwide or really on actual issues in the USA.

Did you watch any of the videos at the link you posted? The very first one is of Sasour, marching in line, arms linked with other protesters, chanting "A day without women is a day without me." This seems to be exactly what the women's march that day was centered around.

You can check Sasour's tweets, and websites and media. There is nothing. Maybe she said this to herself in the bath tub :) Nothing is public.

Or, you could check the video at the link you provided yourself. That seemed rather public to me.

When I said check out these points, I refer to the sentences preceding that statements.

Oh, well, in that case I did check them out, and responded to them directly. For the most part they were found to be false and misleading.

The intent of the strike was for women’s right. Many did. However Linda Sasour and other members were arrested in front of the Trump Tower (caught in the act).

So fucking what? Donald Trump is a bigot, cheat, and admitted sexual predator. His expressed views about women are extremely misogynistic. It makes sense for a march about women's issues to stop at his landmark building on 5th Ave, which is a major thoroughfare and the route the march was taking anyway, to protest Trump given the power he has recently obtained.

There was no twofer. There was a oner because their location was at the Trump Towers where they were arrested in the act obstruction not women’s rights. They were not in two places at once

Why do you think someone needs to be in two places at once to protest two issues at once?

Marching arm in arm to the Trump Towers where they were arrested was a march to Trump Towers against Trump; not a women’s protest for women’s rights
Unless their own websites, reports from left wing and mainstream media were wrong the points provided are correct.

I will remind you again that this description is from the first video at the link you posted, and in that video Sasour is chanting "A day without women is a day without me." That chant is exactly what the women's march that day was about. Your refusal to acknowledge reality is duly noted.

Other groups protested legitimate concerns, while Linda's mob obstructed Trump Towers.

Linda's group protested legitimate concerns as well. They just decided to obstruct Trump Towers at the same time, or afterwards, the articles and videos are not clear as to whether the women's march had ended before she was arrested, but they do note that she was arrested after protesting.
Not when you refer to something as the "FIRST march" when it was not the first march.

On this particular day women campaigned for equal rights around the world.

Yes, they did, but this was the second time they did that, not the first. This was the Day Without Women protest, and the intent was not to march in the streets, but for women to withhold their labor. The march was incidental to the protest.

Linda Sasour et al campaigned against Trump as the article you quoted, namely in front of Trump Towers.

Good for her. Is there something intrinsically wrong with campaigning against Trump in front of Trump Towers?

In both marches she failed to utter a word about inhumane treatment of women in Islamic countries unless for some reason they do not appear in Google.

In other words, you don't actually know if she uttered any words about that subject.

Check out these points.

What points?

Women did gather and march during the Women's strike. Marching or walking or gravitating to one point is unavoidable during strikes.
Incorrect. The only thing that one needs to do to be said to be participating in a strike is to avoid working.

I agree per my earlier points the second Women's events did produce more international protests for women's rights. This is true, but the 'Women's march organisers' such as Sasour and Perez were arrested during an anti-Trump protest on that day.

So? She got in a twofer that day. Protesters often protest multiple issues during a single protest.

There is nothing wrong with campaigning against Trump but once again there was silence on real women's rights. That is to say while the world focused on women's civil issues, Sasour, Perez, Tamika D. Mallory, Bob Bland printed and said nothing about actual women's rights worldwide or really on actual issues in the USA.

Did you watch any of the videos at the link you posted? The very first one is of Sasour, marching in line, arms linked with other protesters, chanting "A day without women is a day without me." This seems to be exactly what the women's march that day was centered around.

You can check Sasour's tweets, and websites and media. There is nothing. Maybe she said this to herself in the bath tub :) Nothing is public.

Or, you could check the video at the link you provided yourself. That seemed rather public to me.

When I said check out these points, I refer to the sentences preceding that statements.

Oh, well, in that case I did check them out, and responded to them directly. For the most part they were found to be false and misleading.

The intent of the strike was for women’s right. Many did. However Linda Sasour and other members were arrested in front of the Trump Tower (caught in the act).

So fucking what? Donald Trump is a bigot, cheat, and admitted sexual predator. His expressed views about women are extremely misogynistic. It makes sense for a march about women's issues to stop at his landmark building on 5th Ave, which is a major thoroughfare and the route the march was taking anyway, to protest Trump given the power he has recently obtained.

There was no twofer. There was a oner because their location was at the Trump Towers where they were arrested in the act obstruction not women’s rights. They were not in two places at once

Why do you think someone needs to be in two places at once to protest two issues at once?

Marching arm in arm to the Trump Towers where they were arrested was a march to Trump Towers against Trump; not a women’s protest for women’s rights
Unless their own websites, reports from left wing and mainstream media were wrong the points provided are correct.

I will remind you again that this description is from the first video at the link you posted, and in that video Sasour is chanting "A day without women is a day without me." That chant is exactly what the women's march that day was about. Your refusal to acknowledge reality is duly noted.

Other groups protested legitimate concerns, while Linda's mob obstructed Trump Towers.

Linda's group protested legitimate concerns as well. They just decided to obstruct Trump Towers at the same time, or afterwards, the articles and videos are not clear as to whether the women's march had ended before she was arrested, but they do note that she was arrested after protesting.

I'm quite aware they walked arm in arm chanting but the point made is that in Washington focused against Trump and not on genuine women's rights.
The women leading the marches enjoy good careers and civil rights

Once again they remained silent on women's right in Jihadist states.

However I checked through the Agenda for Washington


One speaker gave a talk about 'Acid attacks' which is an urgent cause. However while only India was mentioned, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh were not discussion points. In terms of time after the 'power meetings' actual time for women's rights were limited. More attention was given to Trump.

They were arrested while protesting. before the protests there were workshop on health self defence and how to organise strikes. These took up most morning into around 13.30.
Wrong. I will repeat some of it
- "After a peaceful protest in New York City in honor of A Day Without a Woman, ". It clearly indicates that they were there for Women's rights. Or are you laughably claiming that "A Day without A Woman" is some secret "Marxist" code for "anti-Trump"?
They were in Trump Towers at 13. 30 so they were not demonstrating.
That is simply stupid. Protests can occur anywhere. Oh, I do apologize, since you believe you get to determine the appropriate place, time and issue that women get to protest.
They were arrested for civil disobedience which was seeking to block the entrance to the Trump hotel and blocking traffic to the annoyance of working Americans.
Not to the annoyance of any working Americans I know who live in New York.
The Agenda was anti Trump. The participation was that at 13.30 they arrived at Trump Towers and some time later were arrested. Sure the Marxist drivel about solidarity and revolutionary love (and what is that kind of love) was written but the actions only show that they congregated in front of the Trump hotel and got arrested. Later in the evening they were arrested.

Nothing about oppression of Women worldwide. Indeed how would the organisers know what oppression is. They are mainly well to do women who are either business owners, college intellectuals etc so as empowered women they are benefiting from US society which despite its ills offers great opportunities for those to advance.

You won't see anything about execution of gays, Yaziddi enslavement, genetic condemning violence against women in some countries etc.
Besides having to approve where, when, what, and who women protest, now you also believe you have to approve how and what they say.
The board working behind the scene contains one convicted terrorist and one who was involved with terrorists. So some were hardly upstanding pillars of society.
So what?

You didn't say what the peaceful protest was about.
The morning per its own websites were devoted to physical training, acid attacks on women in India but not where they occur in some Islamic countries. Also there was a workshop on how to organise women's strikes.

At around 13.30 they arrived in New York.

Women can protest whatever they like so in this instance after various workshops etc they went to Trump Tower in the early afternoon and got arrested.

So a convicted terrorist who lied about it when applying for asylum to the USA is not an issue. Say that to the British after some fanatic drove a truck into crowds of people and I am sure they will say this is an issue. The USA should not have let this lady in but I understand she is still appealing deportation. She has already served 18 months for false declarations (by omitting her terrorist activities). Just what the US needs.
You didn't say what the peaceful protest was about.....
Yes, they did.

It is pretty clear your MO is to respond without reading in order to spew delusion and dumbness in a vain attempt to smear the women's marchers. Truly pathetic.
You didn't say what the peaceful protest was about.....
Yes, they did.

It is pretty clear your MO is to respond without reading in order to spew delusion and dumbness in a vain attempt to smear the women's marchers. Truly pathetic.

I mentioned what they protested about but did you add to this. Where (in case I missed it) which is in conflict with their own timetable

Here is the link you showed
I'm quite aware they walked arm in arm chanting

You did not seem to be aware of it before, as you kept telling us that nothing was mentioned by Sasour about the women's march, and that she was only protesting Trump. The video shows that you were incorrect in that assertion, as the words she was chanting were directly about the reason for the march, and had nothing to do with Trump.

but the point made is that in Washington focused against Trump and not on genuine women's rights.

Then you are still confused, or deliberately conflating events. Linda Sasour was arrested on 5th Avenue in Manhattan, during a march in New York.

The women leading the marches enjoy good careers and civil rights

So what?

Once again they remained silent on women's right in Jihadist states.

Your problem with Sasour used to be that she protested Trump and not for women's rights. Now that you have shown to be incorrect about that you are changing your tune. Why is that?

However I checked through the Agenda for Washington


One speaker gave a talk about 'Acid attacks' which is an urgent cause. However while only India was mentioned, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh were not discussion points. In terms of time after the 'power meetings' actual time for women's rights were limited. More attention was given to Trump.

They were arrested while protesting. before the protests there were workshop on health self defence and how to organise strikes. These took up most morning into around 13.30.

Given your track record on describing these events, I suspect that you missed quite a lot in your "checking". One thing you missed for sure, this march did not take place in Washington, it took place in New York City (that's what NYC means).
You did not seem to be aware of it before, as you kept telling us that nothing was mentioned by Sasour about the women's march, and that she was only protesting Trump. The video shows that you were incorrect in that assertion, as the words she was chanting were directly about the reason for the march, and had nothing to do with Trump.

but the point made is that in Washington focused against Trump and not on genuine women's rights.

Then you are still confused, or deliberately conflating events. Linda Sasour was arrested on 5th Avenue in Manhattan, during a march in New York.

The women leading the marches enjoy good careers and civil rights

So what?

Once again they remained silent on women's right in Jihadist states.

Your problem with Sasour used to be that she protested Trump and not for women's rights. Now that you have shown to be incorrect about that you are changing your tune. Why is that?

However I checked through the Agenda for Washington


One speaker gave a talk about 'Acid attacks' which is an urgent cause. However while only India was mentioned, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh were not discussion points. In terms of time after the 'power meetings' actual time for women's rights were limited. More attention was given to Trump.

They were arrested while protesting. before the protests there were workshop on health self defence and how to organise strikes. These took up most morning into around 13.30.

Given your track record on describing these events, I suspect that you missed quite a lot in your "checking". One thing you missed for sure, this march did not take place in Washington, it took place in New York City (that's what NYC means).

The fact I mentioned Washington in error does not alter what happened in NYC

For a period some time after 10.00 am as self defence events preceded this and before 12.00 the following general topics were on the agenda. Maybe this extended a little because they ended up at Trump Hotel
Wear RED! We fight for an end to gender violence, especially towards working women, trans women, and women of color. Reproductive justice, labor rights, and environmental justice for all. Full social provisioning. An anti-racist, anti-imperialist, all-inclusive feminism. This si something they always carry on their banners as some don their pussycat hats. Trump is of course the topic

At 13.00 the group in question were at Trump Hotel
The video here shows them chanting shut him down.

(This is the chant of Marxist groups such as BANM who create riots to prevent lectures by non left wing speakers. In the UK some Universities are even banning mainstream papers who report unfavourably on the left.

There are injustices but what they say are injustices are not clear.

Are immigrants unjustly treated? Maybe some are but it is clear the majority do well and more seek the US for a better life.
Are Muslims discriminated against in US Law? No. There are sometimes prejudices but overall Muslims fare much better in the US than the countries they came from.
Overall minorites and women are better off in the US than most countries, but there are still a lot of issues. Fortunately as this event was an international Women's day there were some interesting worldwide demonstrations

Apart from not paying for abortions abroad I don't see any reductions in women's rights since Trump took office.
The words in italics are too vague and for a two hour period indicated as following.

My track record here is citing sources and answering people who cite none and then complain.

Here is the footage of the arrest


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