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While the Democrats are running their dog and pony impeachment hearings, they were making sure we continue living in a police state

Not quite. We're "rejoicing" to getting closer to the end of institutionalized oppression based on nothing more than a raging overriding ignorance due to the amount of melanin in one's skin.

Are we though? We were clearly headed in that direction, which was great, but are we still? In the last few years racial identity politics has reared its ugly head more and more, and these days is all about being a "person of colour" and somehow that's supposed to define you, as Filipinos are this and black people are that.

The same underlying race prejudices the white bigots push are now being pushed by minority groups themselves. Do you think this will keep us on course towards ending racism? I don't.

I think it will do quite the opposite. We have seen a recent upsurge in white nationalist groups. I think that's in a large part explained by the racial identity politics game being pushed, and some white people deciding to play to win for their assigned team.
Not quite. We're "rejoicing" to getting closer to the end of institutionalized oppression based on nothing more than a raging overriding ignorance due to the amount of melanin in one's skin.
Bullshit! I encounter more "melanin is magical and makes blacks superior" black supremacists and hoteps around here than white supremacists. Just the other day I was at the Wesley Chapel exit and there was a group of Nation of Islam members (a well known black supremacist hate group) selling the Final Call.

See, it's that kind of horseshit that we're "rejoicing" being done with; the pathetic attempts by racists to paint themselves as the more victimized because they stuck their toe in the water that they've been using to drown everyone else with for centuries. It's transparent and pathetic.
More bullshit. Racial discrimination is still racial discrimination even if it is discrimination against a racial group you don't like. Your position of supporting discrimination against whites and Asians is the racist position, not mine.
More bullshit. Racial discrimination is still racial discrimination even if it is discrimination against a racial group you don't like. Your position of supporting discrimination against whites and Asians is the racist position, not mine.

The problems as I see them:

1. Many racial minorities really have been and really are treated poorly because of their skin colour. We've turned the corner against this in sucessfully making it socially taboo and the cry of racism gets some attention as a bad thing rather than the "so what" or "as it should be" that it got for centuries before. But it still happens, and people see it still happening. And it should be called out and fixed as best we can whenever it happens.

2. As racism against visible minorities became taboo, anti-racism industries were build up. People started making careers out of being anti-racist, and that created a motive both monetary and social to see racism where it isn't and to blame things on racism. It also became much easier to get your way or draw sympathy as a "person of colour" by declaring something to be racism with little cause to do so or to deflect from your own faults. And it becomes too easy to demand people shut up or declare they have no valid points merely because they don't look like X.... eerily similar to the initial anti-X bigotry.

3. Racism for centuries has engrained the concept in most peoples minds that people who look like X are all the same. This prejudice is the foundation of racism and needs to be defeated before racism can truly die. But well meaning people who have seen people who look like X being abused, rather than fighting this core prejudice, adopt it and use it to fight for other people who look like X. And that creates identity politics groups fighting for "X interests".... as if all X people have the same interests. This further entrenches rather than defeats the initial anti-X racism. The better way to go about things is to emphasize that just because you look like X doesn't mean you have more in common with another individual who looks like X than an individual who looks like Y.

4. People have a tendency to look at numbers and think that tells the whole story. Giving a perk to one person doesn't somehow make up for unfair treatment of another who looks like them, but if you only look at stats on them as a group you are prone to reaching that conclusion. Lowering entrance standards to some prestigious school, so that rich and privileged people get an advantage doesn't somehow make up for treating an underprivileged poor person just because they have the same skin tone. All that does is sweep the actual problem being faced by the underprivileged person under the rug.
What is the most embarrassment of all is that both Canada and Mexico are eager and expecting a signed USMCA agreement. Because unlike the democrats they see the wisdom of positioning all of north america against China.

But our congress is so badly managed we cant even get that accomplished. Its like our congress is being run by the organization of anti America.

How fucking stupid are the people you know that would buy that bullshit? Stupid enough to vote for Trump, I guess.
Such arrogant and condescending attitude is at least partially responsible for how and why Hillary lost the last election. And paradoxically, I would expect this condescending attitude to greatly help your camp to lose to Trump his 2nd term. I say it is a paradox, because in truly believing everyone else to be stupid, you are representing the side who is actually exhibiting features of non intelligence. Advanced intelligence is the ability to make a correction after a mistake has been made. And that obviously has not happened yet.
Bullshit! I encounter more "melanin is magical and makes blacks superior" black supremacists and hoteps around here than white supremacists. Just the other day I was at the Wesley Chapel exit and there was a group of Nation of Islam members (a well known black supremacist hate group) selling the Final Call.

I encountered a bunch of Lyndon Laroucheies outside the post office here so I'd say we're even.
Lowering entrance standards to some prestigious school, so that rich and privileged people get an advantage doesn't somehow make up for treating an underprivileged poor person just because they have the same skin tone. All that does is sweep the actual problem being faced by the underprivileged person under the rug.

No, it does not (or at least the claim that it does has never been properly substantiated and in any case conflates very different forms of discrimination, and then there's the issue of constant general misrepresentation of AA as being of one particular form) but sweeping actual problems under the carpet is definitely what you do when you repeatedly engage in what is, effectively, attempted, albeit subtle, racism denial, on this forum, and plainly encourage other obvious and more open racism deniers into the bargain. These are actions which are deeply at odds with the (for the most part) fine words in the rest of your post.

Imo, no one who claims to have genuine, benign or straightforward motivations and concerns could possibly engage in the sort of attempted discrediting of persuasive and concerning evidences of racism that you and Loren do, of which the debacle of unsupported and inaccurate claims (by Loren) and even more serious additional allegations (by you) regarding the estate agent unequal service issue in two other recent threads is but one example of a pattern observed over a long period. Your extended posting record stands as evidence against you, whatever other things you might sometimes say to the contrary, usually in the context of being pressed to do so in this or that series of discussions.

In other words, your general silence is also noted as part of the pattern, when certain things could be said or discussed but more often aren't. What you choose not to spend most of your time dwelling on is as potentially telling as what you do. I have lost count of the number of reasonable discussions you have basically hijacked with your overstated paradigms and efforts to minimise or discredit evidences and make the tail wag the dog. It's a routine and usually unwarranted occurrence. In my personal opinion, it's disgraceful behaviour, [removed] imo.

I say to you what I said to Loren. I agree that the issues and concerns are sometimes exaggerated and even on occasion exploited, but that is no excuse for you or anyone to incessantly do the same in the opposite way. One skew is as bad as the other. Unreasonably and inaccurately playing something up is no better than unreasonably and inaccurately playing it down.

One final thing. Obviously, and without getting into it all for the hundredth time, I reject your suggestions that either your ethnicity, or mine, ultimately matters as much as you sometimes imply in all of this, but your repeated citation of both of them, especially when conjecturing (negatively and inaccurately, imo) about my motivations and and my race and my experiences, runs counter to your claiming to eschew identity politics, which is a stance you you clearly only stick to when it suits you, as is often evident (eg discussions on gender issues). I don't bring your ethnicity into discussions, but you have on several occasions brought both yours and mine in, in a particular way. There's nothing per se wrong with bringing an individual's race into things, including one's own, but the way you bring it in (to more or less exculpate yourself and critisise others) is what I would call odd for someone with your stated position on identity politics.
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No, it does not (or at least the claim that it does has never been properly substantiated and in any case conflates very different forms of discrimination, and then there's the issue of constant general misrepresentation of AA as being of one particular form)

Yes, it does. It accomplishes nothing but letting you feel like you have done something for the oppressed, by helping an already privileged person who you credit with being oppressed because an entirely different individual who looks like them is. This conflation of the two of them based on their race is based on prejudice and does not help the actually oppressed. This point doesn't rely on conflating different forms of discrimination. Nor does trying to distinguish different forms of discrimination make the less bad form in any way acceptable.

As for the rest of your tirade and ridiculous personal attacks and personal judgments, they have zero to do with the text you quoted. Yes, we all know you are a judgmental asshole and that you hide your own racism behind finger pointing at others. You need not prove it every time you sit at the keyboard. And I could be the most horrible person imaginable and my points above would still stand. Your penchant for the adhimomonem only proves yourself irrational.

I repeat and stand by what you quoted. Giving a special perk to an already privileged person does does not somehow make up for mistreatment of somebody else who is underprivileged just because they have the same skin tone. All this does is sweep the mistreatment under the rug and conflate statistics to make you feel better about yourself as you engage in the prejudice of equating people because they are the same race. It is telling that of my 4 point post this is what triggered you into your tirade.
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More bullshit. Racial discrimination is still racial discrimination even if it is discrimination against a racial group you don't like. Your position of supporting discrimination against whites and Asians is the racist position, not mine.
Some people might suggest a false equivalency. Passing laws to inhibit the rights of a minority to be able to vote or take advantages of privileges in order to negate their existence in society would seemingly be a bit different from a hand up to provide a student an opportunity to graduate college. But falling on deaf ears and all...
More bullshit. Racial discrimination is still racial discrimination even if it is discrimination against a racial group you don't like. Your position of supporting discrimination against whites and Asians is the racist position, not mine.
Some people might suggest a false equivalency. Passing laws to inhibit the rights of a minority to be able to vote or take advantages of privileges in order to negate their existence in society would seemingly be a bit different from a hand up to provide a student an opportunity to graduate college. But falling on deaf ears and all...

Calling something a broader category you oppose does not falsely equate subsets of it. It is also racist to presume a black guy will appreciate some fried chicken. Saying so doesn't falsely equate that to slavery.
Yes, it does. It accomplishes nothing......

Nope to both of those. That's just demonstrably wrong, as any study the outcomes of various AA policies around the world over time would show. It's just literally, actually wrong, and therefore dogmatic to insist on, particularly without any substantiation. And I have previously posted supporting evidence, not least from my own country. You? You never present thorough, supported analyses and you even admit you can't be arsed to read the articles posted half the time. Wtf?

But let's not get on board your little AA hobbyhorse for an extended ride.....again, eh? It's tired and lame. Let's leave it there for now, where I don't buy your unsupported, skewed, lazy, shallow, dubious, politically dogmatic schtick.
But let's not get on board your AA hobbyhorse.....again. Eh? It's lame.

Whose hobbyhorse now? You selected one point of 4 from a post that was not addressed to you, in order to launch into a long offensive tirade of personal attacks all because somebody questioned the logic of your prejudiced treatment of people by race groupings. And you are the one who insists on using the term "AA" for this. Not I.
It's tired and lame. Let's leave it there for now, where I don't buy your unsupported, skewed, lazy, shallow, politically dogmatic schtick.

It's funny how you seek out my posts to write this again and again to me despite claiming to find me tiresome. If you find me tiresome, there is an ignore button for that. You need not involve yourself or your adhoms. They add nothing to the conversation.
[Whose hobbyhorse now? You selected one point of 4 from a post that was not addressed to you, in order to launch into a long offensive tirade of personal attacks all because somebody questioned the logic of your prejudiced treatment of people by race groupings. And you are the one who insists on using the term "AA" for this. Not I.

Omg. Twilight Zone alert! You brought up AA! In a thread that has nothing to do with it. As you incessantly tend to.

Or to be precise, you (again) brought up the one form of AA that you always use to misrepresent all AA.

I admit I responded, at length. Sometimes I just do that to collect and summarise my own thoughts, partly for myself.
Or to be precise, you (again) brought up the one form of AA that you always use to misrepresent all AA.

I didn't use the word "AA". I find it misleading and distracting. What I did bring up is the prejudiced conflation of a privileged person with an underprivileged person because they are the same race. That you continually stand for this prejudice is your issue, not mine. Again, nobody asked you.
I didn't use the word "AA".

Right. Because bringing up lowering entrance requirements is not bringing up your hobbyhorse views on AA. Not in the Twilight Zone.

Your incessant, attempted racism denial sweeps actual racism under the carpet. That's what alleging, without good reason or support, obvious and significant prior bias in an investigation that uncovers unequal treatment by race does. Literally. And you do it over and over and over.

Ditto for gender issues.
I admit I responded, at length. Sometimes I just do that to collect and summarise my own thoughts, partly for myself.

Now that's an edit I find fascinating. You get triggered and write long offensive personal attack screeds to summarize your own thoughts, for yourself? I wonder how common that is. I guess I should be honoured to be your sounding board. If you are struggling with your own prejudices, that's a good sign. It's the first step in dismantling them.
More bullshit. Racial discrimination is still racial discrimination even if it is discrimination against a racial group you don't like. Your position of supporting discrimination against whites and Asians is the racist position, not mine.
Some people might suggest a false equivalency. Passing laws to inhibit the rights of a minority to be able to vote or take advantages of privileges in order to negate their existence in society would seemingly be a bit different from a hand up to provide a student an opportunity to graduate college. But falling on deaf ears and all...

Calling something a broader category you oppose does not falsely equate subsets of it. It is also racist to presume a black guy will appreciate some fried chicken. Saying so doesn't falsely equate that to slavery.
it certainly is whoring the word "racist" or "racism" though.
it certainly is whoring the word "racist" or "racism" though.

Derec's example or the fried chicken example or both?

I don't personally see anything wrong with calling either racism. I think that pushing racial prejudice of one sort encourages racial prejudice of other sorts. It's a way of thinking to be discouraged.
it certainly is whoring the word "racist" or "racism" though.
Derec's example or the fried chicken example or both?
It'd be what I quoted when responding to Derec's post.

I don't personally see anything wrong with calling either racism. I think that pushing racial prejudice of one sort encourages racial prejudice of other sorts. It's a way of thinking to be discouraged.
*meanwhile in a small boat in the ocean taking on water*

ruby sparks: We need to get this water out of the boat and patch the hole! *bucketing water out of boat into ocean*
Jolly Penguins: What about the whales?
ruby sparks: What?!
Jolly Penguins: You'll drown the whales. They need air to breath too... and dumping water back into the ocean with make it harder for them to reach the surface and breath.
ruby sparks: *panting* It is like 30 gallons to the entire ocean, it won't make a difference! *bucketing water into the ocean*
Jolly Penguin: I think drowning, no matter by how little is wrong. *smug*
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