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White House revokes press passes for dozens of journalists


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.

IN WHAT APPEARS TO BE an unprecedented move, the White House revoked the press passes of a significant chunk of the Washington press corps because they didn’t meet a new standard, according to Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank. Under the new rules, rolled out earlier this year, in order to qualify for the highest level of access—known as a “hard pass”—journalists had to be present in the White House for at least 90 days out of a 180-day period. According to Milbank, virtually the entire press corps failed to meet this new test, including all six of the Post’s White House correspondents. Media outlets then had to apply for exceptions to cover their senior journalists, or settle for six-month passes, which don’t allow as much access.

The Post applied for and was granted exceptions for its White House correspondents, Milbank says, but he was not given one. “I strongly suspect it’s because I’m a Trump critic,” he wrote on Wednesday. “The move is perfectly in line with Trump’s banning of certain news organizations, including The Post, from his campaign events and his threats to revoke White House credentials of journalists he doesn’t like.” Milbank noted that, since dozens of senior correspondents didn’t meet the new standards either, “they all serve at the pleasure of Press Secretary Sarah Sanders” and“therefore, in theory, can have their credentials revoked any time they annoy Trump or his aides.” (The White House press secretary told the Post the move was a result of security concerns, not a desire to crack down on specific journalists.)

This is a particularly chilling event.
They require journalists to be there 1 out of every 2 days, yet haven't held an actual press conference in over a month.
Maybe the journalists can form a Virtual White House Press Corps. They could from their VWHPC website send questions to Sarah Sanders, or Trump directly. If no answers are forthcoming, they can instead as for opinions of notable experts on the questions at hand. Embaress the orange clown and his useless press secretary. Make a game of it.
Maybe the journalists can form a Virtual White House Press Corps. They could from their VWHPC website send questions to Sarah Sanders, or Trump directly. If no answers are forthcoming, they can instead as for opinions of notable experts on the questions at hand. Embaress the orange clown and his useless press secretary. Make a game of it.

Those two are incapable of embarrassment, but I like the idea. At least the rest of us with be better and truly educated via the media.
The Trump Administration seems to be inspired by the same philosophy that governs, say, Chad. (Actually Chad is ruled by the Patriotic Salvation Movement -- I'm passing that along in case some hungry White House gofers are surfing & want a cool new idea to run past Orange One.)
Not only is the White House no longer in the news conference business, there has been a lot of recent reporting that Trump has tried to minimize the document trail that will exist when he's out. The grotesque history of this man and his regime will have to be ferreted out Deep Throat style from those who are there but don't truly believe. (I'm stymied here by the thought of someone truly believing such an obvious, frequent, shameless liar. Does anyone around him truly believe what he says? If you're smart enough to hold a job at that level, and you stick with Trump, you've got to be cynical as hell, and eager to get yours with the other bandits.) It will take scrappy, resourceful reporters to get the true story, because Trump is determined to keep the good stuff hidden. (Bush II's administration left a huge lacuna of missing emails, I think in the millions, and who knows how complete our picture is.)
The Trump Administration seems to be inspired by the same philosophy that governs, say, Chad. (Actually Chad is ruled by the Patriotic Salvation Movement -- I'm passing that along in case some hungry White House gofers are surfing & want a cool new idea to run past Orange One.)
Not only is the White House no longer in the news conference business, there has been a lot of recent reporting that Trump has tried to minimize the document trail that will exist when he's out. The grotesque history of this man and his regime will have to be ferreted out Deep Throat style from those who are there but don't truly believe. (I'm stymied here by the thought of someone truly believing such an obvious, frequent, shameless liar. Does anyone around him truly believe what he says? If you're smart enough to hold a job at that level, and you stick with Trump, you've got to be cynical as hell, and eager to get yours with the other bandits.) It will take scrappy, resourceful reporters to get the true story, because Trump is determined to keep the good stuff hidden. (Bush II's administration left a huge lacuna of missing emails, I think in the millions, and who knows how complete our picture is.)

Maybe Rethuglicans simply prefer their image as a party run by a crazy person, seen out on his lawn screaming at people every morning. Certainly beats having to tell the truth, anyhow.
Maybe Rethuglicans simply prefer their image as a party run by a crazy person, seen out on his lawn screaming at people every morning. Certainly beats having to tell the truth, anyhow.

It says alot about Christian values and what is obstensibly the party of the Moral Majority, Family Values, and the Evangelical base. How easy it becomes to overlook the means when the end is an eternal reward.
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