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Why So Many People Think They’ve Seen Ghost Dogs With Glowing Eyes


Dec 4, 2006
Basic Beliefs

It was a hound that goes by many names: black shuck, the hellhound, black jack, gallytrot. Depending on the observer, it can also be white or yellow; it rarely speaks but sometimes laughs; every once in a while it’s missing its head completely; and a few have been known to shapeshift. And it’s not just England that the hellhound stalks—similar tales can be found all over the world. (I’ll be referring to it as the hellhound from here on out, because that best encompasses all of the versions out there.) But why is this myth so widespread? And how can we explain why so many people have claimed to have seen the hound?

There was a story when I lived in BC, about a ghost hound. So a reporter ventures to find the truth. He travels up an old railway bed deep into the rain forest where the legend says to go. At last he comes to an old small house. He is greeted by a hermit with a shotgun who isn't happy. The reporter explains he is looking for the ghost dog. To which the hermit exclaims, " If anymore of you kids come up here I shoot you all, damn fools keep running over my dogs. And that is the legend of all ghost dogs.
I haven't seen a ghost, but according to my parents, they have. And at the same time. Feel free to pull apart this story if you like.

When I was about 3, we moved to Australia. After living in a few places, we moved to a house in Labrador, about 50km south of where I live now. There was a creepy feeling about the house, according to my parents.

Anyway, within a few nights of being there, it may have even been the first night, my parents were in bed, asleep. Mum told me that she felt a presence in the room. She opened her eyes and a lady was standing at the foot of the bed. The lady put a finger to her lips as in a 'shoosh'. She then walked around to dad's side, 'tucked' him in, walked to mum's side and did the same, then walked to a rocking chair that wasn't there, sat in it and rocked a bit. Then she stood up and walked through a door that wasn't there.

The next morning, mum looked at the floor where the rocking chair had been, and found marks like a chair had been there. She checked the wall where the door had been and found the scars on the wall from hinges and you could see that it had been filled in.

She then went down and had breakfast with us. She then mentioned to my father about this 'weird dream' she had had the night before and he responded that he had had the exact same dream!

Please - feel free to pick it apart. I haven't been able to.
I haven't seen a ghost, but according to my parents, they have. And at the same time. Feel free to pull apart this story if you like.

When I was about 3, we moved to Australia. After living in a few places, we moved to a house in Labrador, about 50km south of where I live now. There was a creepy feeling about the house, according to my parents.

Anyway, within a few nights of being there, it may have even been the first night, my parents were in bed, asleep. Mum told me that she felt a presence in the room. She opened her eyes and a lady was standing at the foot of the bed. The lady put a finger to her lips as in a 'shoosh'. She then walked around to dad's side, 'tucked' him in, walked to mum's side and did the same, then walked to a rocking chair that wasn't there, sat in it and rocked a bit. Then she stood up and walked through a door that wasn't there.

The next morning, mum looked at the floor where the rocking chair had been, and found marks like a chair had been there. She checked the wall where the door had been and found the scars on the wall from hinges and you could see that it had been filled in.

She then went down and had breakfast with us. She then mentioned to my father about this 'weird dream' she had had the night before and he responded that he had had the exact same dream!

Please - feel free to pick it apart. I haven't been able to.

Maybe this is something that is on a repeating loop...:)

"The physics of time (and its relationship to space and the quantum reality) may be better understood by determining the underlying nature of the auditory and visual anomalies that cross the boundaries into our space-time during regular or irregular intervals. The phenomenon points to aberrations of time exhibited as ‘time loops.’"

Why aren't there ghost rabbits?

Sez who?

I haven't seen a ghost, but according to my parents, they have. And at the same time. Feel free to pull apart this story if you like.

When I was about 3, we moved to Australia. After living in a few places, we moved to a house in Labrador, about 50km south of where I live now. There was a creepy feeling about the house, according to my parents.

Anyway, within a few nights of being there, it may have even been the first night, my parents were in bed, asleep. Mum told me that she felt a presence in the room. She opened her eyes and a lady was standing at the foot of the bed. The lady put a finger to her lips as in a 'shoosh'. She then walked around to dad's side, 'tucked' him in, walked to mum's side and did the same, then walked to a rocking chair that wasn't there, sat in it and rocked a bit. Then she stood up and walked through a door that wasn't there.

The next morning, mum looked at the floor where the rocking chair had been, and found marks like a chair had been there. She checked the wall where the door had been and found the scars on the wall from hinges and you could see that it had been filled in.

She then went down and had breakfast with us. She then mentioned to my father about this 'weird dream' she had had the night before and he responded that he had had the exact same dream!

Please - feel free to pick it apart. I haven't been able to.
My mom and her twin sister were 7 when their mom died unexpectedly at 47. My understanding is she was to have some routine procedure, but developed a blood clot that ruptured and she died (not uncommon at the time, but certainly not something a pair of 7 year olds would contemplate). So, they are sneakily playing in their mom's room and jumping on the bed (yeah, mom's not here to stop us), when they turned and saw their mom standing at the door. Both girls immediately stopped jumping and sat on the bed and said sorry. They said their mom just smiled. Their then 14 year old brother came out of his room and asked the older sibling "where's mom" to which the reply was 'you know she's at the hospital'. 14 yo says no she's not, she just came in my room.

And hour later, the kids were all told their mother had died that evening.
I haven't seen a ghost, but according to my parents, they have. And at the same time. Feel free to pull apart this story if you like.

When I was about 3, we moved to Australia. After living in a few places, we moved to a house in Labrador, about 50km south of where I live now. There was a creepy feeling about the house, according to my parents.

Anyway, within a few nights of being there, it may have even been the first night, my parents were in bed, asleep. Mum told me that she felt a presence in the room. She opened her eyes and a lady was standing at the foot of the bed. The lady put a finger to her lips as in a 'shoosh'. She then walked around to dad's side, 'tucked' him in, walked to mum's side and did the same, then walked to a rocking chair that wasn't there, sat in it and rocked a bit. Then she stood up and walked through a door that wasn't there.

The next morning, mum looked at the floor where the rocking chair had been, and found marks like a chair had been there. She checked the wall where the door had been and found the scars on the wall from hinges and you could see that it had been filled in.

She then went down and had breakfast with us. She then mentioned to my father about this 'weird dream' she had had the night before and he responded that he had had the exact same dream!

Please - feel free to pick it apart. I haven't been able to.
My mom and her twin sister were 7 when their mom died unexpectedly at 47. My understanding is she was to have some routine procedure, but developed a blood clot that ruptured and she died (not uncommon at the time, but certainly not something a pair of 7 year olds would contemplate). So, they are sneakily playing in their mom's room and jumping on the bed (yeah, mom's not here to stop us), when they turned and saw their mom standing at the door. Both girls immediately stopped jumping and sat on the bed and said sorry. They said their mom just smiled. Their then 14 year old brother came out of his room and asked the older sibling "where's mom" to which the reply was 'you know she's at the hospital'. 14 yo says no she's not, she just came in my room.

And hour later, the kids were all told their mother had died that evening.

Glad I am not the only one with such a tale!
My mom and her twin sister were 7 when their mom died unexpectedly at 47. My understanding is she was to have some routine procedure, but developed a blood clot that ruptured and she died (not uncommon at the time, but certainly not something a pair of 7 year olds would contemplate). So, they are sneakily playing in their mom's room and jumping on the bed (yeah, mom's not here to stop us), when they turned and saw their mom standing at the door. Both girls immediately stopped jumping and sat on the bed and said sorry. They said their mom just smiled. Their then 14 year old brother came out of his room and asked the older sibling "where's mom" to which the reply was 'you know she's at the hospital'. 14 yo says no she's not, she just came in my room.

And hour later, the kids were all told their mother had died that evening.

Glad I am not the only one with such a tale!
Nope, you're not. I think there are many things that we just don't know yet. I'm ok with that.
I think there are many things that we just don't know yet.
Truer words were never spoke, there are indeed many things that we do not know. That being said, there are a few things that we do know. One of the things that we do know is that anecdotes are a very poor basis for coming to conclusions about the nature of the universe.

Glad I am not the only one with such a tale!
Nope, you're not. I think there are many things that we just don't know yet. I'm ok with that.

"We don't know" is just about the least compelling support for any kind of claim I can imagine.

That it seems to be the strongest support there is for the claim that ghosts exist tells me everything I need to know before I decide whether to take such claims seriously.

I don't find 'God of the gaps' arguments persuasive at all. I feel the same way about 'ghost of the gaps' arguments.

Lots of apparently intelligent and well balanced people claim to have seen both gods and ghosts, but none of them have a shred of evidence to support their claims.
One of the biggest problems I have with ghosts is why doesn't anyone see naked ghosts? They are dead, therefore they can't get cold, yet they all seem to wear clothes.
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