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Will Impeachment Issue Divide the Democrats?

We are not willing to impeach for treason. I don't think there is any better way of explaining that America is a failed state than that.

Republicans aren't willing to impeach for treason... yet. Let's give Cheato time to completely destroy the GOP, then get voted out of office. At that point, throw the book at him and LOCK HIM UP for treason.

So....With a year under our belts, you're ready to spend three more years watching these shitheads trash our federal government?

I suspect what they are waiting for is a sufficiently large crisis, natural or manmade, to justify to imposition of martial law.

Problem is that it would take a whole handful of impeachments to wrest the Presidency from the complicit Republicans. If you have some work-around in mind, I'm all ears!

BTW, I predicted in November of 2016 that there would be hell to pay, and that martial law would end up being Cheato's only option for holding onto power... damn.
So....With a year under our belts, you're ready to spend three more years watching these shitheads trash our federal government?

I suspect what they are waiting for is a sufficiently large crisis, natural or manmade, to justify to imposition of martial law.

Problem is that it would take a whole handful of impeachments to wrest the Presidency from the complicit Republicans. If you have some work-around in mind, I'm all ears!

BTW, I predicted in November of 2016 that there would be hell to pay, and that martial law would end up being Cheato's only option for holding onto power... damn.


I'm not predicting anything. It is just a suspicion of what might transpire given the conditions. The problem as I see it is in order to pull off the imposition of martial law, he'd need a helluva justification and his means of imposing and securing it seems neither organized, nor competent.

Nope...I have yet to find what I consider an acceptable workaround. My best worst case scenario is a 'Turkish' one...having an enlightened military leadership step in and provide a transitional governance team while the nation regains its senses, brushes itself off, and reinstates civil governance. It is purely based upon unfounded hopes and also fraught with unimaginable pitfalls.

Other than that....gritting it out and hoping that there is a significant enough change at this year's midterm elections to completely deadlock the government in an attempt to prevent the further erosion of decent governance.
Donald Trump should be impeached. There are obvious grounds for it--obstruction of justice, corruption, and conspiring with a foreign government. I feel passionately about that, and I fantasize that a "blue wave" election in November will lead to a quick impeachment trial. However, it is delusional to think that that will happen. The majority of the public are not yet in a mood to impeach the President, and that "blue wave" may crest well before November and the coming tide of pro-Republican propaganda in advance of the elections. And Russia can be counted on to continue to work to keep the US government weak, which means keeping Congress Republican.

Republicans are now using impeachment as a fund-raising tool, but they also see it as a wedge issue to drive moderates away from Democratic Party candidates. Will it work?

See the NYT article Republicans Seize on Impeachment for Edge in 2018 Midterms.

As Republican leaders scramble to stave off a Democratic wave or at least mitigate their party’s losses in November, a strategy is emerging on the right for how to energize conservatives and drive a wedge between the anti-Trump left and moderate voters: warn that Democrats will immediately move to impeach President Trump if they capture the House.

What began last year as blaring political hyperbole on the right — the stuff of bold-lettered direct mail fund-raising pitches from little-known groups warning of a looming American “coup” — is now steadily drifting into the main currents of the 2018 message for Republicans.

The appeals have become a surefire way for candidates to raise small contributions from grass-roots conservatives who are devoted to Mr. Trump, veteran Republican fund-raisers say. But party strategists also believe that floating the possibility of impeachment can also act as a sort of scared-straight motivational tool for turnout. Last week, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas used his re-election kickoff rally to introduce a video featuring a faux news anchor reading would-be headlines were conservatives not to vote in November.

“Senate Majority Leader Schumer announced the impeachment trial of President Trump,” one of the anchors says...

I think that impeachment would be a big mistake. I don't think that he personally conspired with the Russians. I may be wrong. And we need to wait until Mueller investigation ends. I think that if a population elects a president, the bar for impeachment should be very very high. Obviously, I was very much against impeachment against Bill Clinton (Trump's issues are far far worse that anything that Bill ever did).

I'm sorry, but voting (or not voting) has consequences. If people are unhappy with their current government (and I don't blame them) they need to get off their ass and push for change. They need to vote and make their vote count. People can also help organize, donate money, show up at rallies, and etc. Bottom line for me, I feel that some people (a minority) are pushing for impeachment because they are embarrassed that they didn't make their vote count last time, and they want revenge against the system.

Hate to be Machiavellian about it but we can't stand for trump to remain in office. Allowing someone to blatantly break the rules and get away with it makes those rules weaker. We cannot afford to allow the law to look weak lest society at large come to see the same thing: That the law is a paper tiger that can be safely ignored.

It's the same thing with cops and your rights by the way. If we allow some cops to get away with extrajudicial execution then what's the consequence of that Harry? I think you know.
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